The projects here have been downsized + they added hip culture to the downtown scene, along with landscaping that looks nice. Downtown Toledo is constantly being upgraded, built back up, restored.
There are still wars in this city, anger + violence we see and experience on a daily basis. Anger may not be the best word, rage in the people, no rage in some.
Last week a local thief was thrown out of a forth story window and fell to his death. Shortly before that we lived with him here at the Cherry Street Christian Homeless Mission downtown Toledo.
A few weeks ago one of our brothers was struck by a car that came up after him to hit him on the sidewalk. We have no idea what this was all about. Toledo drivers are very complacent, disinterested in driving, only in texting + driving way too fast + running over a white person may not be the worst thing in the world either. Many blacks here despise you if you're white, some grow up without one white person around ever.
Each week we look forward to outside charity meals + clothes giveaways hosted by local christians. Saturday @ 11am, then Sunday @11am in a different location. We go through the same routine everyday, making our beds after checking in at 6pm to the Men's Building. Letting the guys search our backpacks for drugs and running the wands over us for weapons. We get to watch TV in the community room + we can play pool and foosball until 9pm. Same routine everyday, same rules with the staff. We have to endure many hurt men who have been banned from their families, kicked out of their homes.
King 👑 Jesus shows up anytime we pray, and He is with the leaders here. If we pray with them, amazing results can and do happen. And it alleviates the stress and having to listen to homeless people talking to themselves every single day.
You absolutely have to learn to explain things to the needy, and rebuke them when necessary, or you can become a target. It is best to use scripture because it feels like wild hyenas when it gets going... The reality of Scripture works best to survive, then thrive in any third world environment when dealing with mankind.
There is a Heaven's elder man here who prays in a tongue that sounds like old Italian + latin combined. When doing so the whole area fills with Heaven's light + pure love & joy.
Another gentlemen showed up from Michigan lately who prayed for me + called down Heaven's authority including an arch angel to attack the enemy's works, it gave us a path to see a sign change from Heaven 3 days ago.