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Is the Bible Accurate?


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1 hour ago, johnthebaptist said:

We have many such pastors in my conference of the United Methodist Church, the California-Nevada Conference. They might not be as extreme as the pastor you are talking about, but they want you to believe there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, despite what the Lord said about it. The United Methodist Church, thank heavens, after a special meeting last week in St. Louis, has decided to remain faithful to the Lord's teachings and teach that homosexuality is a sin. Now we will see if the liberal wing of the church splits and starts its own church. Hopefully if they do, they won't drag my church along with it.

You already know this , but its always good to remind  .  IF they drag your church with them ,   LEAVE and NEVAH LOOK back and take as many as you can with you .

Leaven don't play around .  and a lil leaven will leaven the WHOLE GROUP .   


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11 hours ago, Cletus said:

2Ti 3:16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2Ti 3:17  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Have you ever noticed The Bible isnt like any other book.  I have read Robinson Crusoe a dozen and a half times or so.  cant quote it.  those words dont spring to life in my heart or mind.  thats because...

Joh 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

other books are dead letter... but the bible ... its living word. 

Man did not write the bible... The Holy Spirit wrote it with mens hands.  there is no lie in the bible except where it gives an account of a lie told, and even then its an honest account of the lie. 


You already know what I am going to say , but let me say it again .       SAY IT AGAIN, CLETUS ,  SAY IT AGAIN

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Yes, it completely accurate!

The Bible is a collection of 66 books, written by 40 different authors, on three different continents, in three different languages, over a period of about 1500 years.

Quite the "miracle" with God bringing all these Books together as One Book I would say!

The Holy Spirit inspired it through the men He wrote it through.

2 Peter 1:19-21  We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:  (20)  Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.  (21)  For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

I'm with Other One though, with at least 125 English translations, their can be problems. Some translations make quite a bit of money on their patents, and only allow you to "quote" so much of their "patented" work. I mean, come on!
KJV by the way, is "Public Domain" you may quote the entire Bible if you wish!

3 that come completely UN-recommended would be: The Message, that is quite messy. The Passion, quite messy also. And none other than "The Queen James bible" that has removed every verse in the Bible referring to homosexuality.


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On 2/28/2019 at 2:07 PM, johnthebaptist said:

Talking about translations....I want to explain that the "pastor" of whom I spoke that said a Bible verse was wrong in his sermon, was not talking about translations.   He literally meant the Bible verse was wrong!...

My wife and I years ago went to a similar church. After listening to his hubbub, I spoke with him after the service, correcting him on a verse that he suggested made God a liar.
He informed me with a proud and haughty look "You have not been to seminary."

We never looked back, and I've warned more than a few of that place.

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@Debp I quoted you in the above, yet it tagged Johnthebaptist in the quote feature, which you were responding to from the same quoted area.. :emot-rolleyes:

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9 minutes ago, B3L13v3R said:

My wife and I years ago went to a similar church. After listening to his hubbub, I spoke with him after the service, correcting him on a verse that he suggested made God a liar.
He informed me with a proud and haughty look "You have not been to seminary."

We never looked back, and I've warned more than a few of that place.

I have lost count of the people who have told me they stopped going to seminary schools because they were destroying their faith.

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On 2/28/2019 at 2:07 PM, johnthebaptist said:

We have many such pastors in my conference of the United Methodist Church, the California-Nevada Conference. They might not be as extreme as the pastor you are talking about, but they want you to believe there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, despite what the Lord said about it. The United Methodist Church, thank heavens, after a special meeting last week in St. Louis, has decided to remain faithful to the Lord's teachings and teach that homosexuality is a sin. Now we will see if the liberal wing of the church splits and starts its own church. Hopefully if they do, they won't drag my church along with it.

It's General Conferences like this that have to be held, as many in the UMC do not believe in God's inerrant Word. (And many other denominations now as well.)

It was somewhat encouraging to see them vote last Tuesday on banning same sex marriage, along with banning gay and lesbian clergy.
With the 53% for this, and 47% against though, we still see a wide rift of those in the UMC that would still embrace these sexual sinners, who need to repent, and believe on Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins in order to be Saved.

A lot has been going on with Methodism, and many other denominations that were sound in much in their doctrine in times past.

2016 was an interesting year for the Methodist.

-Over 100 UMC Clergy came out as Homosexuals, hoping to gain acceptance.
-Despite their probation of homosexuality, they nominated 3 openly homosexual candidates for Bishop. That same year, they elected a Lesbian for a Bishop.
-In 2017 The Northern Illinois Conference of the UMC commissioned a deacon who identifies as “non-binary,” (meaning SHE sees herself as neither male or female.)
-Sometime back, a Methodist minister "married" his son to another sodomite man.
-In another case, a Methodist University in GA expelled a  Chick-fil-A from their campus, in part due to the founder David Cathy's stance on a biblical marriage being between one man and one woman.

It was not until 2016 that the Methodist recanted on allowing for abortion, something much of the denomination had previously allowed quietly for years.
After withdrawing from abortion in 2016, they still say they are "reluctant" to approve abortion" which somewhat still "allows" for it although "reluctantly." They call it a "complex topic." There is nothing complex about it at all, God sees it as cold blooded murder.

"Our belief in the sanctity of unborn human life makes us reluctant to approve abortion."

The Salvation Army has similar language now, that allows for abortion.
William Booth the founder of the S.A. would not believe what some of it has come too.

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44 minutes ago, other one said:

I have lost count of the people who have told me they stopped going to seminary schools because they were destroying their faith.

"seminary" and "cemetary" rhyme   :)

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2 minutes ago, B3L13v3R said:

It's General Conferences like this that have to be held, as many in the UMC do not believe in God's inerrant Word. (And many other denominations now as well.)

It was somewhat encouraging to see them vote last Tuesday on banning same sex marriage, along with banning gay and lesbian clergy.
With the 53% for this, and 47% against though, we still see a wide rift of those in the UMC that would still embrace these sexual sinners, who need to repent, and believe on Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins in order to be Saved.

A lot has been going on with Methodism, and many other denominations that were sound in much in their doctrine in times past.

2016 was an interesting year for the Methodist.

-Over 100 UMC Clergy came out as Homosexuals, hoping to gain acceptance.
-Despite their probation of homosexuality, they nominated 3 openly homosexual candidates for Bishop. That same year, they elected a Lesbian for a Bishop.
-In 2017 The Northern Illinois Conference of the UMC commissioned a deacon who identifies as “non-binary,” (meaning SHE sees herself as neither male or female.)
-Sometime back, a Methodist minister "married" his son to another sodomite man.
-In another case, a Methodist University in GA expelled a  Chick-fil-A from their campus, in part due to the founder David Cathy's stance on a biblical marriage being between one man and one woman.

It was not until 2016 that the Methodist recanted on allowing for abortion, something much of the denomination had previously allowed quietly for years.
After withdrawing from abortion in 2016, they still say they are "reluctant" to approve abortion" which somewhat still "allows" for it although "reluctantly." They call it a "complex topic." There is nothing complex about it at all, God sees it as cold blooded murder.

"Our belief in the sanctity of unborn human life makes us reluctant to approve abortion."

The Salvation Army has similar language now, that allows for abortion.
William Booth the founder of the S.A. would not believe what some of it has come too.

That lesbian bishop wound up in our conference, not a surprise, since our conference, the California-Nevada Conference, is overwhelming liberal.

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42 minutes ago, other one said:

I have lost count of the people who have told me they stopped going to seminary schools because they were destroying their faith.

A brief mention here too of the majority of Christian colleges that are accredited today, including many Methodist, are embracing the ancient Roman Catholic mystic "Desert fathers" and it's counter part "Eastern Mysticism" in it's teachings in what is now called "Spiritual Formation" in our Christian ranks. It's my understanding they not only have to teach it, but one has to "practice it" before they can graduate. I'm currently aware of two men in my area that are involved in this, one I've warned, and he's all but run from me. The other, a Methodist pastor is embracing this mess, teaching his congregation the same, and has a eastern mystical "labyrinth" in his church yard...
Some colleges are trying now to clear themselves of the stigma that is properly associated with Spiritual Formation, and now call it "Christian Formation." Same teachings with a different name, nothing more than damage control to protect the guilty.
Eastern mysticism was something I left back in the 80s and I'm quite frankly shocked to see just how many churches in our nation have embraced it in the form of "Spiritual Formation." The Methodist, and many other denominations continue to hold fast to this "Formation." Plain and simple, it's not of God.

This is due to in great part, many folks not believing the thread title... "Is the Bible Accurate?" Which of course it is.

It would be such a blessing to see the Body of Christ as a whole, truly believe this portion of Worthy's Statement of Faith:

"We believe that the 66 books of the Canon, from Genesis to Revelation are the exhaustive, inerrant and inspired word of God."

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