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12 hours ago, Fidei Defensor said:

So you think all medicine is witchcraft or only what the sorcerers (pharmakios) use? I ask in earnest. Its an interesting train of thought either way.  

No, absolutely not. I personally know many believers who do not take any medicine. Not because medicine is bad. They want to put their faith in the mighty Healer, Jesus Christ. I appreciate their faith. At the same time, I don't think taking medicine means lack of faith. The ability of humans to invent medicine is a gift from God. Same goes with science. Knowledge is a gift from God. You need to understand that there are 3 components to any individual person - Body, Spirit and Soul. Medicine works only in the bodily realm. That is why it is not very effective against depression. Soul is who we are - our emotions, thoughts, expression and everything. Souls are lost and souls need redemption. We are not spirits and we "have" spirit. It is the aspect of us which allows connection. To God and any desires. When a person is joyful, we call that person as high in spirit. It is soul which experiences joy and spirit expresses that and defines the state of being.

Now medicines cannot affect soul and spirit. Witchcraft and sorcery influence spiritual realm to impact our soul. The consequences of that are often felt in body. And those problems cannot be solved by addressing symptoms of body.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Last Daze said:

No, I don't think all medicine is witchcraft otherwise Luke, the physician, would be considered a sorcerer.  As I understand it, the use of the word sorcery in Revelation, pharmakeia or pharmakeus, is something that the wicked do not repent of.  It is an evil application of medicine.  I also think its likely that such medical knowledge comes from evil spirit beings, much like we see in the book of Enoch.  There's a reason why knowledge has increased in these end times and it's not because we all of a sudden became smarter.  How evil spirits influence the human race (the essence of Babylon) is the mystery of iniquity.

My working theory about COVID-19 is that it has been engineered, along with its vaccine, by the wealthy elites in order to accomplish a goal.  The virus, or whatever it is, is real and can be deployed wherever, whenever.  The deception comes from the narrative surrounding it.  People will be convinced that the only way back to a normal life will come through a vaccine.  The physical, emotional, and financial toll of the virus will have people begging for a vaccine, one that the elites are only too willing to provide.  We'll know more about the vaccine when it rolls out but I expect that it will pave the way for the mark of the beast.

I was really creeped out by these sunglasses that create radar so a blind person can see like a bat. It felt like counterfeit to Jesus healing the blind; that techonology is becoming a god people worship. Kinda like internet is trying to be Omnisciencent or All Knowing. I am not saying the internet is evil, otherwise we’d not be talking, but it is alarming how tech is trying to replace God. I even wonder if the Anrichrist will be a cyborg, and the armies as many as sanda of the sea will be cyborgs or machines. I see in tech Satan trying to play God, trying to be creator with A.I. You even wonder if the Satanic statue (Revelation 13) is a hologram or computer hybrid. 

I agree all medicine isn’t wicked. Aspirin comes from a plant which God made. Tea Tree Oil heals and cleans wounds. But the experimental drugs that you see like Warfrin that end up damaging people’s organs is alarming. A UK friend who worked in Pharma said “don’t take a pill unless its been out at least 5yrs and has knock off.” By then she said they know its ill effects and the risks. 

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19 minutes ago, Josheb said:

24th century 

Not likely. 

21 minutes ago, Josheb said:

45th century

Not even fathomable. 

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all drugs have side affects....   one had to decide if the chances of the side affects is worth the chance of the side affect harming each of us for not everyone has the affects.  i can remember as a child being afraid to go to sleep from not being able to breath....    would have given a lot to have had access to albuterol.

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24 minutes ago, Josheb said:

Not really an answer to the question asked. I might offer the exact same response to the premise of 21st century relevance. Not likely. Not even fathomable. 

I asked for evidence. Do you, BeauJangles, find anyone actually providing actual evidence? I read a lot of conjecture, but no evidence. I read a lot of speculation, but no evidence. I most certainly don't read any proof

I did ask. 

What's the specific evidence that necessarily leads to the conclusion any of these scriptures are necessarily applicable solely to this moment in history? 

What's the specific evidence that necessarily leads to the conclusion COVID-19 is necessarily eschatological evidence applicable solely to this moment in history? 

Why should I not ask these questions? Why should I not be able to read an answer to the question asked?

This thread is speculatory, and those who believe COVID could be one of last days plagues could be right or wrong. 

As for evidence, I showed you Revelation had lions shooting fire out of their mouths (Revelation 9:17, the red breastplate tank being new in our century), which is most likely a tank. Revelation hasn’t fully happened yet: Authenticated Falling Away, Antichrist, final wars, Christ returns, Millenial Reign, New Heaven and Earth. 

But in 20th-21st Centuries we have technology that allows the following for the first time in history: 

Global Economy controlled by computers, this allows the Mark to happen, “Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666” (Revelation 13:16-18). 

Nuclear Proliferation, this allows the Beast to crush all people, “And the beast was allowed to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And he was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation” (Revelation 13:7). 

Telecommunications, i.e. tvs, internet and etc allows all eyes to see Jesus when He returns, “"Look, he is coming with the clouds," and "every eye will see him, even those who pierced him"; and all peoples on earth "will mourn because of him." So shall it be! Amen” (Revelation 1:7) 

These three alone prove we are closer than ever to The Return of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

We are watching COVID to see if it mushrooms into Revelatkon 6:8, and 9:18. 

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34 minutes ago, Josheb said:

Not really an answer to the question asked.

Works for me. We can post as we so choose to here on this or any other forum here at Worthy. This also means for whatever comments we care to to make. They do need to be decent though. And they should also be considerate. Some of us are having some problems and struggling with that. If we want to make a call we have the right to do that. That's my call. On or off topic. I guess you'll become accustomed to it. Or not if you don't want to. Why? Because that's the way WE post here. Once again, we're not going to come to point in time to either the 24th and certainly not the 46th century. You can think we will if you want to. But that really doesn't matter to me.

Have a nice day! 1805676379_blinkysmiley.gif.4be143704cb9e2a0916e284bf76db489.gif 

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3 hours ago, Josheb said:

Based on what in scripture?  What, specifically, is it in scripture you find is necessarily applicable to right this moment in the 21st century as opposed to the 24th century or the 45th century, or any other century?

Which would seem to indicate it is not eschatologically relevant. 

Luke 21

 10 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, ravindran said:

Luke 21

 10 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Great quote! I need to re-read this chapter of the Gospel According to Luke. :) 

Edited by Fidei Defensor
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Posted (edited)

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5 hours ago, ravindran said:

May be the frequency of these pandemics is on the rise. When you look at more recent ones - Ebola outbreak, HIV, H1N1.. Some might be considered epidemic than pandemic. Still I would think the frequency is on the rise, which is a clear sign of end times. We are not there yet. But there are clear signs we are getting there soon!

I agree and have wondered about the more recent ones you mention.  I've wondered if they might have been steps along the way, by products of the learning process in perfecting their medical sorcery.

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