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Everything posted by LoveJoyHope-lady

  1. Hi, Let me encourage you... From being, er, young-middle aged (ha!), please don't wait too long. Life moves quickly. Then, these opportunities seem to thin out a lot, down to a scant wisp. God can still bring about someone, but it seems rare. Of course, more people find live and matrimony in their 20s-30s.
  2. Also, @farouk, there are also MISSIONS opportunities THAT CAN BE FORFEITED IF ONE DOES HAVE a tattoo: "Some missionary organizations may be concerned that visible tattoos could be a distraction or hinder your ability to connect with people in certain communities. " - (Google result)
  3. @farouk, there are also opportunities THAT CAN BE FORFEITED IF ONE DOES HAVE a tattoo: Having a visible tattoo can prevent you from furthering your career with the government or even beginning one. Many agencies cite professional standards and require their employees or agents to have no visible tattoos.Mar 7, 2024 https://tattooswizard.comJobs You Can't do if You Have Tattoos - TattoosWizard
  4. "A lot of young men and women today do seem to receive Bible verses or refs with confidence; presumably the idea is to use the hugely widespread medium to honor God in witness." - Ok, I feel like the above quote is your de facto "thesis." But, there are other ways to witness. If God had wanted everyone to get a tattoo, He would have commanded it. There are still some negative associations with tattoos in general. Furthermore, some will never get them for various reasons: ⏸️taste/beliefs/culture/negative associations (e.g., distrust, presumptions) ⏸️regret (e.g. difficult & expensive to remove) ⏸️initial cost ⏸️allergies/reactions/infection/physical health (e.g., skin cancer risks) ⏸️concern over how they may change shape (e.g. age, pregnancy) ⏸️concerns about future employment requirements (e.g., company policies) ⏸️concerns about image-related employment (e.g., modeling, film, spokespeople, communication/public relations, etc.) ⏸️And more... ⏬️ If you're looking for a visual tool that might spark a spiritual conversation, it could be in: ✝️clothing - shirts, sweatshirts, hats, shoes (https://www.flyclothing.com/products/tin-haul-womens-prince-of-peace-with-someone-to-believe-in-sole-1402100071442br?variant=43877912707280&country=US&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&srsltid=AfmBOoqD7-20dryXRs5qfdcPSMIsuACaCmLoilFKYYsjKmMHjFtwWZn_hqo), etc. ✝️Jewelry (including cross necklaces, pendants, plastic or metalic bracelets, earrings, watches, rings, etc.) ✝️Carrying a Bible or Christian journal/book/binder ✝️Phone screensaver ✝️Printed coffee mug or travel mug ✝️Wall or desk calendar ✝️Small plaque, desk/shelf decoration, etc. ✝️Etc. ...As Christians have done for ages without tattoos. "If you have a medical problem such as heart disease, allergies, diabetes, skin problems like eczema or psoriasis, a weak immune system, or a bleeding problem, talk to your doctor before getting a tattoo. Also, if you get keloids (an overgrowth of scar tissue) you probably should not get a tattoo." -kidshealth.org
  5. What can you be "positive" about, sir? You seem angry/whiney and complainy.... but, I get it, I can be similar - ha!!! But, it's not a good "look" and you're reminding me of that. Hmm Maybe journal, pray, make friends, start looking at the bright side for a few months. You'll attract more bees with honey... God bless. Oh, yeah: ChristianCafe.com
  6. I hear you... Remember: ●We cannot know how someone feels about us without spending time with them. ●We cannot read minds. But, you can learn to read signals - somewhat. But, you must learn to read the most obvious ones first. No one on this forum knows this young lady, but we can only surmise that she *might* like talking with you. She didn't try to change seats or run away, right? (That's a start.) Did she smile, look at you and listen (not look around or at her phone a lot)? You're not going to absolutely know if she likes you or if you have a shot at her accepting your future invitation to lunch, etc. without risk. -Risk- I'm sorry, that's just how it works. But, God is with you and you can ask Him for more wisdom and that He'll lead you two to His will. Maybe it's His will or not that you should date - be open to either. I emphasize risk because I've read that many guys today don't like that aspect of dating. But, it's just reality, sigh. Don't be too shy or too anything. Just be you, but if you feel God approves, take the plunge to ask her for her contact info or a simple date (coffee, lunch). Don't go for a fancy candlelight dinner right away, haha. (My first date with one guy lasted nine hours - wow! Too much... that should have been like, "date five" for me.) Relax, don't think anyone can read her mind. Just talk to her the next time you see her. Pray. Also, you might want to read up on emotional intelligence (ei) - this is good for everyone! Enjoy your day! God bless you!
  7. @SIC I'm glad you were able to talk with her again - yay! And, she seemed genuinely interested in you. So, next time, perhaps ask her to lunch or coffee and/or for her phone number.
  8. Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!! I did not get the impression that he was being arrogant. It's not a "literal" statement, but hyberbole... like, "She's so cute, it should be illegal (sarcasm)... and, on top of that, she's so intelligent - wow, I'm so impressed by both aspects." ------------ The younger generations always has new expressions, so let's not jump to conclusions. 😇
  9. I think @SIC is doing this well, just waiting on God and taking it all a day at a time. We Christians are so quick to say: oh, look, a person - marriage???? 😍🤣
  10. Oh, how wonderful! ☺️ I understand I your reticence to attend/visit a church "just for" the opposite sex. I used to have a "purist" feeling about that, too. But, now, part of me theoretically wants to relax a tad bit and not be obsessive either way. I'm sure we can with good conscience attend for several reasons; however, we always need to check our conscience to see if we are doing right. Alas, I'm still single in middle age! Argh... sigh. I have considered going to churches (or towns or workplaces) where the "kinds of guys" who I think I'd have an interest in are congregating. I have started to consider those places more concertedly. e.g., moving to Nashville, TN to meet intelligent guys in the Christian media sphere. I haven't done this yet, and if I did, I think the thrust would be because I want to be in that environment, but those "types" of guys would be there, too. Hmm, but I have a lot to pray about, and it must God's will. If a specific person were in question, as in your case, I don't think it'd be a great sin to go once or twice to said church, but absolutely find true interests in something else so you can honestly have other reasons for being there. Anyway, I think we Christian singles can become awfully tangled up in our heads. We have souls/feelings, but are not to be too soulish; God gives us natural drives (dating, marriage), but we must act righteously, of course. Pastor Robert Jeffress says that nothing we do is of completely "pure" motives, but I think he just means that we can't 100% disconnect a thing from our human nature - however, I think we should absolutely strive to be pure - perhaps like coralling our nature? - but I think it's not a sin to want to see your Polish friend - as long as you don't obsess. (I've been trying to sort through such things myself, and I pray that God forgives me for any I imperfect advice here.) So, pray, pray, pray! Have an accountability partner, like a guy friend or pastor, who you can discuss it with, too. * * * It sounds like you have a natural opportunity with the WhatsApp group - praise God! Please keep us posted!!! 💕
  11. I've always wondered if the foundational, spiritual beliefs of MA ran counter-Christian, and if that should have any bearing on believers' participation. (Apparently, I turned into an accidental Fundamentalist by age 18, lol). * But, I did like the movie The Karate Kid when I was young.
  12. @farouk Hey, I remember one strange fave: Ps. 103... He remembers that we are dust. For some reason, that really stuck out to me during mid-2020. I recall telling my Life Group (Sun. School) teacher that verse during our Covid-induced Zoom class one day). But, I think it resonated with me for years of personal frustration, grief, hardship, etc. That God remembers that we are dust is so poetic... kind of Ecclesiastes-esque because it has that sands-of-time quality. The grass withers, flowers fade... we are but a breath. - But, God. He remembers us! That Love thinks of us, and our weak and frail nature, and does not get impatient with us for that is so heartbreakingly tender.
  13. Not sure - maybe farmers'👨‍🌾 schedules, as was mentioned - but, yeah... just because *you* have energy at 7 a.m. doesn't mean all of us do. 🙃 lol I have a chronic health concern that drains me, and I work full-time. I have housemates, so I don't get the complete rest that I need. Anyway, once in a great while, I actually need to just stay home and watch the 11 a.m. service online because I am that physically & mentally exhausted. 😔 But, if you have wonderful energy ⚡️, why not go to church 💒 at 7:30a.m. or so, and see if there's anything you could do to help out - make coffee ☕️, set up chairs🪑🪑🪑, vacuum, sweep the front porch, learn how to run the soundboard 📹🔌 or hook up A/V equipment 💻, etc. Or, study your Bible, 📖📚 as was mentioned? I go to a 💒 mega church and they say that they actually have volunteers who **🙏🤗 pray over each and every sanctuary seat 💺 early on Sunday 🌞 mornings.** 😀 P.S. - Are you perturbed because you want to get church "done and out of the way?" If so, I'd stop and pray and ask the Lord how He would have you spend that time. 🤔 If there's a reason you need it moved up, maybe you could request that your church start an earlier service (8:30a.m. is probably the earliest), or find a different good, biblical church 💒 that has an earlier service. 🤗
  14. Interesting... But, then, how would the church today stay afloat financially and how would it support other things like missions, food banks, hurricane/disaster relief trips, etc.?
  15. @Christine Swan ~ I believe that @farouk is trying to get our attention so we'll post or comment on Malachi. 😇
  16. Hmm, I have a few... I'll come back to update. Thanks, @farouk.
  17. "Young lion and fatling"... the latter can be a lamb. Source: Googling...
  18. Yes, soap was revealed to be effective against Covid. We don't need to always "destroy" germs, per se, but remove them with simple handwashing. But, please don't overwash or potentially go Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD), lol, which is easy to do! We are inundated with Lysol and Clorox commercials, but simple soap and water rules. Along those lines, a friend of mine told me she learned in nursing school that friction removes germs - I'm sure that's part of rubbing our hands while washing. I like having napkins in my car to wipe my hands or take care of any spills. I don't even need store-bought Handi-wipes, etc. I do have sanitizer, but use a small amount only when necessary. Have you tried Vasoline or something at night? Another thing: "Tea tree oil" could possibly help heal your skin. Get the pure, 100% stuff and just use a drop or two at a time.
  19. I understand. In your case, you may actually need to be flexible and change your approach. Please hear me out: allow yourself to be a bit less vigilant about Covid and more careful about your skin - until it heals up well. You could actually catch things or otherwise get a bad infection if your fingertips are cracking, so it's very important to prioritize healing. You could wear thin winter gloves or cheap, white "spa" gloves from a drugstore when you're shopping, and remove them to drive (or switch to leather-style ones). I'd actually not use hand sanitizer unless crucial, and then only a tiny bit, followed by good lotion - or, better (like you guys said here, drink a lot more water if you can). Our skin has natural moisture/emollients but we need to not wash or strip that away with alcohol in sanitizers or by washing our hands too much. (My hands became raw last winter when I just did the dishes too frequently during an ice storm!) Your skin itself is a barrier helping keep Covid out. Don't touch your face (in public) and that will keep a lot of germs away from your nose and mouth. At night, if not vasoline, you could try olive oil, or open up a vitamin E capsule and rub into your fingertips. Then, put on clean, thin gloves or mittens or clean socks until your dry skin heals. Sometimes, dry skin like this can actually require a prescription because it may be due to a medical problem. So, you may need to see a doctor; I'm not one, but have had to learn lots of ways to love my skin. God bless! https://www.nivea.co.uk/advice/skin/cracked-fingertips https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321212#:~:text=The lack of moisture in,people to have dry hands.
  20. Not a run-on sentence, but folks who've had the stuff scared out of them have left me (and the rest of us) high and dry when we're *really* gonna need something absorbant - not exorbitant - soon! My Sam's Cub is out* already (according to Instacart)... and it's 11:11 p.m. Central time. So, 2020 was not the last time we'd have a run on TOILET PAPER! 😱 Don't care about the port - we'll need to potty! *Sam's still has those giant, public restroom size rolls. I'm not that needy - yet.
  21. Lots of vasoline at night and sleep with them covered with gloves or socks. Don't wash hands too much in winter (esp. with very warm water - use tepid or cool water) as it dries out skin; probably same for hand sanitizer bc it's alcohol-based. I'm not a doctor, but love health topics. I've had dry skin before. Hope you get relief soon! God bless you! 😌👐👏🙏
  22. Amish? Even she would not wear a mustache Groan!!!!!! 🤣
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