Hello! Please excuse the long post, hear me out here...
Let me start with a little backstory so you know where I'm coming from. I produce music (honestly blessed with the talent but I try to stay humble about it), DJ, and I enjoy almost anything with business. Last year I made a decision at a church camp to be open to any career choice that God gives me. Ever since that week, I fell in love with music production (particularly producing and performing electronic dance music). I truly, honestly have faith that this is for my future!
Now I am at a huge fork in the road within my path with music. Should I pursue a career in secular music or Christian music? (Please hear me out) I have been putting some serious thinking, praying to God, and reading His word for the past half-year but nothing has come of it. Or I just haven't seen it yet. I don't know.
Concerning a secular music career: I understand that we are called to be separate from the world. But with a secular career, you have a much broader range of people to be your audience. With a much broader range of people following you, you can be a good Christian example in the world to people who are living carnally. A "light in darkness" per se. I believe God has blessed me with the boldness and courage to proclaim to the world that I am not afraid to be a Christian and I am not changing my mind. With a secular music career, you have much more influence over a broader range of people that need it. This is especially the case in the world of live electronic dance music, where a hedonistic lifestyle is extremely prevalent.
Like I said earlier, I have given careful thought to my next steps, I have prayed countless times over it, and I have consulted the Bible countless times over it. No answer has come of it yet. Or I just haven't seen it. A lot of the advice I've received is to "take the leap of faith and just go for it". However, I have done that with the decision to go all out for a career in being a DJ/producer for God's glory. I can't apply that to this fork in the road because I don't know which one to just "go for". I've been seriously, madly confused about this for months and I want to know which way God wants me to go. Any advice at all is so, so much appreciated.
Thank you so much for your time, and have a blessed day.