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Thysia last won the day on August 27 2011

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About Thysia

  • Birthday 07/15/1981

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  • Interests
    Playing the guitar and singing

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  1. This site literally saved my life couple of years ago.... Not a christian....but so glad i found this site and the people in here!
  2. Thysia

    gift of healing

    But does that mean you can heal people through christ in here?
  3. Hello, Is there someone in here....who really has the gift of healing??
  4. It does/.. .thank you... Topic can be closed
  5. What does this mean?? Always thought Jesus was without sin?
  6. Ahhh i see.i focus to much on satan. Is that why i like listening marilyn manson? Ips that why i i do things i shouldnt do? Is that why im depressed? Let me guess...youre going to say yes. Cause thats easy. Always blame satan. No no no! Im the one to blame! And i gotta need to be punished for that!!
  7. Hes succeeding in destroying me. Bummer huh? Dunno how to stop it. Its getting worse
  8. So its not good to take blame and defent satan?
  9. Wish i could. Glad its not bad to love satan
  10. Bad huh? Thats why i need help. But when getting help i het mad. I want to feel pain, i hate myself deeply. Here to ask help. Some may think im looking for negative attention. I dont want to open doors for satan. But also dont want to blame him.. Dont hate satan is the topic, dunno how to change that
  11. Thysia


    Just so you know... i have read all replies, but have to think about it. My head is exploding cause of all the new information i've been given. Last couple of weeks were tough. Hope you guys understand.
  12. Thysia


    Running away...anger....sadness...stupidness... when people say The Holy Spirit is near i already knew...cause than i'm feeling sick and very dizzy Thysia, is there any time period in your life that you don't remember? *shock* yeah..how do you know?? when i was about 13-18 years old i don't remember much..uhm..hardly anything. @Candice and Shiloh...will answer your posts later. Need to go in a few.
  13. Thysia


    Running away...anger....sadness...stupidness... when people say The Holy Spirit is near i already knew...cause than i'm feeling sick and very dizzy
  14. Thysia


    It is hard to know how to answer that without knowing more about you and your life. Without knowing specifics about your struggles concerning spiritual matters, no accurate answer could be given to you. But let me ask you this... What do you think is causing you to reject the Lord? What I mean is, what is it you believe that you will lose if you become a Christian? I have no clue...otherwise i think i would have a relationship with him now. I don;t know either of i'm afraid of anythign to lose. I know i'm stupid though lol
  15. Happy birthday Jade... hope you have a great day with all the ones you love.
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