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  1. It could have been a computer or electronics glitch.. and three miles isnt that far in a jet. He probably turned on the armament/targetting computer a few miles out, and the gun could have glitched and fired.. because the weapons are controled electronicaly and fired from the flight stick, if there was a malfunction he may not have even pulled the trigger, it could have fired by itself.
  2. I just use blank... cause Im boring like that, and it helps the browser start faster
  3. I guess its something that youd have to experience to really understand, since it isnt rational.. I didnt do much cutting, I did branding.. its a bit more of an intense experience.. seems to take emotional pain and realize it into physical pain.. kind of hard to explain it. Though for a few its a compulsion, they do it no matter what.
  4. Have said it once, will say it again.. Unplug tv, and throw it away. If you need the news, buy a paper.
  5. im on linux.. and im using 'linx' which is a different version of lynx, a text only browser.. no graphics! at all! lol.. its like, really retro and stuff.. Now im back in Windows with IE to edit this.. That was so cool.. it loaded pages super fast since it didnt have to deal with images. Am I a complete nerd? Anyways.. just testing stuff out.. hehee
  6. Just remove halloween completely..
  7. Its true that theres two sides to every story. But, we dont need the details to figure out: 1. This teacher needs to sit in jail for a while. 2. She should not be allowed to teach again, ever. The bookbag in the garbage can thing is wrong, sure, but some people can do crazy things when they are upset.. the scuffle over the bookbag was something a bit more, you cant deny somone from simply retrieving thier (or thier childs) property. After this though, the teacher did four things that were just WAY over the line, here it doesnt matter what her reasons are, whatever that parent did to cause those things, if anything at all, does not warrant what the teacher did. 1. After the initial confrontation was OVER and the parent had the bag, her back obviously turned, the teacher hit her with a chair. 2. Now that the mom is stunned by the chair blow, the teacher takes the opportunity to pound on her, in front of all the students. 3. She hits a CHILD that is only trying to SAVE HER MOTHER. 4. After beating the mom senseless, teacher drags her out by her hair. It doesnt matter how these things were instigated, they shouldnt have been done. Period. And this lady should DEFFINITLY sit in jail, maybe for a good while.
  8. When you hit somone in the BACK with a chair and then try to pummel them into oblivion, its NOT self defense, no matter how 'sore here hand was.' Theres no excuse for it, no matter what this parent did, if she even did anything at all. To be hit in the back with a chair would have to mean she was facing AWAY from the teacher, that was rage, revenge, assault, anything but self defense.
  9. alecia


    And also.. Something I read somwhere.. 1% of 'UFO' reports are hoaxes. You know what the rest of the reports usually turn out to be? NOT Aliens. Airplanes, helicopters, weather balloons, birds, various astronomical events, shooting stars, planets, stars close to the horizon.. these become IFOs, Identified Flying Objects... It seems that very rarely after investigation is there no explanation for a particular UFO.
  10. alecia


    Ill see if i can simplify my statement.. A UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object. Period. Just like a rock is a rock, a bird is a bird, and the sky is blue. There is NO need whatsoever for the average person to add or take away anything from that.. it JUST IS. Its a thing. It flies. So what. If youre trying to figure out if the idea of actual ALIEN CONTACT is good/bad/ugly/just-plain-made-up.. then I think youll have to make your own conclusions and stick by them.. some people will agree with you, and some people wont. Thats about it.
  11. alecia


    This is all just theory so.. it might not be correct. As mentioned before, a UFO is simply an Unidentified Flying Object. I think that term originated in the military.. It would not be very professional to report that "I see a uh, well, I duno what it is, but its flying.".. so 'UFO' is used to specify quickly and exactly that its an object, its flying, and its unidentifiable. "UFO on radar" or "UFO sighted." So.. anyways, Id imagine once other people started to learn the term 'UFO', they started to wonder what a UFO might actually be.. I mean, if the military cant figure it out, and they gave it a special designation, UFO, it cant be good can it? So where do these UFO's come from? Is somone spying on us? Are they an enemy? Maybe they come from outer space!! But a UFO is just a UFO untill you actually figure out what it was. Its an object, it flies, and you dont know what it is. Weather baloon? Maybe. Spy plane? Maybe. A big bird? Personal aircraft? Who knows. But its -something-, and with all the stuff we have on this earth that is able to fly, the chances of it being from another planet are pretty slim... As far as people actually seeing a spacecraft up close and meeting (or being abducted by) aliens, well.. those are no longer UFO's are they? But can you believe them..
  12. Coffee.. Coffee is coffee But really.. theres just regular old ground coffee, average coffee, good coffee, bad coffee.. Then theres REALLY good stuff which can be hard to find.. Used to go to a coffee house, (not starbucks.. ) and it tastes so much better if its just been freshly roasted and ground then brewed a few minutes later.. people who dont like coffee would probably even like it then, its a lot smoother it seems.. Anyways.. I dont have the money to buy coffee to give away, especialy any coffee that would be worth sending.
  13. Yeah.. Id expect things to be a bit different for beings who actually lived WITH God in heaven itself.. I dont see how it would be at all possible for them to get a second chance, they knew exactly what they were doing, first hand.
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