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Netanyahu's speech

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Guest shiloh357
The Palestinian state exists and the Isreal state exists.This speach as other speaches are political save faces with no meaning.It is the advantage of both of them to live in peace but it is not necessarily in the interest of third parties

The problem is that the Palestinians are operating from a different definition of peace than Israel and the rest of us.

That has been one thing that our media and world leaders in the west never seem to pick up. The Palestinians talk about peace, but what they mean by "peace" has nothing to do with the absence of armed action. It simply means "armed truce" meant to buy time to gather up strength to continue attacking Israel in the future.

Another example is "West Bank." When refer to the West Bank, we are referring to a portion of land annexed by Jordan that corresponds to biblical "Judea and Samaria." When the Palestinians demand that Israel "withdraw from the West Bank" they are talking about ALL of the land of Israel west of the Jordan river all the way to the Mediteranean Sea.

So, that changes everything when we here Mahmoud Abbas call for a withdraw of the Israelis from all West Bank settlements. They see the entire nation of Israel as an illegal settlement. Hamas, on more than one occasion referred to its attacks on Israeli cities like Tel Aviv as attacks on Israeli "occupation."

When the PLO was formed in 1964, Arafat claimed its purpose was to liberate the Paletinian from Zionist/Israeli occupation. Yet that was three years before there was one Jew in the West Bank or Gaza. So, the notion of "occupation" in Palestinian thought pertains to the entire nation of Israel.

That is why they will NEVER agree to a peace treaty that includes having to recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish nation. They will not agree to any solution that does not include the removal of Israel.

Netanyahu understands this, but it is completely ignored by the media and by our elected officials in Washington.

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Another example is "West Bank." When refer to the West Bank, we are referring to a portion of land annexed by Jordan that corresponds to biblical "Judea and Samaria." When the Palestinians demand that Israel "withdraw from the West Bank" they are talking about ALL of the land of Israel west of the Jordan river all the way to the Mediteranean Sea.

So, that changes everything when we here Mahmoud Abbas call for a withdraw of the Israelis from all West Bank settlements. They see the entire nation of Israel as an illegal settlement. Hamas, on more than one occasion referred to its attacks on Israeli cities like Tel Aviv as attacks on Israeli "occupation."

When the PLO was formed in 1964, Arafat claimed its purpose was to liberate the Paletinian from Zionist/Israeli occupation. Yet that was three years before there was one Jew in the West Bank or Gaza.

Which puts perspective on this part of the speech:

. . . . . .

"In 1947, when the United Nations proposed the partition plan of a Jewish state and an Arab state, the entire Arab world rejected the resolution. The Jewish community, by contrast, welcomed it by dancing and rejoicing.

"The Arabs rejected any Jewish state, in any borders.

"Those who think that the continued enmity toward Israel is a product of our presence in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, is confusing cause and consequence.

"The attacks against us began in the 1920s, escalated into a comprehensive attack in 1948 with the declaration of Israel

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It benefits the Palestinians to reject history before 70AD. They seem to forget the fact that for thousand of years prior, the land was Israels. They were forced to flee for their lives by the Roman empire. After they fled, the Palestinians moved in and this is the beginning of the time line they refer to, as if the Jewish nation never existed before 1948.

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Netanyahu's strategy is working. :whistling:

He is polarizing the Mid East.

President Mubarak of Egypt said today, that Egypt will never recognize a Jewish State.

Meanwhile President Obama's strategy of pressuring Israel is blowing up in his face and he doesn't appear to know what to do about it.

He stated publically that Iran should have legitimate Nuclear power, signifying that we would not pressure them over their current Bomb making ambitions. Meanwhile he worked to delegitimize the Israeli leadership. Then Iran implodes in an obvious sham election and the Vice President and President of the U.S. refuse to say anything either good or bad about it. They wait. :blink:

LOL, the one on top this week is Netanyahu.

I find it absolutely amazing that only the Iranian people and Netanyahu really get what the actions and foreign policy of Obama will produce. Iran, the people, understand that this will bring a unilateral strike by Israel and then War.

Obama's leadership is failing at home and abroad. Meanhwile Jimma Carter is back out there building up his own failed policy's, trying to legitimize his Administration, like a haunting spectre from the past come to revisit the world through Obama. :taped:

The Irony would all be laughable if it weren't so very dangerous. :taped:

God is not a fool though!



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President Mubarak of Egypt said today, that Egypt will never recognize a Jewish State.

:whistling: I thought their trety a couple or three decades ago did that.

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Here's the News report from the Jerusalem Post;


I think he was stating that Netanyahu's refusal of the right of return for the refugee's would not get them recognized by Palestine.

Polarization, nonetheless. :whistling: I believe it was Netanyahu's strategy, he knows the hot buttons that will cause the Terrorists to act like Terrorists, instead of the Statesmen they pretend to be. This can help to sway public opinion here and pressure the Presidents ridiculous policy, even amongst the self hating Jewish left.



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LOL, the one on top this week is Netanyahu.

Brilliant move by Netanyahu. I've always admired that man. :)

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It benefits the Palestinians to reject history before 70AD. They seem to forget the fact that for thousand of years prior, the land was Israels. They were forced to flee for their lives by the Roman empire. After they fled, the Palestinians moved in and this is the beginning of the time line they refer to, as if the Jewish nation never existed before 1948.

I question the sanity of people who are harping on what happened nearly 2000 years ago.....muslims all seem to live in the past. Maybe that's why there's very little progress to note in muslim countries....for the past 1400 years! :)

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It benefits the Palestinians to reject history before 70AD. They seem to forget the fact that for thousand of years prior, the land was Israels. They were forced to flee for their lives by the Roman empire. After they fled, the Palestinians moved in and this is the beginning of the time line they refer to, as if the Jewish nation never existed before 1948.

I question the sanity of people who are harping on what happened nearly 2000 years ago.....muslims all seem to live in the past. Maybe that's why there's very little progress to note in muslim countries....for the past 1400 years! :noidea:

Then you question my sanity since I brought this up? History is a valuable reminder of what was, a tool to learn from. History proves that the land the Muslims call theirs is not theirs, or am I missing your point all together? :)

Here is something from what Netanyahu said, and reported by HERB KEINON: Netanyahu wants demilitarized PA state

He did not tackle the issue of a Palestinian state, or the settlement issue, until well into his remarks, and until after he corrected the impression Obama left with his Cairo address on June 4, that Israel was the product of the Holocaust, and not the result of a timeless Jewish connection to the Land of Israel.

The connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel goes back more than 3,500 years, the prime minister said. "This is the land of our forefathers.

"The right of the Jewish people to a state in the Land of Israel does not derive from the catastrophes that have plagued our people," he said. "True, for 2,000 years the Jewish people suffered expulsions, pogroms, blood libels and massacres which culminated in a Holocaust - a suffering which has no parallel in human history.

"There are those who say that if the Holocaust had not occurred, the State of Israel would never have been established. But I say that if the State of Israel would have been established earlier, the Holocaust would not have occurred."

Netanyahu, clearly relating to Obama's narrative in the Cairo speech, said the Jews' right to a sovereign state in Israel "arises from one simple fact: this is the homeland of the Jewish people, this is where our identity was forged."

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