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debrakay last won the day on January 5 2024

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About debrakay

  • Birthday April 20

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    I come. I go. I come. I go. I'm a bee. What can I say? Recently life has changed so I am even more flighty.

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  1. @Santoso I am not sure why you have so many additional lines in-between your written comments but for me it is visually unappealing. Also, sometimes brevity is better than longevity to get your point across. I found myself skimming and scrolling through your lengthy comments as my time is valuable to me. When reading theses kind of LONG comments with so much dialog I think of this: Matthew 6:5-8 - “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.” I understand you are not praying but trying to get your points across. I would love it more if you were concise and to the main point. But of course, that is just how I like to receive my information. I understand you are very knowledgeable.
  2. Most importantly, we are to go out and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost not just hang out with the saved. But yes, we also need to be gathered with other believers in order to encourage one another. There needs to be a balance of salt and light. Matthew 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
  3. If Trump does not win we will no longer have free speech. This site will be closed down or censored beyond recognition as will all of the other social media platform. Think Brazil. Think UK. There will be no free election in 2028. Think Ukraine. Think China. Think Russia. The USA is the last banner of freedom for the world and the demonic forces are attacking from every single angle. The anti-christ is right behind the curtain and there will be no stopping the seals that are to be broken. In the meantime, we speak Jesus to a dying generation, we seek the Lord, pray, meditate on the word day and night, and love one another.
  4. Daily! I'm so thankful that He never tires of hearing my voice call out to Him with my praises and my petitions. He is my all in all.
  5. You are right, some days are bad but our God is greater than anything bad. You know the devil is tearing at you. He sees you making progress in your nursing schooling. He know you are trying to care for your children. He knows you have financial trouble. He will rip away at your heart and your mind whenever he can telling you there is no way you will ever make it. Those are all LIES! He is nothing but a liar and a thief set to destroy you and your family. You are reaching out for help here with us online and you are reaching out to a counselor who can help you get your brain and emotions in order. Tomorrow is the 3rd! Tomorrow is the day the Lord will make a way where there seems to be no way! Do not give up on Jesus, do not give up on yourself, do not give up on your children! We are right here praying for you and so many of us have walked a similar path and are here to hold you up and tell you that you will make it. We persevere in all things! We endure all things! We seek the Lord, morning, noon and night. Tomorrow is the 3rd!! This is the day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it!!
  6. I would encourage everyone who loves Christian music to watch the new movie called Unsung Hero, which is the story of Rebecca St. James and her brothers band, for King & Country. An amazing story of their family and how the Lord moved to get them where they are today.
  7. Way back in High School all of my friends were part of the Rainbow girls and the Rainbow group was the young women's part of the the Masonic Women's group, Eastern Star. I joined because my friends were in it, we got to dress up in formal gowns for the big meetings when others would be initiated into the group, we got to do fun things for the community and we each got a Bible when we joined. It wasn't until I was in it for a few years that I began to understand it was actually some type of prestigious group and only the most elite could be a part of. The young women who were a part of it came from the wealthiest families, the long standing families, those who had the name regardless of the reputation. I was a teenage Christian at the time. I quit when one of the girls inducted into the group was one of the most prideful, meanest, cruelest, heartless bully's in the school only because her father was a well know Masonic and the order wanted to please him and keep him happy. It was then I realized what a farce it was. The Masonic Order is nothing but a gloried country club in my book. I am sure they do some valuable things for the community's but bottom line is their doctrines and rituals are hypocritical of what Jesus taught. Of course this is only my personal experience and opinion.
  8. Your topic caught my eye. I have been "finding pasture" for the 23 months since my husband died. I retired from 5+ decades of working in 2021, he died in September 2022, so I have been out to pasture with the Lord every single day since then. When I get to feeling alone and discouraged that I have not figured all of this out I hear him say, "Be still, and know that I am God!" Being a woman I have a hard time doing this and have to remind myself He knows best, He knows me, He knows how long I need to heal. Waiting and not doing is hard for me. If you look in the pasture, that is me laying down over in the corner, away from the rest of the flock, waiting for my Shepherd to lead and guide me where He needs me to be.
  9. At at 70, every day is a sabbath for me. I retired in 2021, husband died in 2022, 2023 was pretty much a blur, same with most of 2024, so Labor Day means nothing to me, except I will not have to walk down to the mailbox. Now you men can continue with your conversation regarding Labor day.
  10. The word changed has been on my heart this morning. I Corinthians 15:51 (NKJV) Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—
  11. Just skimming through this thread I would tend to think that the person named Peacemaker who just joined Worthy less that a week ago is a troller stirring up trouble and you all are falling for it hook line and sinker. You all must know there are people who just join groups to cause division and trouble. That is all I will post on this miserable excuse for a thread. Sorry Deb....I am sure you throught it was a legitimate question.
  12. Along with gay rights another issue I am having with different churches are their teaching views on "Replacement Theology". Catholic, Seventh Day Adventist, Methodist, Mormon, Jehovah Witness, Episcopal, Lutheran, some Presbyterian, United Church of Christ are teaching their congregations that Israel is no longer the chosen nation of God. I don't see how they can wipe out the scripture verses when God said "forever" he would hold to his promises and covenant. I cannot go along with that ever. If my pastor ever taught that I would have to leave too.
  13. When I saw this title I automatically wanted to say "And don't get caught without your lamp wick trimmed and oil for your lamp when the Bridegroom comes!" Matthew 25 tells the whole story. Be ready! 'The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. ' Matthew 25:4
  14. I don't think there is hardly one day that goes by that I am not reading or speaking one Psalm or another. Psalms and Proverbs are on the daily diet. Then there are the OT books I study. The Prophets are some of my favorites. I spent the first 20 years of my 49 year walk with Jesus in the New Testament.
  15. I am 100% against any abortion that God does perform. But saying that I would never condemn another who chooses that path. I am 70 years old. I was single and pregnant in January 1973 when Roe V Wade was passed. My parents both offered to pay for an abortion. I said no. My daughter will be 51 this year. She blessed me with 4 grandchildren and and now 3 great grands. This is my story. I have one friend (a little older) who was raped at age 17 and gave the baby up for adoption. She and her daughter were reunited about 10 years ago and are building a relationship. I have another friend whose 15 year old daughter got pregnant and they raised the baby in the family. That baby has 3 children of his own today. In my life I am missing 2 siblings, 2 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild (that I know about) due to the choice of abortion. I cannot judge or condemn any of the mothers. All I know is that abortion is killing the life created by God and is a sin just like murder, stealing, lies, adultery, and all of the others sins but when the heart of that person is repentant for the sin Jesus forgives seventy times seven. We are all forgiven for sin when we come to Jesus and he says to repent and sin no more. One granddaughter was forced to get an abortion by her parents at age 15 (consensual sex with a 16 year old boy) and is still traumatized as she was willing to have the baby but the parents could not accept it. I continue to encourage her to forgive her parents and know that the child is safe with Jesus and she will be reunited with that child one day. Abortion as a form of birth control is NOT acceptable to me. Sexually active women have all kinds of birth control to choose from today. Unwanted pregnancy (outside of rape) should be zero percent.
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