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On 8/27/2024 at 5:28 PM, peacemaker 324 said:

There's not enough money in the world that would get me to vote for that man.

How many murdered babies?

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On 8/27/2024 at 7:04 PM, peacemaker 324 said:

Yes I'm not only going to let her win  I'm going to help her win if there's any possibility at this late date. I do think she will make a good president she's made a darn good vice president. She believes in some of the same values as I do. She believes that we are all equal all of us she believes in protecting the rights of the vulnerable. She believes that every single American deserves a fair shot. She believes that we all deserve healthcare so do I. I believe healthcare is a right . She believes in responsible gun control I believe in that I'm a gun owner but I believe in reasonable gun control laws . She believes in improving the immigration situation now that is a very tough pickle. But she believes that not every person that comes here is a murderer or rapist and not everyone who comes here is out to get your job. She believes in a good environment a good education freedom to practice your religion or no religion at all. Healthcare for all immigration reform and though I'm not sure probably police reform because we certainly need that George Floyd, Sonya Massie. Do I agree with her about everything no. We don't agree on everything and I consider myself to be a moderate I'm progressive about some issues but I consider myself to be moderate. But do I think she'll make a great president hands down yes and am I going to do what I can to help her become president absolutely. And I make no apology for that . The answer is yes and yes

Oh, em, gee! I'm going to have to believe that is satire. Either that or we're seeing an episode of Sky News' "lefties losing it" right here on a Christian site. I'm assuming we are all actually adults here. Or did I miss something?

To be blunt is IS a good satire post. Nobody well informed would seriously bring up the utterly destroyed MSM talking points you bring up in your post about Trump. At least, nobody interested enough to actively participate in political discussions with people that actually follow this from BOTH sides.

So I stick with this: That was a satire post. 

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Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, debrakay said:

Just skimming through this thread I would tend to think that the person named Peacemaker who just joined Worthy less that a week ago is a troller stirring up trouble and you all are falling for it hook line and sinker.  You all must know there are people who just join groups to cause division and trouble.  That is all I will post on this miserable excuse for a thread.  

Sorry Deb....I am sure you throught it was a legitimate question. 

I was kind of suggesting that a day or two ago. But yeah, reading through these last few pages, all doubt has been removed, at least IMO.

But don't get me wrong. I think she should be allowed to post whatever she thinks as long as she avoids the profanity. The cool thing about true freedom of speech is that those that are demonstrably wrong are given "enough rope to hang themselves".:thumbup:

Edited by Still Alive

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5 hours ago, Neighbor said:
"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, 
With conquering limbs astride from land to land; 
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand 
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame 
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name 
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand 
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command 
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. 
'Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!' cries she 
With silent lips. 'Give me your tired, your poor, 
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, 
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, 
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, 
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!'"

Where have I heard or seen that before?

But we are not talking about legal immigrants.   We are against people that flood into our country illegally.   

Also, with the huge influx crossing the border, border patrol agents say there are terrorists coming in.   Some have been caught but not all according to border patrol.

I'm surprised there haven't been more terrorist attacks here due to that.

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On 8/29/2024 at 6:32 PM, Debp said:

But we are not talking about legal immigrants.   We are against people that flood into our country illegally.   

Also, with the huge influx crossing the border, border patrol agents say there are terrorists coming in.   Some have been caught but not all according to border patrol.

I'm surprised there haven't been more terrorist attacks here due to that.

Shabbat shalom, Debp.

It's like ants or bees collecting upon an animal or person. They all assume their various positions, and then at a pheromonal signal, they all bite or sting at once!

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On 8/29/2024 at 12:48 PM, Neighbor said:
"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, 
With conquering limbs astride from land to land; 
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand 
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame 
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name 
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand 
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command 
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. 
'Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!' cries she 
With silent lips. 'Give me your tired, your poor, 
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, 
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, 
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, 
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!'"

Where have I heard or seen that before?

You know what's at the base of that "mighty woman with a torch," right? It's an IMMIGRATION DEPOT! They arrive THE RIGHT WAY and are processed into the systematic registration and legal immigration process. THEY LEARN ABOUT OUR COUNTRY! THEY BECOME LEGAL CITIZENS! When they are done and have earned it, they can PROUDLY say that they have become United States of America CITIZENS!

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Geesh, I have never been for illegal immigration. I am against the thinking that a wall will take care of the problem!

Walls do not ever work out well. What is necessary  is to remove all benefits of arriving illegally. No matter how far inland an illegal gets they should not be able to  gain work,  housing,  education, nor health benefits.

What is proper though is to have a fast system for those fleeing persecution to be vetted and allowed safe harbor at the USA.

This is not just a USA problem obviously,  so much of the world is in massive turmoil due to populations on the run  emigrating away from places where genocide is being practiced against their people.

I am all for declaring a real war on drug cartels by recruiting  and even reactivating the military draft boards to build up a huge force for just that war. Not a police force but an army with a declared war to fight.

 I do find Bobby Kennedy Jrs. approach to be quite sound.


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On 2/19/2024 at 6:12 AM, Debp said:

Due to all of the craziness happening under Biden... including the illegal immigrant crisis and inflation...guess I will vote Trump again.

How about you?

Voting for Trump is a wasted vote at California! Might you instead vote Kennedy Jr.  to help get  candidates at California in 2026 and 2028 that get to beat out Democrats at California.  Trump will only get 35% of the California vote tops!








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On 8/29/2024 at 3:20 PM, Rick-Parker said:

How many murdered babies?

Trump is as I said is snakelike. He has already turned, flipping on abortion at Florida where it is on the 2024 ballot and where he will be voting personally  when he casts his Florida ballot.

He has announced he is  voting against the Florida initiative's six week after conception ban on abortion.

He wants a longer period of time for women to decide to get an abortion or not. He declines to say how long  period is proper. He just has no core beliefs.

Snake! Snake!

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12 hours ago, Neighbor said:

Geesh, I have never been for illegal immigration. I am against the thinking that a wall will take care of the problem!

Shalom, @Neighbor.

Don't think of it as a "wall"; think of it as a "FUNNEL!" We WANT people to immigrate into our country, but they must do so in the RIGHT WAY! They can't just barge right in; they must be INVITED to come in, and they must come in UNDER OUR RULES AND LAWS RESPECTFULLY!

You wouldn't want a bunch of people to just barge right into your livingroom, no matter how generous with your home you may be! It's OKAY for you to have friends over, and you might even entertain some complete strangers from time to time, but they must arrive in an orderly way and come in under YOUR rules and stipulations! And, you wouldn't want to be OVERWHELMED by their numbers! And, for complete strangers, you would be wise first to get some friends who know them to vouch for their character and integrity before allowing them into your home!

The same things are true for our country! They've been coming in by the THOUSANDS at a time, and they are OVERWHELMING our hospitality! And, they are receiving MORE benefits from our government than our own citizens are, especially our homeless and our veterans! They are a GLUT of neediness on our resources, and they may not be those who could or would contribute to the benefits of our society!

We need to put a CORK in the pipeline until we can recover from the overwhelming flood of people! It's not being "unloving"; quite the opposite, to be ABLE to provide for the immigrants who come here legally is the HEIGHT of love for them!

12 hours ago, Neighbor said:

Walls do not ever work out well. What is necessary  is to remove all benefits of arriving illegally. No matter how far inland an illegal gets they should not be able to  gain work,  housing,  education, nor health benefits.

Absolutely true!

12 hours ago, Neighbor said:

What is proper though is to have a fast system for those fleeing persecution to be vetted and allowed safe harbor at the USA.

Yes, but that sort of influx needs PLANNING PRIOR to their arrival! It reminds me of an old adage: "You can have it fast, of good quality, or cheap. PICK ANY TWO!"

Democrats have a RECORD of throwing money at a problem, hoping it will fix that problem. But, where does the money come from? IT COMES OUT OF OUR POCKETS! IT COMES OUT OF THE POCKETS OF HARD-WORKING CITIZENS WHO ARE ALREADY HURTING IN THIS ECONOMY!

Democrats love to complain about the wealthy, but it's WRONG for the U.S. Government to FORCE people to do what certain individuals THINK is the "right thing to do!"

There's another good saying: "You can't legislate RIGHTEOUSNESS!" The wealthy are suffering from the SAME HANDICAP that the indigent are: They've all taken God OUT OF THE PICTURE! So, rather than listen to Yeeshuwa` who said of their opportunities, "The poor you have with you always," they think, "Why should I help the economically challenged who don't even know how to handle their own money?!" So, somebody else comes along and suggests that the wealthy be FORCED to help the poor! But, that doesn't work!

First, it's not right to take from some who've earned what they have acquired to give to others, who haven't lifted a finger to make that money. You wouldn't like it if someone told you what you had to do with your money. Why would we tell someone else who KNOWS how to handle money what they had to do with theirs?! It needs to be a VOLUNTARY CHOICE! We ALL need to be more charitable to others, but we give because GOD wants us to give, not because the government FORCES us to give!

Second and more importantly, people need to know that there IS  an ALL-POWERFUL, OMNISCIENT GOD! And, they need to know how they can regain a relationship with Him! HE changes a person's heart to make them more liberal with their money!

12 hours ago, Neighbor said:

This is not just a USA problem obviously,  so much of the world is in massive turmoil due to populations on the run  emigrating away from places where genocide is being practiced against their people.

Populations are growing, and people have fewer places to which they may run and hide. Our own country is not just forest and woods and the wild animals anymore. We have our OWN people to consider! There are PLENTY of resources for all, and innovation is still a way to improve upon those resources. There's also plenty of places where people may live. They may have to WORK the land into a suitable place to live, but there are still places that are unpopulated. The problem is that people are basically SELFISH! They want MORE than they need to live! They want to CONTROL who lives where and what one can do with the land!

Another problem that we have is that we tend to be TOO social, congregating in cities, and this causes many problems as gangs form and have wars on control of the sections of the city in which most of them live.

12 hours ago, Neighbor said:

I am all for declaring a real war on drug cartels by recruiting  and even reactivating the military draft boards to build up a huge force for just that war. Not a police force but an army with a declared war to fight.

 I do find Bobby Kennedy Jrs. approach to be quite sound.

And now, Bobby Kennedy Jr. has conceded to and ENDORSED Donald Trump!

Look, I know that neither Bobby Kennedy Jr. nor Donald Trump is the answer to all our problems. We need YHWH GOD to intercede! And, He shall do so in HIS timing, and He shall do it through His Messiah, Yeeshuwa`, who shall reign over the whole earth, but even that will take time. In the meantime, we can do our part to share with others how they can be justified by God and be at ease in their relationship with God and learn to trust Him. THEN, they can be generous and less anxious about their future.

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