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I think anyone who compares cigarettes to cocaine or heroin has obviously never done cocaine or heroin. :P

We are all allotted a certain number of days on this planet and there’s nothing we can do to alter what the Lord has put into motion. While we may have the freewill to act as we wish, it is the Lord who has the final say in who dies and who lives.

Caffeine has a number of side effects that affect the user both physically and mentally, yet most people don’t give it a second thought. A fast heart rate, anxiety, depression, difficulty sleeping, nausea, restlessness, tremors, vomiting, etc., are all associated with the use of caffeine. We view caffeine as a substance that is so harmless that we give it to our children in the form of candy. A nonsmoker will vilify cigarettes with a cup of coffee in their hand.

There’s no denying that cigarette smoking can be harmful to ones health, but so can inattentive driving. How many loved ones are lost because of texting behind the wheel?

Death and illness comes in all shapes and sizes and most of us expose ourselves to those dangers on a daily basis without giving it a second thought.

The Lord said something about a splinter in the eye. As we move though life we should all keep that passage in the back of our mind and refer to it often when dealing with others.

Just a thought. :)

I see you wub.gif. Welcome back brother. I honestly missed you. emot-hug.gif

You know I've been convicted over caffeine addiction many times and it really has me beat. I do have to plan my day around it to avoid headaches. It's terrible. I think I've quit and taken up the cup about 4 times now. It's hard and I'll never point the finger at smokers, that's if I can see them around the log in my own eye.


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You really are a softie wink.gifemot-hug.gif.

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Smoking is basically committing slow suicide.

Slow indeed. :whistling:

Television Pioneer's Life Cut Short - "His trademark cigar rarely left his hand. In an interview two years ago, Berle said he'd smoked cigars since he was 12. "I figure if George Burns can smoke 20 cigars a day his whole life and live to be 100, why should I worry if they're bad for me?" We note the passing of Milton Berle with sadness and anger at a creative life cut short by excessive tobacco use. Mr. Berle died Wednesday from colon cancer. He was 93.


If you don't like cigarettes, don't smoke. ;)

Just a thought.

I don't smoke, in fact I pick up speed and hold my breath when I walk by a smoking person. I don't like how the smoker deprive me the freedom to breathe fresh air.

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So here is my question ...

In your opinion and of your Bible study how should a Christian view smoking cigarettes even in comparison to hard drugs?

What we need to bear in mind - our society accepts addictions that do not cause mind-altering behavior and potential brain damage (alcohol only causes such problems when consuming too much).

So while cigarettes can or usually cause slow, long-term damage, they don't cause hallucinations, amnesia, or any of the other states caused by the hard drugs.

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Around 1990 when I had been born again a few weeks, I had promised God to never smoke again. For whatever reason I eventually bought a pack, smoked a couple, threw them away and cried big time for hours thinking I had failed God and he wouldn't love me anymore or something...it was a longggg time ago. I was genuinely torn up inside because I was pretty ignorant about how things really are.

Anyway, I was asking God to please let me know He still loved me or anything like that (still boo hoo'ing alone on my couch).

A few minutes later there's a knock at my door...some guy says "Are you Johnny?"... I say "Yea"...

He says "I found your wallet and it had your license with your address so here it is".

"Wow, thanks...I didn't even know I'd lost it"

He says "Don't you go to such-and-such church?"

"Yea" I say.

He says "Yea. Me too. Thought I recognized you. Well, God bless you! Bye"

After I shut the door I was just in awe and felt it was His was of telling me He loved me still, since I was too stupid to know that.

I think I cried again like a girly-man cuz I was happy! lol


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I just run up to them and scream YOUR FACE IS ON FIRE... it is generally not to well received.... :blink:

If you think that isn't well received, try throwing a bucket of water in their face and see if you can make it to the door :laugh: better yet, use a fire extinguisher on their cigarette. :24:

I never really ever had a smoking problem............but I must confess, I do put a pinch between my cheek and gum................I know, I know, bad habit. :b:

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Well, I have personal bias against smoking, so I'll just say that I have a couple of favorite sayings that pretty much sum up my feelings:

"If God had intended man to smoke, He would have set him on fire."


"If I see you smoking, I will assume you're on fire and act accordingly."

I put the first one a bumper sticker on Zazzle. LOL

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