When we walk in a lifestyle of evangelism, the supernatural and the encounters that go with it will naturally be a part of our everyday walk. We won't have to think about the "where and how" of sharing the love of Jesus with people – they will naturally find us!
The key to the results you want to see is allowing evangelism to become who you are instead of simply what you do. Not everyone is called to the office of an Evangelist, but every Believer shares the Good News! This can be an incredibly intimidating thing if you do not understand God's heart, nor do you know your place in His heart.
Here are two questions we need to answer as we walk in a supernatural lifestyle of evangelism: 1. What does the Father see? 2. What is God's PURPOSE for my life? KEEPING OUR EYES ON THE LOVE OF JESUS THROUGH US Acts 26:18 - "to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me."
Love flows from God's heart to us: to open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light, from the power of satan unto God that they might receive – forgiveness of sins, and an inheritance among those sanctified by faith in Jesus.
God is looking to impart something and to give something to us! He is eagerly waiting so that we can receive from Him!
As His ambassadors, when we share the Good News, we are not just trying to "fill the pews" and pile more people into church but to equip new believers to be effective in advancing God's Kingdom on earth. Our ultimate goal is to offer Him an inheritance of children and give people a place in a divinely appointed family. Once we taste of His love, we will consistently release it to bring change to those around us until the earth begins to look like Heaven. This is exactly what Jesus did. STOKING THE BURNING FIRE The prophet, according to Jeremiah 20:9, had a fire shut up in His bones that He could not contain: "But His Word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not."
That fire – the Word of the Lord – was what motivated Jeremiah – and we Believers of today – to go and pursue people for the Kingdom of God!
Jesus chastised the Church of Ephesus for just one thing – they lost their first love. They lost that passion – that fire in their bones, if you will – that burned within them like a campfire on a cold desert night that could be seen for miles, attracting anyone nearby to its light and warmth.
As we rekindle our freedom to burn brightly for Jesus without conforming to religious molds thereby keeping that fire from smoldering into embers and going out.
Rekindle your first love, whatever it takes!