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When you hear the word, "gospel", what do you think about?

When I was about 15, I heard the word and didnt understand.  First off, my family was Jehovah Witness, and we didnt celebrate anything.  So later in life, I heard the words spoken by a "Mormon" and tried to grasp the meaning.

For the Mormons, the gospel is their belief system.  Since I know that there is nothing true about said religion, one must ignore their meaning, and dive headlong into scripture.

So as a young Witness, what did I learn?  Nothing much.  And that was the sad thing.  Yes, I went to school, and didnt have enough credits to graduate, but a few years later, I did get my GED...while I was in prison.

Funny, I know, but that is where I received most of my education.  How old was I?  24 when I went in, and 10 years later, here I am.

But when I turned 29, I started to figure things out.  I was not really doing much study until my 4th year in prison, and when I did pick up a book, I was happy.

I was learning.  Learning about things I never would have.  Then, one day, I woke up and said to myself, "I really want to know what that bible is about."  That was a few months after I saw the parole board.  They had let me out after 3.5 years, and since I didnt agree with my 10 year sentence, I decided to run.  

But later my brother convinced me to turn myself in, so I did.  I was given a one way ticket back to prison to finish my 6.5 years.  And to this day, I am grateful.  If he would not have asked me to, I would have never come to the understanding that I have now.

And that is what I am talking about.  This understanding is what the gospel REALLY is.  We need to have a PERFECT understanding of it to be "in" Yashua.  

The death, burial, and resurrection, IS the gospel.  That is what was hidden from past generations.  Those who came before, didnt have a full understanding of what would take place.  They were looking through a dark mirror.  But for us, on this side of history, the mirror is clear.  

How earth shattering, and how important the gospel is.  If it werent for the death, burial, and resurrection, we would be without hope.  

Why is baptism so important?  Because it is the gospel.  Death, burial, and resurrection.  When we are baptized, we die to the old man, and are resurrected into the new man.  It is not an outward expression of an inward devotion.  Because it is not about show and tell.  It is about do and die.  The gospel is not only about telling others, but living by example.

We MUST be born again.  Being born again, is physically living the gospel.  And the gospel is death, burial, and resurrection.  This is the truth Yashua gave to Nicodemus. 

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completed believer1

you are correct in your post, and what we as a people do, with what we know of Yashua, is Key ,

it dawns on me, everyday , how we so take the gospel  ,and so lightly give it a look, we have not fully understood the power of the cross, and the life changing power of the word of God, for we needed Yashua to show us the way , to open our eyes and know He is God,

the bible is a great wonder , and spirit filled book, with its words of God unfolding as we all, in our time look at it ,and it tells us the story of where we are, and what we need to be doing , and How the power of love by the creator , has reached down to pull us out of the depts. of hell, for we are the  lost sheep , and unable to protect or save our selves on our own,

today many read the word, but never understanding the power of the scriptures and how it will ,and is, transforming our lives and being into what we cannot explain, we go through our day to day lives ,and not believe what the Bible is really telling us, it is just words in a book for many and it has no power , when you have not the holy spirit to show you in the vision of how it is to be read,

now when are eyes are open, and we begin to see the glory and majesty of what this is all about, then we can start to see how God is real, and almighty , in all that we are, and in all that we will be, He knows the end from the beginning and He has given Himself for a special  people, to see , what is to see, and grace  and mercy to those that are of pure heart,

too many pollute the word of God and use it at the evil of knowledge , but never coming around to know its power, so we are like children and we need to look to the father, and cry out to Him ,and Humble our selves to Him, for He is good, and we are saved , by faith and grace by a awesome God, that many in the world will never come to understand,

but blessed is the one that seeks Him ,and finds Him, .......             .And gets on the straight and narrow,....amen.

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I don't disagree with what you are saying. But like the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons you mentioned often do they take Christian sounding words and fill them with different meanings. And the tendency for most is to delve no deeper into what is being said as long as it "sounds" like what they believe.

The use of YAHshua is a bit of a red flag for me. For there is a cult that goes around emphasizing this as the only correct way to say Jesus' name.

My question to you is, are the names Jesus, Yeshua, Y'shua, Iesous, even Joshua (Yehoshua) the same TO YOU as "Yahshua?"

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13 minutes ago, JohnD said:

I don't disagree with what you are saying. But like the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons you mentioned often do they take Christian sounding words and fill them with different meanings. And the tendency for most is to delve no deeper into what is being said as long as it "sounds" like what they believe.

The use of YAHshua is a bit of a red flag for me. For there is a cult that goes around emphasizing this as the only correct way to say Jesus' name.

My question to you is, are the names Jesus, Yeshua, Y'shua, Iesous, even Joshua (Yehoshua) the same TO YOU as "Yahshua?"

If I use Jesus , Emmanuel ,king of kings ,lord of lords, prince of peace, Elohim ,YASHUA , OR YESHUA,OR YAHSHUA, IT IS ALL THE SAME TO ME, as a gentile Jesus is common, but , there is  a conviction to call Jesus ,Yeshua , or Yashua,  for many as you know take the lords name in vain, and curse God everyday , knowingly and unknowingly , and so when you use the Hebrew form of Yashua, or Yeshua, it brings to me a more respectful calling and respect to obedience , of respect to God, that is just for me, because I believe that many use Jesus as a phrase a slang and have no understanding in the power of His finished work on the cross,

and so out of respect I wanted to separate  my yeshua, or Elohim from the worlds view , of Jesus, for the worlds Jesus, is not the true Jesus we serve in the bible, and so this also gives great perspective on our obedience, Jesus is my savior, and I want to have full adoration and honor and praises to Him, who is able to save, and that has saved me,

it is not a cult or anything like that, but what it is , is for those that really want to study and know God and seek Him with all that we are and all that we have, it is to acknowledge Him from the beginning when Hebrew was given to  us,

yes I say this as a gentile not as  jewish person, but that does not exclude me, to abide in Christ Jesus , in this way , at all ,and to want to give respect and honor to a God, that has taken my place on the cross, and when I fellowship with Him , it is more in debt, and not as common as others toss His name around like mud.

I hope I was able to show you my thoughts on this , blessing JohnD

I know that many are not willing to change from there beliefs and understanding and stand in there firm beliefs no matter if they are right or wrong, but I think God would be pleased to hear His name in Hebrew, and that would be okay coming from a gentile , what do you think my brother.. in the lord ? no harm in that  right ?

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2 minutes ago, JohnD said:

I don't disagree with what you are saying. But like the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons you mentioned often do they take Christian sounding words and fill them with different meanings. And the tendency for most is to delve no deeper into what is being said as long as it "sounds" like what they believe.

The use of YAHshua is a bit of a red flag for me. For there is a cult that goes around emphasizing this as the only correct way to say Jesus' name.

My question to you is, are the names Jesus, Yeshua, Y'shua, Iesous, even Joshua (Yehoshua) the same TO YOU as "Yahshua?"

The name is important.  How people were named meant A LOT.  

Joseph was told to give him a certain name.  Why is that?  When people were looking for salvation, they knew to look for him.  He IS salvation.  His very NAME means salvation.

I find it odd to know that many scholars do not see things the same way.  We see that several people were named, and had their names changed by YAHVAH.  

The name YAHVAH has a meaning.  "The Self Existing Ever Eternal One".  

Jesus is a letter translation, with no meaning.  Jesus does not mean "salvation".  It means nothing.  

Yashua isnt just a name, it means SALVATION, (YAH will save, YAH's salvation) because he IS salvation.  

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22 minutes ago, SINNERSAVED said:

If I use Jesus , Emmanuel ,king of kings ,lord of lords, prince of peace, Elohim ,YASHUA , OR YESHUA,OR YAHSHUA, IT IS ALL THE SAME TO ME, as a gentile Jesus is common, but , there is  a conviction to call Jesus ,Yeshua , or Yashua,  for many as you know take the lords name in vain, and curse God everyday , knowingly and unknowingly , and so when you use the Hebrew form of Yashua, or Yeshua, it brings to me a more respectful calling and respect to obedience , of respect to God, that is just for me, because I believe that many use Jesus as a phrase a slang and have no understanding in the power of His finished work on the cross,

and so out of respect I wanted to separate  my yeshua, or Elohim from the worlds view , of Jesus, for the worlds Jesus, is not the true Jesus we serve in the bible, and so this also gives great perspective on our obedience, Jesus is my savior, and I want to have full adoration and honor and praises to Him, who is able to save, and that has saved me,

it is not a cult or anything like that, but what it is , is for those that really want to study and know God and seek Him with all that we are and all that we have, it is to acknowledge Him from the beginning when Hebrew was given to  us,

yes I say this as a gentile not as  jewish person, but that does not exclude me, to abide in Christ Jesus , in this way , at all ,and to want to give respect and honor to a God, that has taken my place on the cross, and when I fellowship with Him , it is more in debt, and not as common as others toss His name around like mud.

I hope I was able to show you my thoughts on this , blessing JohnD

I know that many are not willing to change from there beliefs and understanding and stand in there firm beliefs no matter if they are right or wrong, but I think God would be pleased to hear His name in Hebrew, and that would be okay coming from a gentile , what do you think my brother.. in the lord ? no harm in that  right ?

There is nothing wrong with pleasing YAHVAH.  He wants us to be alive with the spirit, and dead to the world.  

We need to honor him with everything we do, and have.  

We also need to worship him in spirit and truth. 

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Point I was getting at is there are groups and cults who believe and teach it is required to refer to Jesus as Yahsua or to use the KJV Bible only. And I wanted to ask the OP if they are in that camp.  I mean, I have no problem with anyone making a personal choice to refer to Jesus as his Hebrew name Yshua or which ever. The problem is projecting that choice on others and making it a requirement.

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If God was that meticulous and wanted a specifically literal name used, why did he wait until the New Testament time to make such a requirement? I mean why not:

Isaiah 9:6 (suppositional example)

6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Yahshua and nothing but...


FYI here's the actual verse:

Isaiah 9:6 (AV)

6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.


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3 hours ago, completedbeliever1 said:

When you hear the word, "gospel", what do you think about?

When I was about 15, I heard the word and didnt understand.  First off, my family was Jehovah Witness, and we didnt celebrate anything.  So later in life, I heard the words spoken by a "Mormon" and tried to grasp the meaning.

For the Mormons, the gospel is their belief system.  Since I know that there is nothing true about said religion, one must ignore their meaning, and dive headlong into scripture.

So as a young Witness, what did I learn?  Nothing much.  And that was the sad thing.  Yes, I went to school, and didnt have enough credits to graduate, but a few years later, I did get my GED...while I was in prison.

Funny, I know, but that is where I received most of my education.  How old was I?  24 when I went in, and 10 years later, here I am.

But when I turned 29, I started to figure things out.  I was not really doing much study until my 4th year in prison, and when I did pick up a book, I was happy.

I was learning.  Learning about things I never would have.  Then, one day, I woke up and said to myself, "I really want to know what that bible is about."  That was a few months after I saw the parole board.  They had let me out after 3.5 years, and since I didnt agree with my 10 year sentence, I decided to run.  

But later my brother convinced me to turn myself in, so I did.  I was given a one way ticket back to prison to finish my 6.5 years.  And to this day, I am grateful.  If he would not have asked me to, I would have never come to the understanding that I have now.

And that is what I am talking about.  This understanding is what the gospel REALLY is.  We need to have a PERFECT understanding of it to be "in" Yashua.  

The death, burial, and resurrection, IS the gospel.  That is what was hidden from past generations.  Those who came before, didnt have a full understanding of what would take place.  They were looking through a dark mirror.  But for us, on this side of history, the mirror is clear.  

How earth shattering, and how important the gospel is.  If it werent for the death, burial, and resurrection, we would be without hope.  

Why is baptism so important?  Because it is the gospel.  Death, burial, and resurrection.  When we are baptized, we die to the old man, and are resurrected into the new man.  It is not an outward expression of an inward devotion.  Because it is not about show and tell.  It is about do and die.  The gospel is not only about telling others, but living by example.

We MUST be born again.  Being born again, is physically living the gospel.  And the gospel is death, burial, and resurrection.  This is the truth Yashua gave to Nicodemus. 

Very nice insight.

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1 minute ago, JohnD said:

Point I was getting at is there are groups and cults who believe and teach it is required to refer to Jesus as Yahsua or to use the KJV Bible only. And I wanted to ask the OP if they are in that camp.  I mean, I have no problem with anyone making a personal choice to refer to Jesus as his Hebrew name Yshua or which ever. The problem is projecting that choice on others and making it a requirement.

I am not in the KJV only camp, or You gotta call him this or that to enter heaven.  

I understand where people could see it as legalism.  

There is a reason I use the Star of David as my picture...

What is not seen, very well, is the cross on the left, and the fish on the right.  

This symbolizes the relationship between the Hebrew people, (12 tribes) the cross, and the believers, (Hebrew/Gentile).  

That is just my symbol to show respect to those who came before me.  I would never expect anyone to "adopt" it to make me happy, or to prove they are believers.  

I am not like that, and I hope that my ministry does not reflect that.

The only requirement is to accept we are sinners, then come to repent, be baptized in the name of salvation, and be clean.  

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