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Genesis tells the time it took God to create, explains a day, and then God backs that up in a couple of places in the other books, and his days of creation are the sample of, and the start of the 6 day work, and 7th day rest, that man has been using for many years. So the whole evolution discussion is useless, and a waste of time. God spoke and bang it happened.

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Genesis tells the time it took God to create, explains a day, and then God backs that up in a couple of places in the other books,

Are these God's actual words, or did a human write them? How are you so sure it wasn't just only a human?

and his days of creation are the sample of, and the start of the 6 day work, and 7th day rest, that man has been using for many years.

Yes, and man believed that the earth was flat for many years, and man believed the sun revolved around the earth for many years. Until man that wanted to know "HOW and WHY" came along and tried to explained "how" and "why" certain things happened with science. But unfortunately, religion usually threatened these kind of people because it contradicted with that they thought their scriptures said. Unfortunately one of man's flaw is assumption.

So the whole evolution discussion is useless, and a waste of time. God spoke and bang it happened.

So the very science that allows you to talk to me on these computers is useless because it tells us that the universe is 13.7 billion years old rather than 6,000 years? You do know early christians did not accept a round earth; in my opinion, what you think you get out of some ancient writings does not compare to actual experiments and findings.

Guest mscoville
So the very science that allows you to talk to me on these computers is useless because it tells us that the universe is 13.7 billion years old rather than 6,000 years? You do know early christians did not accept a round earth; in my opinion, what you think you get out of some ancient writings does not compare to actual experiments and findings.

That's because you don't know Jesus. I have better evidence than the best rubidium strontium dating can produce. But you can't have that until you bend your Knee to the God who created this universe and his name's not Krishna.

~ Martin

Guest mscoville

No one said science is worthless. It's valueable as a way to understand the world God gave us. But if it contradicts His word, you have to trust God first.


Guest mscoville
Are these God's actual words, or did a human write them? How are you so sure it wasn't just only a human?

The power of fullfilled prophecy. The accuracy of Archeology. The quality of translation and transmission and the power of God. That you can't know until you know Him.


Guest mscoville
Is there any evidence for Christ's resurrection you find at least compelling?


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So the very science that allows you to talk to me on these computers is useless because it tells us that the universe is 13.7 billion years old rather than 6,000 years? You do know early christians did not accept a round earth; in my opinion, what you think you get out of some ancient writings does not compare to actual experiments and findings.

That's because you don't know Jesus.

And you do? What does he look like? What color is his hair? his eyes?

(please don't respond with poetry such as "his eyes are like the ocean")

I have better evidence than the best rubidium strontium dating can produce. But you can't have that until you bend your Knee to the God who created this universe and his name's not Krishna.

~ Martin

So, the only way I can know God exists, is if I assume God exists and bow down to him? You see, this is why I am an unbeliever, I would not feel honesty believing in something I have assumed from the start.

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No one said science is worthless. It's valueable as a way to understand the world God gave us. But if it contradicts His word, you have to trust God first.


So, light we have measured that has travelled 3.7 years to reach us is wrong because people think it contradicts with their scriptures. People during the flat earth years use to think that earth revolving around the sun use to contradict with their scriptures.

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Are these God's actual words, or did a human write them? How are you so sure it wasn't just only a human?

The power of fullfilled prophecy.

Islam also claims it has fulfilled prophecies, other religions as well. There could be logical explations why it seems as fullfilled prophecies that no one knows about because the writers kept it a secret.

The accuracy of Archeology.

Yes, but the accuracy of archeology doesn't have accuracy when it comes to fossils.

The quality of translation and transmission and the power of God. That you can't know until you know Him.


And how does one know him?

Guest mscoville

One reads the scriptures. I have no idea what he looks like. I assume a glorified human being. Since we're made in his image.

There are a lot of good reasons to believe in God. But you can debunk them if you try hard enough. I recommend you read "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" By Josh McDowell. Or "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobell.

Yes, but the accuracy of archeology doesn't have accuracy when it comes to fossils.

We both know Archeology is not the study of fossils.

I believe that right and wrong exist. I think the philosophical ideas of Christianity respond to the world in the most accurate way I've seen, the human condition is well framed by Christianity and better than other world religions. No I have not studied all of them. But after I believed Christ was plausible and prayed to him, bent my knee in submission, God gave me my strong faith, and more. It's a bit of a catch 22, but you can't know Christ gave his all for you, until you give your all to Him. Or as a scholar I once read said, "An unsurrendered autonomy, will not be able to shake off the specter of doubt."

I'm praying for you,


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