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  1. This is going to be a blog post for my Public Diary on my website. I was wondering what everyone thoughts were before I complete the writing and edit it through. The concept is accepting who you are and fulfilling the purpose that God has given you. Identity is a very important factor to purpose. To deny that God made you exactly who you are supposed to be is in contradiction to what Jesus died for. Its especially in contradiction to being fearfully and wonderfully made. However, that sure don't stop the spiritual darkness from trying to trap you in false facts. You are made to be exactly who God wanted you to be. God made me a male with deep imagination and an expressive youthful spirit that can be feminine. I identify as a male, but I won't allow that to limit me to cultural masculinity. Of course we are not supposed to be that way anyway are we? You would be surprised the amount of fellow Christian brethren who challenged me on my masculinity under cultural reasoning. Some would call me too feminine, or that I am too childish. In their perception my imagination defies the meaning of scripture even though that is a cultural belief. Culture thinks that imagination is ignorance to reality. However, without imagination there would be no computers, air-plains, or even a basic understanding to Gods word. Without imagination one is limited to their own understanding. Let me state that I do not in any way identify as a women. So don't make that mistake in how I present myself. Wish I had a dime jar every time some one made this mistake. I would be one rich little fur baby dragon. I am still working on my last entry for the 2020 update for my public diary, but I wanted something to write to buy me some time. I sort of hit a little bit of writer block with part 3. That is for those of you who are keeping up with Fathomistic Fantasy, "Imaginative Crafts." Its in the archive section of the Blog. I really wanted to write something that really defines my view point on identity and just how hard it is to fight off spiritual attacks from my inner mind at times. I would be a liar if I said I never questioned my gender. Perhaps the most wonderful thing that God provided me was the ability to be satisfied with who I am in my masculinity and the feminine traits with it. My babyfursona's name is Lily to challenge societies perspective on outward expression. He is the character who I identify with in my wonderland. It is a rather long explanation of how I finalized my coping strategies, but I just wanted to do a short explanation before I hear your thoughts and opinions on the battle on identity. For the most part I hope to cover gender and spirituality in this public diary. Its not just gender. Its also identity as a whole. This part of spiritual warfare is the most difficult because it stems from who you are on the inside. When some one questions their gender it really is a symptom of a much bigger problem. That is, an individuals identity and their inner self as they perceive. It can become chaotic when you don't know what is or is not. I suppose I am one of the lucky ones that did not become persuaded to transition. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I had a therapist direct me in that resolution. I am truly blessed to have been given wonderful counselors over the years. Thoughts? questions? Anything you would like to add. Please let me know if I should label something anonymous when I publish the final draft. This is basically the abstract of what I am writing. Thanks!
  2. Hi everyone, China started to implement this program in September of this year, and began imposing it as of today, December the first. It is a means of identifying new purchasers of cellular phones, but there seems to be something more to this, as the article indicates. I'm not speculating anything about this, but I was just wondering what Worthy members think this might entail for our possible future on a worldwide basis. So, what do you think? Thanks for your thoughts. Shalom, David/BeauJangles China Introduces Compulsory Face Scans for Mobile Users Counterterrorism & Security 7Dnews London Sun, 01 Dec 2019 12:35 GMT As Beijing continues to tighten cyberspace controls, a regulation that requires Chinese citizens to scan their faces when registering new mobile phones came into effect on Sunday December 1st, according to the country's information technology authority. Announced in September, the new rule is intended for "safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of citizens online.” Chinese nationals are required to record themselves turning their head and blinking when purchasing new phones or signing mobile contracts, according to AFP. Issued by China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the notice said telecom operators should use "artificial intelligence and other technical means" to verify people's identities when they take a new phone number. "In future, our ministry will continue to... increase supervision and inspection... and to strictly promote the management of real-name registration for phone users," the September notice stated. Since 2013, the Chinese government has pushed for real-name registration for phone users in which ID cards are linked to new phone numbers. The move is to increase artificial intelligence (AI) as facial recognition technology is increasingly employed throughout China. In reaction to the decision, online Chinese social media users expressed mixed opinions of support and worry over the December 1st facial verification notice, saying that their data could be sold or leaked. "This is a bit too much," wrote one user on Twitter-like Weibo, commenting under an article about the new rules. "Control, and then more control," posted another. In early November, China saw one of its first lawsuits on facial recognition when a Chinese professor filed a claim against a safari park in Hangzhou, eastern Zhejiang province for requiring face scans for entry, according to the local court. In 2012, Chinese social media site Weibo was also forced to roll out real-name registration as part of the Chinese government's push to "promote the healthy, orderly development of the Internet, protect state security and public interest.”
  3. Do you see the truth, or what you want to see? When you are happy to see someone, is it because you see their truth, their innermost reality; or do you see an opportunity to further establish, or strengthen, your own created identity?
  4. Isaiah 43:18,19 - "Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing: now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." When we catch a glimpse the new identity we have in Jesus Christ, we see sin to be the boring, useless, and stupid thing it really is and we turn more easily away from it. This other side has to do with the rich inheritance that we share in with Jesus Christ as co-heirs (see Romans 8:17; Ephesians 1:7, 11). We need to spend much more time confessing, not our sins, but who we are in Christ. Affirmation: I AM BELIEVING FOR GOD TO DO A NEW THING IN MY LIFE. Jude 3 - "Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints." Observation: CONTEND MEANS TO FIGHT OR WAGE BATTLE. THERE IS CONSTANT OPPOSITION AND RESISTANCE TO MY PURSUIT OF GOD IN BOTH THE NATURAL AND SPIRITUAL REALMS! Hosea 4:6 - "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou has forgotten the law of the God, I will also forget their children." This infers that if God's people had knowledge of who they really are in Christ, of who God is, and of the rights and privileges of their dominion -- they wouldn't be destroyed. ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73q86j2j6Ww
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