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Posted (edited)

The Parable of the 10 Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)

How many of you were told to believe the 10 virgins represent “Church goers” and the oil represents the Holy Spirit?

If you were told to believe this… and you are still convinced of it… can you share with us what Christ is telling you:

“While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.” (Matt. 25:5)

The key word is “all”: 100% of the virgins (Church goers) “slumbered and slept” … while the bridegroom tarried.

What did Christ mean by that?

What is the divine truth that this parable/illustration reveals to you… about you slumbering into sleep?

The Greek word for “slept” is koimithike, which means “to lie down to sleep... to sleep”

Eyes. Closed. 

How exactly are you sleeping... while He tarries... according to His parable?

Can you cite Scriptures to support your answer?


Also, do you see a correlation between the “fig tree” (Matt. 24:32-34) & the “10 Virgins”?



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This is a difficult parable to say the least...
noting from GotQuestions to establish foundational aspects of!

In examining the Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1–13), it's important to recognize that interpretations of this parable vary widely.
However, the aspects that are clear:

The bridegroom represents Jesus Christ, and the parable illustrates His return. In the Old Testament (Isaiah 54:4–6; 62:4-5; Hosea 2:19), God is depicted as the "husband" of Israel, while in the New Testament (John 3:27–30; Matthew 9:15; Mark 2:19–20), Christ is portrayed as the bridegroom of the Church.

The Church itself is described as the bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:25–32).

Immediately we are moved into the eschatological aspects of Jesus' return... and the body of Christ is all over in this point...

We know the virgins are not the Church=Bride of... so identifying them would be perhaps the historical aspect of Jewish culture at that time?

As the doctrine of eternal security is well established not by works but by essence the problem is multiplied here by not having and thus not permitted to continue past the door!
Matthew 25:12 (KJV)

[12] But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

We know this statement is seen elsewhere by Jesus 
Matthew 7:21 (KJV)

[21] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

[22] Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

[23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

As these were rejected by works reliant ...

So, the oil not works and not essence leaving only The Scripture which works in OT and NT... what I have thus far.

Psalms 119:105 (KJV)

[105] NUN. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Luke 1:78 (KJV)

[78] Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us,

[79] To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.



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Well the key points is that they slept what would that mean for us in this day and age or even back then? sleeping is also what some call death being dead sleeping in a sense but it might mean becoming slow and stale not expecting his return and not looking anymore the virgins are called virgins because they were made pure undefiled by sin but yet still the oil that I don't think is the holy spirit as one cannot be a believer without it and only five in the end had enough I think it is rather an annointing.


Oil is often used to annoint soemone not usually if ever used to represent the holy spirit nowhere in scripture does it speak of him that way.

The sleeping part is what gets me because scripture does speak of those in Christ who have passed away being resurrected first before the rest who are alive so sleeping could very well mean being dead waiting for the resurrection 

but this parable is a mystery for sure it is not for certain the exact meaning of it it may be as simple as what we have been taught or it could be deeper and have more meaning than it appears I cannot say at the moment but I do think the chances are it is not what we have been taught 

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Thank you enoob57 for your thoughtful input. Please stick around.

Love this: the correlation between the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 7) and this Olivet discussion (Matt. 24 & 25).

And agreed: the mystery, the church; we are espoused to Christ; we are the “chaste virgin” (2 Cor. 11:2). We were created on the day of Pentecost via the Holy Spirit. As Paul said:

“In Him you also, after hearing the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and after believing in Him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.” (Eph. 1:13, 14)

And this, very astute: “As the doctrine of eternal security is well established not by works but by essence the problem is multiplied here by not having and thus not permitted to continue past the door!” ... “We know the virgins are not the Church=Bride of... so identifying them would be perhaps the historical aspect of Jewish culture at that time?” 

There is another element of the mystery: Israel, and its redemption and atonement (Rom. 11:25-27). We’ll return to this in a subsequent post.



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Posted (edited)

Thank you as well, Azzure, for your thoughtful input. Please stick around.

You put forth an interesting thought: the “sleeping” virgins refer to “death,” because “sleep” is used a euphemism for death (and as you mentioned, it could be in the sense of being “stale”). You are looking for a direct correlation with Scripture—which is what we should be doing.

Let me just say this: The Greek word for “sleep” which is used to mean “death”—John 11:11, 12; 1 Cor. 15:51; 1 Thess. 4:14—is completely different, compared to “slept” with the sleeping virgins. In the fictitious story, all 10 virgins are alive, and all 10 virgins are sleeping—which has lasted nearly 2000 years. What is Christ telling us?

Very interesting what you said: “but yet still the oil I don't think is the holy spirit as one cannot be a believer without it and only five in the end had enough…” Exactly!

And please know I very much appreciated your honest heart on the matter: “this parable is a mystery for sure it is not for certain the exact meaning of it. It may be as simple as what we have been taught or it could be deeper and have more meaning than it appears I cannot say at the moment but I do think the chances are it is not what we have been taught.”

YES! Azzure! “I do think the chances are it is not what we have been taught.” Exactly!

Interpretations of the 10 Virgins scatter the prophetic map…

We have an abundance of speculation on the matter…

Let us all agree on this: 

Christ issued 2 literal prophecies, and between the 2 prophecies, He issued 3 parables: 

Matt. 24:27-31: Messiah’s return to the Holy Land

Matt. 24:32-34: Fig Tree

Matt. 25:1-13: 10 Virgins

Matt. 25:14-30: Talents

Matt. 25:31-46: Messiah’s Judgment, sheep & goats 

Christ handed us 3 illustrations/fictitious stories that reveal divine truths, expounding upon His 2 literal prophecies. All of these speak of the same subject. 

Would anyone else like to provide their input on the parable of the 10 Virgins before addressing the subject?



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The foolish virgins are as the foolish builder are alike.  The foolish builder built his house upon sand.  It should be noted that sand is tiny pieces of rock.  It is possible to have a lot of scripture and still have a great collapse at the time of testing.

It is my oppinion that the foolish virgins were giving head to seducing spirits that taught that it is alright to add to and take away from thw writtings.  There is a consequence to doing that.  The foolish virgins were seduced to think tey could add resurrections and raptures at will because God does not want them to suffer.  It is the cause of the curse to add to the scripture and change the word.

Whatever the case the foolis virgins were not prepared for the long haul.  They belived the seducing spirits that told them they would be tken out efore trouble.

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Seeking the lost,

Thank you for posting. Obviously, you’ve given thought to this parable, and I’m thankful for that.

You care about the flock of Christ, and I respect that.

You see foolish virgins as giving heed to seducing spirits.

And I assume by your post, you consider yourself one of the wise virgins. Fair enough.

Going back to my opening post…

Let me ask: What is Christ revealing to you as a wise virgin:

“While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.” (Matt. 25:5)

The key word is “all.”

100% of the virgins—wise and foolish—“slumbered and slept” … while the bridegroom tarried.

What is the divine truth that Christ’s parable/illustration reveals to you… a wise virgin…  about slumbering into sleep?



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On 2/16/2025 at 1:12 AM, revvel said:

The Parable of the 10 Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)

How many of you were told to believe the 10 virgins represent “Church goers” and the oil represents the Holy Spirit?

If you were told to believe this… and you are still convinced of it… can you share with us what Christ is telling you:

“While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.” (Matt. 25:5)

The key word is “all”: 100% of the virgins (Church goers) “slumbered and slept” … while the bridegroom tarried.

What did Christ mean by that?

What is the divine truth that this parable/illustration reveals to you… about you slumbering into sleep?

The Greek word for “slept” is koimithike, which means “to lie down to sleep... to sleep”

Eyes. Closed. 

How exactly are you sleeping... while He tarries... according to His parable?

Can you cite Scriptures to support your answer?


Also, do you see a correlation between the “fig tree” (Matt. 24:32-34) & the “10 Virgins”?



A parable is a LIMITED picture to explain something. We must use what is written but not add or subtract. 2nd Peter 1:20 say that we may not use private interpretation. We must explain the Bible with the Bible, or, with nature (which shows the things of God - Rom.1).

From 2nd Corinthians 11:2 the Virgins must be born again Christians. "Church-goers" can be nominal Christians.
They ALL went forth and ALL went forth to meet the Groom
They ALL had lamps burning. Proverbs 20:27 says that a lamp is the spirit of man
They ALL fell asleep due to the Groom's DELAY
They ALL arose together. 1st Corinthians 15:23 says only "those who are His" will rise at HIS COMING
They ALL trimmed their Lamps
They ALL went forth. Only the Church does that in 1st Thessalonians 4
They are TEN. Counted with the LIVING (TWO at the mill etc.) they make 12 - God's people

They must all be the same. The only difference is that the foolish did not know that they needed extra oil IN THEIR VESSELS and that this oil, unlike that in the Lamp, MUST BE BOUGHT.

The parable is actually about the KINGDOM. The KINGDOM is a REWARD for WORKS. To SEE and ENTER the Kingdom a man must be born again and Baptized (Jn.3.3-6). Thus, the foolish Virgins, though they return with the required oil, are refused entry. NO REWARD.

The word "I don't KNOW you" does not mean that the Lord does not have intellectual knowledge. The word "oida" means the same as an organized marriage is. The Bride spent no time with the Groom. They were unfamiliar by sight with each other.

A last point, one made by extension, is that the foolish Virgins must buy oil "from them that sell". The wise Virgins bought oil while alive. That is - on earth. If the foolish Virgins must buy at the same place the Wedding Feast must be ON EARTH. This is confirmed by Revelation 19. In the first half the GUESTS are invited but they, in the second half of the Chapter, return to earth for the KINGDOM - which is 1,000 years. "The Kingdom of Heaven IS LIKE .:."

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AdHoc: Thank you for your comprehensive response. I read it with interest.

Based on your post, you are born again, as am I.

We are all looking back 2000 years, seeking to understand a fictious story, and how it relates to the literal prophecies: the second coming to the Holy Land (Matt. 24:27-31) & Messiah’s judgment (Matt. 25:31-46)… and of course, the kingdom of Heaven—which is the subject of the parable of the 10 virgins.

This is what I am focusing on… what you raised:

“They ALL fell asleep due to the Groom's DELAY.”

I put this question out to everyone here regarding this illustration to jump start a discussion and honestly address this question of “sleeping.”

This is the question: Being “asleep” is representative of what?

Even if you believe the 10 virgins refer to “Church goers,” and you believe you are a “wise virgin,” according to the parable… you are sleeping.

But what if the parable has been completely misinterpreted, and Christ Himself handed us the key—the mystery—to understand what the “10 virgins represent” and what “their sleep represents”?

What if—by the authority of Christ—we can finally declare who exactly is sleeping and why, and understand how Luke 21, the OT prophets (Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel & Joel), the apostle Paul, and Christ (Matt. 23, 24, 25) speak with one voice on this?

Let’s dive into this. I’ll be back tomorrow.



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6 hours ago, revvel said:

Seeking the lost,

Thank you for posting. Obviously, you’ve given thought to this parable, and I’m thankful for that.

You care about the flock of Christ, and I respect that.

You see foolish virgins as giving heed to seducing spirits.

And I assume by your post, you consider yourself one of the wise virgins. Fair enough.

Going back to my opening post…

Let me ask: What is Christ revealing to you as a wise virgin:

“While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.” (Matt. 25:5)

The key word is “all.”

100% of the virgins—wise and foolish—“slumbered and slept” … while the bridegroom tarried.

What is the divine truth that Christ’s parable/illustration reveals to you… a wise virgin…  about slumbering into sleep?



The virgins, wise and foolish, were looking for the coming of the bridegroom. Life happens; they do not have to go without sleep, but the preparation that each has made makes the difference.  The preparation has to be for the long haul with no early out.

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