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OneLight last won the day on June 5 2022

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    God, Family, Friends ... I really enjoy discussing the Bible. There is so much to learn and so much to share.

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  1. Yes, it is! I'm so glad for that too. Biden would destroy Israel, as we know it, if he could.
  2. Yup, that's what happens when one sticks their nose in other peoples business. Glad to see Israel thumbing theirs at Biden and his team.
  3. Reread the conversation we've been having. It was the point where you stated "Influencers are mass marketers of mammon." Then Eman_3 and I stated that they are more than "mass marketers of mammon" and you claimed in a following response that "All of you are redefining Influencer in a way that contradicts the OP, which then justifies stating that blanket statements are wrong. " this is what I have been addressing, no more ... no less. I haven't once addressed anything else, so what's there for me to get past? For some reason, all this started because others can see how people can influence us either for good or for evil, not just for evil. Anyway, I'm done here so you can continue discussing what your OP is really about.
  4. Actually, the definition I use is the dictionary, not whatever or however I want to define it. It's your post, do what you will, but don't expect everyone to accept or agree with your point when redefining a word. I do know how this woke generation has been trying to change words to fit their agenda, which is why you can say "how the word is currently being applied on social media." and be correct ... they changed the meaning by replacing values, not adding to them. From Dictionary.com a person or thing that influences: The most powerful influencer of beliefs is direct experience. a person who has the power to influence many people, as through social media or traditional media: Companies look for Facebook influencers who can promote their brand.
  5. That is because the term "influencer" is not as narrowly defined as you define it. If you want to say they influence others, that is correct, but you can't just redefine the meanings of words to defend a point.
  6. We're going around in circles ... done.
  7. I see how this proves even more how divided we can be and why as inferring is assuming, which it appears we both did. I assumed you were saying that there is no division when you stated "God can and will unite us. Nothing we do or do not do can change His plan.". so I asked the question. You assumed I was saying you are "ok with homosexuality in the church" just by asking. This brings me back to the statement I made: " people don't pay close attention anymore, and that includes me at times. ", and I will add that this is also done by assuming and not asking for clarity. Really, finger pointing? Even notice when you point a finger at someone, there are three more pointing back at you? I fully agree. Online discussions are often done in a knee-jerking manner, not taking the time to fully take in what is posted, just reacting. I could of asked you if you don't see division, but didn't. You could of asked me if I was inferring you were OK with homosexuals, but you didn't. You are correct ... which, again, is why we often see division even here. Not caring enough to understand the truth behind what we read and responding without fully understanding what was read.
  8. There are those who influence in a good way and there are those who influence in a bad way. Grouping them all together is not right. Blanket statements are almost always wrong. It may take a little extra work on our part, but digging deeper into what someone is trying to "sell" is where we find the difference.
  9. Do notice that I asked a question, not make a statement. I never claimed you are "ok with homosexuality in the church" ... where in my post did you read that? I think this conversation between us is a perfect example why the body is divided to an extent ... people don't pay close attention anymore, and that includes me at times.
  10. Question ... are you united with those who believe it's OK to have gay preachers, but still follow God according to their faith? I bet your answer will be "NO, they are not true believers", but then we are actually saying that not everyone who claims to be a christian is a true christian; therefore, not part of His body. That's an extreme example, I know ... which is why I chose it. It's easy to see. In the end, He will separate the sheep from the goats, but until then, there is a community of those who claim to be His with both true and false Christians. I'm sure everyone will be surprised with who did and who did not make it, according to Matthew 7:21-23 Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
  11. Interesting topic where both sides are correct, to a point. Yes, the body, though in Christ, is divided on what they believe and how they walk in their faith, but are one in Him. It's a hard thing to wrap one's head around sometimes when we take a serious look around. Even those of the time of Paul were divided to a point. That is the issue we have by being human. We follow what we believe, whether right or wrong.
  12. Ideally, one on one is the best means of discipleship, but when you are talking with someone miles, if not thousand of miles away, you take what you can get, even an online forum.
  13. That would be nice. It has to start from the top and flow down. Unless discipleship is front and center, it won't happen, no matter how bad some want it to.
  14. A negative way, you say? I see the older days as a much more positive environment. I guess it all depends on one's priorities and goals. I'll let things alone as it seems one cannot see the positive from a time they know nothing about.
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