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The Prewrath Rapture position is a biblical synthesis of pre-, mid-, and posttribulationalism, together with a refinement of the timing issue that brings harmony to all of the rapture passages in question.

A thorough examination of the Prewrath position reveals that an unquestionable truth from each of the three positions is kept while the errors of each position are discarded. The proponents of these three major positions would probably concur that the major area of disagreement concerns the actual timing of the rapture which, they would have to admit, also influences their interpretation of many passages that deal with issues related to the rapture question.

The Truth of Prewrath

I believe that the Prewrath position adds the fourth leg to the chair illustration. By taking what is biblically defensible from each of the other three positions, the Prewrath position begins with strong supports already in place. As do all the rapture positions discussed, I also believe that the saints will not experience the eschatological wrath of God. Like those who hold to the midtrib position, I see a distinction between the wrath of God and the wrath of Antichrist/man. Like the posttrib position, I believe that the wrath of God will be evidenced only after the persecution of Antichrist is finished. Therefore, like the posttribbers, I believe that the Church will experience the direct persecution of Satan/Antichrist.

The number of faithful followers of Jesus Christ who hold to each of the positions stated above are many. Logically, it makes sense that the correct position on the timing of Christ’s return is some combination of the three major views, given that each view is based on the same passages of Scripture. It is arrogant and illogical then to conclude that only one of these positions is absolutely right and the other two are totally wrong.

The question that each position is attempting to answer concerns the timing of the rapture. This continues to be the irreconcilable difference. Countless hours of time and gallons of ink have been expended in order to prove the other two positions wrong. Scholars continue to search for the one argument that will close the debate in favor of their own particular position. The sad result is that the discussions have gotten so trivial and the distinctions between words so technical that the average follower of Christ cannot follow the arguments. The price of this continual infighting is, on the one hand, an uneducated laity convinced that the truth cannot be known. On the other hand, committed godly men and women support pre-, mid-, and posttribulationalism with fierce devotion to their position. For now, the debate is purely esoteric. No real danger exists, for all things continue as before.

However, one day there will be a world full of people that will be called upon to be that final generation of humanity to experience the climactic events of history. The old adage that end-time events “will all pan out in the end” will not be taken so lightly by the generation that will see these things begin to happen.


calling all resident experts.


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This pretty much matches my conclusions for the sequencing, so I guess there is a title for my position, no arguments here.

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cool, thanks wingnut- :thumbsup:

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Hi Al, I concur with what is here that I see. I believe the multi-fascited word of God has within its pages the layout and answers necessary for understanding. A perverse generation seeks after a sign. Why doesn't a non perverse one seek a sign? Because they see them all and need not ask for another. Those who pervert the word and ways of God cannot see. Those who purify their hearts perceive God.

Hang on, I believe it may be a little bumpy going in. Peace is only in Christ.

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hey Gary, thank you.

let us continually pray for discernment in these current times of deception.

may we be blessed with eyes and ears to see and hear Him.

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hey Gary, thank you.

let us continually pray for discernment in these current times of deception.

may we be blessed with eyes and ears to see and hear Him.

Sincerely pray that God will keep you as the 'apple of his eye' which is to say that you want to be the place where light enters into his body, his body being the body of Christ. He gives to you. You give light to the rest of the body. That is the job of the pupil or apple of the eye.

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Thank you for sharing that blessed and may God bless you even more!

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It appears that you have posted a chart of 3 Pre Wrath positions; being Pre Trib, Mid Trib, and Pre Wrath.

In Christ

Montana Marv

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calling all resident experts.


Hi BlessedByTheBest,

As far as the timing of the rapture goes, I like the pre-wrath position, because the gathering will occur immediately after the tribulation of those days (Matt 24:29), which will be cut short for the sake of the elect (Matt. 24:22), which also occurs before God's wrath. However, this speaks to the timing issue only. I say this because I believe there is a deeper element here that usually gets overlooked.

Though there will be signs when that season draws near, we still can't and won't know exactly when that day and hour comes, until it is upon us. So we are commanded to be ready. Two will be in the field, one will be taken, the other left... Two women will be grinding at the mill, one will be taken, the other left... Ten virgins will be waiting to go out and meet the Bridegroom when He comes, but only five will be ready.

To me, it's not enough to stop at the timing issue, especially when we won't know the day and the hour. Being ready for that unexpected moment is more important than trying to know when it will happen. This is why I wrote my book, to go deeper into this issue.

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Thank you for sharing that blessed and may God bless you even more!

thank you sister Red! same to you! :heart:

It appears that you have posted a chart of 3 Pre Wrath positions; being Pre Trib, Mid Trib, and Pre Wrath.

In Christ

Montana Marv

indeed brother Marv..

i believe the differentiating factor between these positions in the chart is the distinction and timing between satan's and God's wrath, as it pertains to the timing of the catching up.

here is what i got from the chart after reading the article.

Pre-Trib being Pre-Wrath, but assuming the entire 70th week is the wrath of God.

Mid-Trib being Pre-Wrath, but assuming only God's wrath will be evident in the second half of the 70th week.

and Pre-Wrath being Pre-Wrath in accordance with God's wrath bringing an end to satan's wrath during the second half of the 70th week.

Hi BlessedByTheBest,

As far as the timing of the rapture goes, I like the pre-wrath position, because the gathering will occur immediately after the tribulation of those days (Matt 24:29), which will be cut short for the sake of the elect (Matt. 24:22), which also occurs before God's wrath. However, this speaks to the timing issue only. I say this because I believe there is a deeper element here that usually gets overlooked.

Though there will be signs when that season draws near, we still can't and won't know exactly when that day and hour comes, until it is upon us. So we are commanded to be ready. Two will be in the field, one will be taken, the other left... Two women will be grinding at the mill, one will be taken, the other left... Ten virgins will be waiting to go out and meet the Bridegroom when He comes, but only five will be ready.

To me, it's not enough to stop at the timing issue, especially when we won't know the day and the hour. Being ready for that unexpected moment is more important than trying to know when it will happen. This is why I wrote my book, to go deeper into this issue.

awesome, thank you rollinTHUNDER..some things to consider.

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