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Worthy Brief - 9/27/2024


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Friend, be a wise steward!

Luke 12:42-46  And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward whom his lord shall set over his houseservants, to give them their portion of food in season? 43  Blessed is that servant when his lord comes and finds him so doing. 44  Truly I say to you that he will set him over all his possessions. 45  But if that servant says in his heart, My lord delays his coming, and shall begin to beat the male servants and women servants, and to eat and drink and to be drunk, 46  the lord of that servant will come in a day when he does not expect, and at an hour when he does not know. And he will cut him apart, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.

The concept of ownership often influences how one can view the world, but if we recognize the truth that our time here is short and we can’t take anything with us, it will change our perspective. We are simply stewards of what has been entrusted to us. I’ve been running Worthy and its sites for 25 years, and I’ve never thought I was an owner but rather a steward of a ministry.

But how do we define stewardship? In English, stewardship is the responsibility of safeguarding, nurturing, and enhancing the resources entrusted to you on behalf of another. However, if we dive into the Biblical definitions it will unlock deeper mysteries of stewardship, I believe it will radically transform how we live.

The Hebrew word for steward, Sochen, also translates as agent, representative, and even "power of attorney" in legal terms. In Greek, the word for steward, oikonomos, offers an even deeper insight, meaning overseer or superintendent of household affairs. So the concept of stewardship is not only taking care of one’s goods, but also of one’s family.

To be a wise steward, one must be found faithful, reliable, and trustworthy. The Hebrew word for "faithful," ne’eman, is closely related to amin, meaning "reliable." Both of these words share the same root as emunah, the Hebrew word for "faith”. Another word derived from this same root is omenet, meaning "nursemaid"—someone entrusted with the responsibility to nurture and raise a household and its children.

So in both Hebrew and Greek, there is a deeper revelation about stewardship, it’s not just about goods and possessions, but about how we treat one another!

Friend, so stewardship in not simply responsibility over one’s material possessions, but also encompasses our care for people and the relationships we have with one another. When we embrace this Biblical understanding, it will profoundly shape our perspective of life, what we are called to do, and how we live. So let’s choose to live to a higher level of faithfulness, trustworthiness, and love, knowing that this life and all that it entails is ultimately simply on loan to us by God!

Shabbat Shalom and have a great weekend!

Your family in the Lord with much agape love,

George, Baht Rivka, Obadiah and Elianna
(Baltimore, Maryland)

Editor's Note: Feel free to share any of our content from Worthy, including Devotions, News articles, and more, on your social platforms. You have full permission to copy and repost anything we produce.

Editor's Note: Worthy Chat is back! Join us for a special Worthy Chat Reunion tonight at 8 PM EST.

Editor's Note: During this war, we have been live blogging throughout the day -- sometimes minute by minute on our Telegram channel. Be sure to check it out!

Editor's Note: Dear friends — we are now booking in the following states. Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida! If you know Rabbis, Pastors or Leaders who might be interested in powerful Israeli style Hebrew/English worship and a refreshing word from Worthy News about what’s going on in the land, please let us know how to connect with them and we will do our best to get you on our schedule! You can send an email to george [ @ ] worthyministries.com for more information.

Around the World
West Condemns Russia’s Nuclear Doctrine
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China’s Newest Nuclear Submarine Sinks
Chinese officials scrambled to cover up the sinking of a new nuclear-powered submarine at a shipyard near Wuhan in the spring, U.S. officials told the Wall Street Journal.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Hezbollah’s Drone Chief Killed in Beirut
The head of one of Hezbollah's arial forces has been killed in an Israeli strike on Beirut, the Lebanese capital, security sources say.
US, UK, and EU Call for Ceasefire Between “Israel and Lebanon,” No Mention of Hezbollah Terrorists
Making no mention of the Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist group that the Israelis have been battling since October 8, the United States, Britain, EU, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and others on Wednesday called for an immediate 21-day ceasefire between “Lebanon and Israel” for diplomats to find a solution to the crisis.

Inside the United States
Court Approves $600M East Palestine Settlement
Nearly 20 months after a Norfolk Southern train derailment pushed the small eastern Ohio community of East Palestine into the national spotlight, a federal judge approved a $600 million settlement.
U.S. House Passes Bills to Counter CCP threats
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New York Mayor Vows To Fight Corruption Charges
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Christian News
Displaced Christians Face Starvation In Sudan (Worthy News In-Depth)
Displaced Christians in wartorn Sudan are among millions of people “facing starvation”, Christian aid workers said Thursday.
China is Advancing Sinicization of Religious Expression, USIRF Warns
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Uganda: Street Evangelist Severely Beaten for the Gospel
A street evangelist in eastern Uganda was hospitalized with head injuries and a broken hand after a mob of Islamists attacked him for sharing the Gospel earlier this month, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Christianity is legal in Uganda, although Islamic extremists in the country present a severe threat to believers.
Secular Group Asks IRS to Revoke Tax-Exempt Status of Billy Graham Evangelical Association for “Political Campaigning”
The US Freedom From Religion Foundation, which advocates for the separation of church and state, has reported the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to the Internal Revenue Service for “illegal political campaigning.”

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