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A Question for Protestants & Evangelicals: Is the "Protest" Really Over?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Is the "Protest" Really Over? (Are We All "Catholic" Again?)

    • No, Catholic doctrine/tradition is still irreconcilable with Evangelicalism and Protestantism.
    • Yes, Catholic doctrine/tradition is no longer at odds with Evangelicalism or Protestantism.

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The protest will be ongoing until the very end!  Many will perish for following a false christ. MANY! :o

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3 hours ago, Blueyedjewel said:

The protest will be ongoing until the very end!  Many will perish for following a false christ. MANY! :o

The medal goes to our dear sister.  Cause YOU RIGHT ON GIRL.    So long as their is breath in these lungs........The world will hear

two things...........JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY and number TWO , if you are of HIM you walk like he did.   AKA...........go and sin no more and stop loving it.

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How do we KNOW ifwe are of JESUS................HOW do we know we love Him.   JESUS said IF any loves me he will KEEP MY SAYINGS.

and HEY interfaith.................yoo hoo.....................interfaith and her supporters..............YOU AINT KEEPING HIS SAYINGS .........cause HE said I AM the ONLY WAY

not a way amongst many.  THE ONLY WAY.   as I said, I will warn out against this all inclusive make ROME RICH,    I mean

interfaith religion .   WHO SITS ON THIS RELGION ................when it becomes law....................WHO .   well WHO is leading the charge

to get all the protestants , evangelicals you name it back under IT......................ROME

who is leading the charge with this gather the whole world and all its false religions,  ROME

she aint correcting any............SHE IS MISLEADING ALL.   

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Anyone else noticing something.   Look at them.   they in it together.  the mother church is calling all her daughters home.

and the pastors have been given promises in this new world religion.   they selling out their flocks , THEY HAVE BEEN.

How come the pope gets praise from magazines....WORLDY ONES

and these same magazines spout out propaganda against WHOM..............evangelicals , fundamentals.  Anyone picked up on that.

they found a enemy.  the pope even said a personal relationship with JESUS is DANGEROUS outside the Church

he compared preaching the gospel as jihad.   SEE who is becoming the enemy yet.    Fundamental Christians getting accused of blaming the poor etc.

ITS PROPOGANDA and it works.   all the while they are selling the idea of a one world love hug religion

at the same time bashing the true christains.     THIS WORKS YALL.    LOOK what Germany did to the jews

BLAME GAME................and years later ...............it led to over six million dead.

WE GETTING THE BLAME NOW................I warned us where this is leading.  RIGHT TO the great tribulation.

And by politics and rome......................many will be killed in time to come.   HISTORY DOES REPEAT

only now .........its worldwide.  WORLDWIDE.    Hence.............it sounds like a WORLD WIDE TRIBULATION with a world wide leader to lead it IS ON THE RISE



26 minutes ago, frienduff thaylorde said:

the pope even said a personal relationship with JESUS is DANGEROUS outside the Church

he compared preaching the gospel as jihad.   SEE who is becoming the enemy yet.    Fundamental Christians getting accused of blaming the poor etc.


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5 minutes ago, Yowm said:

Revelation 14:8 NKJV
[8] And another angel followed, saying, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication."

Revelation 17:5 NKJV

Revelation 18:2,4-8 NKJV
[2] And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! [4] And I heard another voice from heaven saying, "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. [5] For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. [6] Render to her just as she rendered to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her. [7] In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, 'I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.' [8] Therefore her plagues will come in one day-death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her.



Aint this something.  one thing I notice about the HARLOT.................she must be VERY VERY RICH..............and she makes others rich.

I bet some may have sat at tables with promises of more wealth , if they can get their flocks to join her.

Think this aint possible.  WHY does a prosperity preacher preach.............the love of money..............for money , fame, power they will sell their soul.

the love of money IS INDEED the root of all evil.

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They say "peace, peace!", when there is no peace.

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53 minutes ago, Acadia said:

They say "peace, peace!", when there is no peace.

Indeed for the only peace they cry is world peace and the only peace that reconciles a man to GOD, the gospel, they wont preach cause it offends.

Has it indeed became a den of robbers and thieves.  You bet................for any thieves and robbers try and come in some other way. And

their just is NO OTHER WAY .  ONLY CHRIST . all others are but thieves and robbers.  BUT THE SHEEP DONT HEAR THEM.  

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I say it again and I claim it bodly.  Interfaith is a lie from satan.

The SHEEP hear only the shepards voice , and another they simply will not hear, but will flee the voice of any who contradicts JESUS.

 A tribulation is coming .  The sheep fear it not .  Though many hands are joining and evil is increasing , the sheep fear not.

For the SHEPARD , the Great Apostel of the sheep is WITH HIS own and has conquered death.  The sheep fear not death, they love not their lives

they are simply loyal to the ONE who has given them life.    When all is said , when all is done that was recored long ago, that many have longed

for , that many who remained loyal and now sleep, all will be forever together with the LORD one day.

Till then it only gets worse, seducers only increase , the falling away goes viral, and the lambs get betrayed.

But the true sheep who love Him in sincerity will abound faithful through every trial.  They will abound , they will overcome the evil .

And not a hair of their head will perish.  In our patience IS SALVATOIN for our SALVATION is IN THE LORD

and the world did not , nor ever will it overcome Him or any who are HIS.

This is sad to have to watch , because all I wanted was souls to be saved.  Only so many will not.

They will gather under Romes shade  .    But a building built on sand WONT STAND NOR ENDURE.  it has its end.

and all who followed her , interfaith , the lies of men will perish at the COMING of the LORD.

Till then they will worsen and worsen till arrives the man who gives them their hearts desire.............the one and ones who do all to rid the earth of TRUTH

and those who remained in the TRUTH of OUR LORD.

And at the coming of our LORD.......many will see the trap they set for us , they fell into.  For only the meek in Christ shall inherit the earth, NOT the evil

who did all to rid the earth of those meek. But many will die for the righteous cause of the LORD first.

The thing is .........I was one of the worst , deserving the worst punishment , the lake of fire.

Yet God extended mercy through grace.......and HOW often would he have gathered the whole of the world unto HIM..............only THEY WOULD NOT.

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14 minutes ago, frienduff thaylorde said:

I say it again and I claim it bodly.  Interfaith is a lie from satan.

The SHEEP hear only the shepards voice , and another they simply will not hear, but will flee the voice of any who contradicts JESUS.

 A tribulation is coming .  The sheep fear it not .  Though many hands are joining and evil is increasing , the sheep fear not.

For the SHEPARD , the Great Apostel of the sheep is WITH HIS own and has conquered death.  The sheep fear not death, they love not their lives

they are simply loyal to the ONE who has given them life.    When all is said , when all is done that was recored long ago, that many have longed

for , that many who remained loyal and now sleep, all will be forever together with the LORD one day.

Till then it only gets worse, seducers only increase , the falling away goes viral, and the lambs get betrayed.

But the true sheep who love Him in sincerity will abound faithful through every trial.  They will abound , they will overcome the evil .

And not a hair of their head will perish.  In our patience IS SALVATOIN for our SALVATION is IN THE LORD

and the world did not , nor ever will it overcome Him or any who are HIS.

This is sad to have to watch , because all I wanted was souls to be saved.  Only so many will not.

They will gather under Romes shade  .    But a building built on sand WONT STAND NOR ENDURE.  it has its end.

and all who followed her , interfaith , the lies of men will perish at the COMING of the LORD.

Till then they will worsen and worsen till arrives the man who gives them their hearts desire.............the one and ones who do all to rid the earth of TRUTH

and those who remained in the TRUTH of OUR LORD.

And at the coming of our LORD.......many will see the trap they set for us , they fell into.  For only the meek in Christ shall inherit the earth, NOT the evil

who did all to rid the earth of those meek. But many will die for the righteous cause of the LORD first.

The thing is .........I was one of the worst , deserving the worst punishment , the lake of fire.

Yet God extended mercy through grace.......and HOW often would he have gathered the whole of the world unto HIM..............only THEY WOULD NOT.

Yes. It is heartbreaking. No one seems to want to remember that Rome did it before, and they will likely do so again.

So many believe the "protest" really is over.

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