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About redwing

  • Birthday 04/19/1942

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    bible study, computers, chatting, crafts, southern gospel music. politics. paranormal investigations, ghost hunting. gun collecting.

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  1. Read Michael D. Evans excellent book " The American Prophecies".
  2. Exactly :thumbsup:
  3. Another great performance by Celtic Woman, at the Fox Theater in Alanta, Ga.
  4. They will perform in Lou., Ky. on 04-24-13. Two ticket's to the show will be my BD present from my Loving wife, Mary.
  5. Great Song by Celtic Woman. Amazing Grace. [media=]
  6. Manhattan Transfer featureing Janis Siegel on lead. http://www.bing.com/...tail&FORM=VIRE3
  7. If your on FB, I will send he link of he entire 56:00 min's of album. I'm josephPoston on FB.
  8. Great music by Mike Oldfield. [media=]
  9. How many of you remember this cute little song?
  10. Southern Gospel at it's best by The Cathedrals: http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Prodigal+Son%2fCathedral%2fYouTube&mid=00CD478D1C0C90BBD23400CD478D1C0C90BBD234&view=detail&FORM=VIRE2
  11. Yes he dose !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. My Sister and myself were blessed to see this performed live at the 2000 NQC. at Louisville, Ky. [media=]
  13. To me, it depends on the church. I have attended churches where applause is the norm, and I clapped. I have attended other churches where nobody ever clapped, and I remained silent. You need to respect the beliefs of the church you are attending, and the order they have established. I don't know of any scripture that would say you were right or wrong to clap for something said in a message, but it isn't really any differen't than saying A-men in agreement. I am not as sure about clapping for a performance, but there is nothing in scripture that says it is wrong.
  14. To me, it depends on the church. I have attended churches where applause is the norm, and I clapped. I have attended other churches where nobody ever clapped, and I remained silent. You need to respect the beliefs of the church you are attending, and the order they have established. I don't know of any scripture that would say you were right or wrong to clap for something said in a message, but it isn't really any differen't than saying A-men in agreement. I am not as sure about clapping for a performance, but there is nothing in scripture that says it is wrong.
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