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Is Reborn Israel the Beginning of the Final Generation?


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1 hour ago, Diaste said:

Are we sure it ended? Or even began? I have never looked into that. I do know the 'trodden down' idea in Luke 21:24 is pretty brutal. 

So then does 1967 have any relevance to the terminal generation, as in time frame?

An interesting article on the history of Jerusalem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Jerusalem

I equate the gospel being spread as a testimony to all the nations as the same thing as the times of the Gentiles, a time when all the nations would be blessed through Abraham's seed.  During the global preaching of the gospel to the gentiles, Jerusalem would be under the rule of gentiles.  Luke 21:24 is in the context of the end times, which I see as having happened in 1967.  I think that it's one of the signs that indicate nearness.  So, yes, I think it's relevant to the terminal generation.  While the regathering of Israel is prophetic and a necessary precursor, I don't see it mentioned specifically in any end time discourse and therefore don't think it's relevant to the terminal generation.

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18 hours ago, Diaste said:

This was a popular idea back in the day and maybe it still is. I used to think this way: Israel reborn in 1948 is the start of the last generation 'that will see all these things'.

Then we calculate generations by current standards: 40 years, 80 years, or am extreme lifespan of 120 years.

The year of our Lord 1988 has come and gone; 2028 is on the way and at the extreme is 2068. 2028 was my estimate as I was examining eschatology in the late 80's and early 90's.

"This generation shall not pass till all these things are fulfilled."

For many years I just ignored that as I didn't find reborn Israel to be related to the timing of the return of Jesus and I was quickly over date setting early on. I am of the mind that the final generation is just the one who begins to witness the end time events from the Olivet Discourse, but I could be wrong.

It has come to my attention that reborn Israel may be significant to the final generation after all. 

Is that true? Not true?




Hi Diaste,

I am going to post some of my uncle`s book, `Fires before the Dawn,` (out of print, but I managed to down load the first part on the forum, `Overcomers online,` in their eschatology section, years ago, if any one is interested to read more.) Here is the chapter on `Catalyst for Countdown.`


Relentlessly, day after day, the Israeli forces rained destruction on Beirut in their determined  drive to crush the P.L.O. and expel the Syrian armies from Lebanon. Waves of Phantom Jets screamed in with precision bombing on preselected targets. Warships bom­barded the entire length of the city's coastline; and the army was poised to advance for the final thrust. A vantage point was vital with a clear field of fire down the long broad Corniche Mazraa Boulevard, the key axis to the heart of the city.

There was only one suitable building - the Soviet Embassy com­pound. The Israeli did not hesitate. Two armoured carriers rammed through the gates: the army stormed in and took control for several critical days. It was immaterial to the high command that this was Soviet Territory. It mattered not that they had violated international law. Even the U.S.A. or any other powerful nation would have been extremely apprehensive of such an action.

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Israel - a Contemporary Phenomenon


Here was demonstrated impressive evidence that Israel was now a nation with power, authority and complete confidence in itself. Just a few decades ago, consider, they were a race scattered throughout the world; existing for centuries under the constant threat of persecution and death. They had no national identity.


More sensational and inspiring, however, it exhibited dramatic confirmation of the great prophecies of Scripture. Men like Isaiah, Amos Ezekiel and Daniel described in minute detail Israel's restora­tion not only to their land; but as a national entity with jurisdiction.


Prophetic Destiny

Ezekiel specifically recorded the program predetermined by God to clear the land; and to motivate the hearts of His People in every country of the world to migrate to a country they had never seen. (34 through 37)

During the granting of independence to Papua New Guinea, I had to execute and register some constitutional documents with the legal Department of the Government in Port Moresby. At the conclusion of our negotiations the officer mentioned his imminent departure. He was going home. Not to his home-town to Australia, but home to Israel. He did not know why, as He had never been there before. A strange but irresistible compulsion: God's time had arrived.

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Second time around.

Perhaps the most astounding prediction to the contemporaries of Isaiah his bold affirmation;-

"In the end-time God would deliver Israel for the second time: from the four corners of the earth" (11:11-12)

An audacious declaration indeed to a people still in their first captivity foretold to last for seventy years. Historians record their amazing freedom granted at the culmination of that specific time-span.

Just as surely at the "appointed time" the Lord guaranteed to restore Israel - the second time - in preparation for His appearance in Glory (Psalm 102:13 - 16). This re-establishment progressed from a two thousand year dream to a substantiated reality on the 14th May 1948 when David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the State of Israel by the Declaration of Independence.

The prophetic countdown to Armageddon has commenced.


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How to Travel?

Viewing forward through the Centuries Isaiah (60:8-9) envisaged and documented the two-fold mode of  their return:-The ships of Tarshish, i.e. Britain, first bringing your sons from afar-

British history verifies that their ships were indeed the first so to do. A literal and accurate fulfilment.

More miraculous and spectacular was the phenomenal achieving of the latter section of his vision:-



"They fly like clouds to their nests"


Under the code name "Operation Solomon", recently (June 1991) Israel completed a lightning mass evacuation of 15,000 Ethiopian Jews in a stunning 22 hour airlift. The complex operation was implemented with meticulous timing and precision. The Israeli air force augmented by a fleet of Jumbo Jets provided a massive air-convoy of 40 flights from Addis Ababa. They flew like clouds to an airfield in their new homeland.

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This great influx of immigrants to Palestine precipitated an explosive crisis and outcry among the surrounding Arab countries.


1967 War. 

They took counsel together with one accord to destroy Israel from being a nation. For the first time in history these countries forgot their differences. They formed a confederacy to declare a "Jehud" -a Holy War to wipe even the name of Israel from remembrance. These actual words were frequently broadcast over Radio Cairo: and published in world newspapers. Unknowingly they were practically quoting directly from a prophecy given 25 centuries ago. (Psalm 83). Even the participants were accurately delineated - under their ancient names;-


ANCIENT NAME                                                                                       MODERN NAME



Edom, Moab, Amnion                                                                              Jordan

Hagarenes, Amalek, Philistines                                                               Egypt

Ishmaelites                                                                                                 Arabia

Gebal, Tyre                                                                                                 Lebanon

Assyria                                                                                                         Syria, Iraq

Gebal, Tyre                                                                                                 Lebanon

Assyria                                                                                                         Syria, Iraq




These nations - no more and no less than predicted - deployed their forces in a massive scale of armoured might. Israel was attacked on all sides, yet emerged victorious . Its borders were enlarged as far south as the Negev, a very barren arid desert.




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The Desert Transformed


Israel soon embarked on a program of reclamation and soil improve­ment. A few years ago, passing through the Heathrow airport, London I was arrested and intrigued by a wonderfully strong fragrance. It emanated from a consignment of packaged fresh roses specifically identified as "Produce of Negev, Israel". The words of the prophet Isaiah came to remembrance with a new and real meaning: -

"When Israel shall posses the land.... the desert shall blossom like the rose." - Isaiah 34: 17 - 35:1.

Even the land has been changed. They laid a long system of canals to water the barren places. However, as fast as constructed, the Syrians bombarded and wrecked the scheme. Israel, not to be foiled, placed massive pumping stations inside a mountain. Water was drawn from the Sea of Galilee and flowed underground for 350 kilometres. The Negev desert was transformed and blossomed as the rose. It now produces, in addition, oranges, avocados and sugar beet.

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The Third Temple - Where?                                                                                                     

To be categorically exact regarding Israel's function as the "Catalyst for the Countdown", one

 further event was specified as a prerequi­site. This was the temple with its inner sanctum, The

 Holy Place"; according to the signs predicted by Jesus (Matt 24:15) and Paul (2 Thess 2:4).

Many commentators have relegated this to the obscure future, because they consider the

 temple has to be constructed on Mount Moriah, the site of Herod's temple. The

insurmountable object of course, is that the Dome of the Rock, the second most holy place of

Islam, already occupies that position.                                    


This is an entirely false premise, however, that has created confu­sion. The Temple built by

 Solomon, the Temple frequented by Jesus and His Disciples were both built on Mount Moriah.

 Ezekiel predicts that another will be constructed on the same place after Jesus returns in Glory.

Every reference to all three Temples on this site was a translation of the Greek Word "Hieron".

Any "Temple" erected elsewhere was invariably from the Greek word "Naos". This word is

 frequently rendered "Meeting Place", "Dwelling" or "Synagogue". It is the later word "Naos"

that is used by Paul (2 Thess 2:4) in reference to the Temple used by contemporary Israel. It has

absolutely no connection exegetically with the site on Mt. Moriah. In fact there is no

prerequisite for it to be built there. To the contrary, in line with Greek usage, it must be

constructed elsewhere.


The Embassy of Israel advises that on August 1982, in the Presence of the Prime Minister,

Menachem Begin, Members of Cabinet and many other notables, the Jerusalem great

Synagogue was dedicated. It is situated in King George Street, and is constructed from the

same local stone as was Solomon's Temple. The central feature is a high tower containing five

 magnificent stained-glass windows, topped by two tablets of stone, bearing the Ten



The Temple referred to by Paul is built!


In the interior, marble has been used extensively, especially for the Ark situated beneath the

stained-glass windows.    This I believe is the Holy Place which will be desecrated by the

"Abomination of Desola­tion" referred to by Jesus (Matthew 24:15)


The countdown is well on the way.




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The Terminal Generation


Jesus unequivocally indicated His endorsement of the prophecies concerning the

nation of Israel. He described in metaphoric lan­guage and a Historical Symbol that was

clearly and readily under­stood by His contemporaries. Israel as a national identity

would be dissolved and the people scattered among the nations like a withered fig

tree. (Matthew 21: 18 & 19)


However, just as the fig tree puts forth new leaves before summer, so Israel would

 become a new nation, in the time-slot immediately prior to His return in Glory

 (Matthew 24:30-34)


 Jesus enunciated emphatically that this would be the terminal generation.  (Matthew 24:34).





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5 hours ago, Marilyn C said:

Israel - a Contemporary Phenomenon


Here was demonstrated impressive evidence that Israel was now a nation with power, authority and complete confidence in itself. Just a few decades ago, consider, they were a race scattered throughout the world; existing for centuries under the constant threat of persecution and death. They had no national identity.


More sensational and inspiring, however, it exhibited dramatic confirmation of the great prophecies of Scripture. Men like Isaiah, Amos Ezekiel and Daniel described in minute detail Israel's restora­tion not only to their land; but as a national entity with jurisdiction.


Prophetic Destiny

Ezekiel specifically recorded the program predetermined by God to clear the land; and to motivate the hearts of His People in every country of the world to migrate to a country they had never seen. (34 through 37)

During the granting of independence to Papua New Guinea, I had to execute and register some constitutional documents with the legal Department of the Government in Port Moresby. At the conclusion of our negotiations the officer mentioned his imminent departure. He was going home. Not to his home-town to Australia, but home to Israel. He did not know why, as He had never been there before. A strange but irresistible compulsion: God's time had arrived.

Yes. But is this in the right context? There is quite a bit in Isaiah 11, Psalm 102 and the Ezekiel references. It seems to me it all may be in the context of the millennium and not necessarily the time of repatriation in 1948 to today. It's possible it is but I didn't see the connection. Perhaps something along the lines linking the return to the land with last week? 

I see the mass return of Israel to the land is going to happen and it's perpetual; but I would like to find a statement that makes a direct correlation between the return to the land and the length of time to the end of the age. From the references all I see is that the return will happen, it will remain forever and God will be with Israel, but not within a single generation. Not that it couldn't happen, I am not seeing it.

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