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Apathetic / Offhanded / Indifferent love-interest, significant other, fiancée/fiancé, wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend

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9 minutes ago, farouk said:

There was the story of the man who was shipwrecked on a desert island. When he was rescued a long while later, rescuers saw he had built two church buildings.

They asked: So, why two church buildings?

The man pointed to one of them and said: This is the church I go to'.

He then pointed to the other one and said: 'This is the church I don't go to'.

(It's not just on desert islands that this kind of thing happens... In John 4, the Lord Jesus speaks of worship 'in Spirit and in truth'; but so often ppl add a list of other things to try to impose on others.)


Hi, Well no one is going to steal my joy in worship away, especially not steal the joy of corporate worship! If led to kneel I will kneel. If led to raise my hands or tap my feet I will raise my hands or tap my feet. I sat chosen and frozen among the grumpsters way too many years and even decades to ever let myself again be intimidated by those that do not have the joy of the Lord that fills me personally to near overwhelming joy.

...So David and all the people of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouts of joy and the blowing of rams’ horns.

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1 hour ago, Neighbor said:

Perhaps she is tired of being hit on at church? She may really be a devoted Christian that does not want her worship times used by others as  personal dating/mating opportunities. 

Yeah, but she is Not gracious and Not compassionate at all.  She is way too short-tempered.  She immediately started yelling at me the first time that I communicated with her.  It's Not like every guy on the planet is a Jeffry Epstein or a Harvey Weinstein.  The bible does say emphasizes the following:

(Exodus 34:6)
6 Then the Lord passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and [a]truth;


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26 minutes ago, bartmac123 said:

Yeah, but she is Not gracious and Not compassionate at all.  She is way too short-tempered.  She immediately started yelling at me the first time that I communicated with her. 

There is protocol to be followed. Introductions are to be made by and in the presence of third parties, never is an appearance of any impropriety to be fostered. 

A rebuffing of any violation of those guidances should be expected. No woman need politely indulge a man's advances, whether at church or elsewhere.

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Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, Neighbor said:

There is protocol to be followed. Introductions are to be made by and in the presence of third parties, never is an appearance of any impropriety to be fostered. 

A rebuffing of any violation of those guidances should be expected. No woman need politely indulge a man's advances, whether at church or elsewhere.

Yeah, but one does Not want to hurt people.  It's Not like I'm a stalker or anything.  In this #metoo world, men can easily be falsely or mistakenly accused.  It's crazy.

Psalm 69:20
New American Standard Bible 1995
20 Reproach has broken my heart and I am so sick.
And I looked for sympathy, but there was none,
And for comforters, but I found none.

Edited by bartmac123

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:) in those moments love becomes blind.. we all know this It's only later we... what? How did I not see that part of you! haha. If I had followed some of this I would not have married the one I have been with for over 40 years now. I am so glad I never listened to my brothers and sisters that told me not to marry her. 

See what your saying is true but you must know in those moments love becomes blind things you choose not to see not to care about as in all those faults.. Something love never sees. Yes yes we can use different "words" but its a fault to us if you ask me. It was only in my 40s when He showed me love your enemy really means. ALL these things matter not you love them for exactly who they are never expecting anything in return only what you can give them. Now I could be off here.. I keep thinking maybe your taking about something a little different. If so.. oops lol


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On 12/7/2023 at 10:25 PM, bartmac123 said:

There is a young lady at my church. She has a Phd in Engineering, and teaches at a University. 

Gorgeous & Really brilliant. Brains & Beauty.

She knows scripture and Christian doctrine really well.  However, she is really contentious and short-tempered.  It's really difficult to tell who is a sincere Christian, who is a fake Christian.  So confusing.  

Yet she clearly struggl3s to apply scriptural  teaching to her life.

We all have a temper and those of us with a short fuse work at not loosing it.

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"Apathetic / Offhanded / Indifferent love-interest, significant other, fiancée/fiancé, wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend"

One will find, in abundance, what they focus upon most. Focus on negativity and it will flourish in one's heart for sure. There is way too much joy to be had to be bothered focusing on what  seems a slight.

Let God handle the negativity that Satan and Satan's minions try to bring about. Embrace the joy to be found in Yeshua.

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On 12/7/2023 at 1:55 PM, Jayne said:

I see Michal in an entirely different light.

[1.]  The Bible says twice that she was in love with David, but never says he loved her, although she was his first wife.  [1 Samuel 18:20 and 28]

[2.]  She knew her father's unstableness and when he, King Saul, sent men to her and David's home to kill him, she warned David and told him she would help him escape.  She helped lower him out the window and she told the men that he was sick in bed. [1 Samuel 19] When her father, King Saul, found out she did this and lied to him about David's whereabouts, he punished her by giving her to another man.  [1 Samuel 25:44]  The Bible never says that David ever tried to rescue her or look for her.

What's worse?  [1]  Being married to someone you love, but does not love you?  [2]  Being 

married to someone who loves you, but whom you do not love?  [3] Or being raised by an 

unfeeling, unconcern, and unstable father who does with your life as he sees benefits him?

Michal endured it all.

[3]  After a long time, David decides he wants Michal back.  Sort of.  He is still fighting the house of Saul even after Saul's death.  Abner, from the house of Saul wants to defect to David's side.  David agrees, but tests him.  He said, "Do not come to me without my wife, Michal, whom I paid for with 100 Philistine foreskins.  [2 Samuel 3:13]


[4]  She WAS David's first and only wife.  She loved him so says the Bible twice.  She risked her own life to save David.  He never seemed to care for her at all.  Marrying her was a political move for him.  And the Law said if a man's wife married someone else, He was never to take her back.  Perhaps David didn't see as divorced from him - I don't know.


[5]  When she finally saw David again, he had already two other women and had several children. [2 Samuel 2]


[6] So in 2 Samuel 6, when the Bible says that she loathed David, I don't see her as you do - "a cold ice queen".  I see her as a tragic figure.  Unloved and treated like trash by her father and first husband.  And forced to live with a second husband whom she did not love.

[7] She reacted wrongly, yes.  But you and I see her as two entirely different women.

Hi @Jayne Seems odd also that the price that David paid for Michal apparently was big in his mind compared with the idea of getting Michal back; or seemingly; I don't know. All those Philistines......

But it seems to underline that we today in this dispensation are far removed from the way things were then.

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On 12/7/2023 at 1:35 PM, Starise said:

Good luck. The good ones are hard to find. 

I never could find one of those, Starise. So God intervened. Like manna from heaven,   she entered my life.

She does not qualify the litmus test presented here at all. But we fit.
God's ways vs man's ways. He is mysterious. And knew what I/we needed.
And it has worked now for 52 yrs, and going............

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1 minute ago, Sower said:

I never could find one of those, Starise. So God intervened. Like manna from heaven,
she entered my life.

She does not qualify the litmus test presented here at all. But we fit.
God's ways vs man's ways. He is mysterious. And knew what I/we needed.
And it has worked now for 52 yrs, and going............

Pretty much the same here @Sower. I looked and He found because if I had been the only one looking no telling what would have happened.

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