My opinion is that as Christian's we should not dismiss trying to find meaning in the dreams that we have as some are from God.
BUT also
We should be very careful to use proper discernment in our interpretation when we do:
Is it completely biblically sound e.g. the dream may have felt good but was it sin - wrong interpretations may make your heart justify sin when you wake up.*
How did it feel? Most likely if it made you feel rough then the dream was of the enemy, a nightmare. Sometimes a warning from God too though.
Maybe it is just your brain processing the day if you dream about potatoes if you had a jacket potato for dinner lol. this IMO is a good bible based website, and this is some useful advice from it:
If it is, prayerfully consider what God would have you do in response to your dream (James 1:5).
In Scripture, whenever anyone experienced a dream from God, God always made the meaning of the dream clear, whether directly to the person, through an angel, or through another messenger (Genesis 40:5–11; Daniel 2:45; 4:19). When God speaks to us, He makes sure His message is clearly understood.
*I don't think I have been led into sin by a dream but I have been led astray by them before e.g. in a time when I was desperate for a breakthrough, the enemy gave a dream of doing a job that I was not ready for. I tried this job and found I had to leave as it was a massive stress I could cope with. I have been led into big seasons of struggle and confusion as I had put my hope in a dream that was not of God.
Sometimes we should do this:
Hope I have not been too serious, watch out for Nephilim size potatoes running after you with a peeler. ?