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Jesus All Day

Guest Troyboy!!!

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Guest Troyboy!!!

Throughout the day, I often forget about everything that God has done in my life. It just tends to leave my thoughts. If I could help it, I would think about Him all the time, but it's hard to. How do you keep thinking about Christ throughout the day, even during school or work, where so much corruption is taking place it's hard to remember Him?

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Well, some people occasionally think I am a bit touched, but talk to him off and on all day long, and sometimes outloud. I consult him on work things, family things and sometimes we ahve good talks just driving to work. I seldom here his actual voice, but he focuses my mind on his will as we go along the day.

If you ever see me and ask how I'm doing, don't be surprised if I answer we're doing fine, for that is the frame of mind you can be in. It is all in the concious effort to communicate with him. I work on very high speed printers that are extreamly complex machines.... I think nothing of asking for help on tough problems, and I'd be untruthful if I said that there have not been some that he fixed for me.... but that is another story.

I know that sounds a bit silly, but it is the best way I know of expressing letting him have his way with my life. It's when I don't do this that things fall apart.

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Guest Thomas I believe
Well, some people occasionally think I am a bit touched, but talk to him off and on all day long, and sometimes outloud. I consult him on work things, family things and sometimes we ahve good talks just driving to work. I seldom here his actual voice, but he focuses my mind on his will as we go along the day.

If you ever see me and ask how I'm doing, don't be surprised if I answer we're doing fine, for that is the frame of mind you can be in. It is all in the concious effort to communicate with him. I work on very high speed printers that are extreamly complex machines.... I think nothing of asking for help on tough problems, and I'd be untruthful if I said that there have not been some that he fixed for me.... but that is another story.

I know that sounds a bit silly, but it is the best way I know of expressing letting him have his way with my life. It's when I don't do this that things fall apart.


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Carry your Bible with you too school, just knowing it is there will help you remember God. Pray every free time you get durring your day, it helps me and it makes me feel better too. And if you really feel like you've lost contact fast for so many hours and every time you get hungry think of God and pray to him. This will surely keep you on track.

Another great thing to do, is to talk to your friends about God and Jesus and the things you learned in church. Not only will this help you feel better and worship him, but anyone around you who wants to hear can! It is great knowing that talking to other christians in a non-quite voice works as well as preaching directly to someone, because they can choose to listen and if they become interested, they can question you. This helps you to witness to others, which is great!!!

I hope I helped. God bless you Troy and thanks for all the good conversations we have. You are what helped me make my decision and I thank you for it. :) So, thanks!

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Before starting your day-spend time in fellowship with Jesus. Praying and getting into his word-expecting him to speak to you. Walk daily in the Spirit. Walk With Jesus-He is IN YOU,

walk as if he is physically there (he truly is)

I've had situations that he has warned me in dreams, the asking him in pray to help me to understand. He said, I am with you, why should you be afraid.

I walked into my office, My dream concern manifested, and someone tried to get me into

fear- and I said no I'm no scared, I have the answer.(God is with Me!!)

He has saved by back side, I don't know how many times. He as also given me opportunity to witness, from word he had given me early-that was still burning in my Spirit.

We become Born Again to have fellowship with ALMIGHTY GOD- but let me tell you

He is totally Cool!!

We can learn of his agenda, find out what he is doing in the world around us.

Let the word of God dwell in you richly and Grow in it, so he can have a solid way to talk to you. Pray and stay in fellowship with him. He hears you and wants to communicate his heart to you. He is concerned for where you are and where you are going daily.

Being Born again is not boring. We go through different seasons, we weather storms, we have mountain top experiences, we have valley and desert situations- But, hey if He is with us-what more do we ever need-He will lead us through and guide us through.

He truely is the good shepherd and his sheep hear is voice and follow him.

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I find that when you have a developed, close, personal relationship with God, you find that no matter where you are or what you're doing, God is with you, beside, inside you, 24-7. You can't escape him if you tried!! Get in the habit of praying, daily, developing a close relationship with Him, and before you know it He'll be like a Siamese Twin atached to you forever if you let him!! :)

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Hi Troyboy,

Well, in the morning I pray and talk to God asking Him to order my day. I also believe in saying the Fathers Prayer, and taking time to really think and pray on what that means and elaborate on that.

asking God to send angels to protect my family and guide them. To put a hedge around them.

Throughout the day I pray many times to Him and also at night, too.

Another thing it listening to praise music and singing along, taking joy in the Lord is so great!

Welcoming the Holy Spirit in to you and learning to hear Gods Voice is so wonderful.

I tell Him first, before telling any others, my good thoughts or bad ones. share good times and bad times. Pray over my family and friends and many others that God brings to my mind or into my path.

No matter what else is going on, I am drawing near to my Lord and I believe that is the best thing in life!

My Bible study is from praying that He guide me and opening it to see exactly what I need at that moment. Or indepth reading and studying, it vaires how much as some days and months are with much more study than others. But, a little everyday is food for life!

May the Lord bless you and continue to reveal Himself to you., bless you and guide you on your path in Christ.


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if you learn to go to bed with him you'll learn also to wake up with him

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if you learn to go to bed with him you'll learn also to wake up with him

This is what I do, I have been taught that Jesus is in My heart through the Power of The Holy Spirit, so when I wake up in The morning I go to Him in prayer and ask that He Jesus sit on The throne of my heart and rule me through the Power of His Holy Spirit in other words take my body together with all it's members and use to Your Praise and Glory no matter what The circumstance or condition I find myself in. Then in Faith believing I step out and walk with The King. It works for me because before I tried to rule my Life and I have to tell you That didn't work for me. That doesn't mean I don't have bad days or that am with out troubles it just helps me to remember that I am not alone in them. Love in Christ littlejoe

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I find that keeping your mind on Jesus all day at first can be a bit tough. And sometimes yes my mind can wonder off, but it always comes back.

Prayer works

Keep a picture or bible veres around

Keep your music gospel and or something peaceful that reminds you of Jesus (in other words, off of secular)

I just keep my mind on constent prayer, consent talking with him. He seems to not mind, and even shows me things that can help me during the day. Worship him and praise him all day.

He will make sure when you try, to be there all day and remind you of him.

ITs not all easy, but it sure helps me stay focused on him.

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