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About mlbrokish

  • Birthday 04/10/1972

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    outdoors, cooking, animals

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  1. - In this time of "Social Distancing", coming together under one roof to congregate as a church is likely not a good way to honor God, but I believe, coming together online in faith and fellowship is pleasing to Him. - Not only reading the Word everyday, but actually obeying the Bible's statutes, taking heed to its warnings, and drawing strength and comfort from its promises. - Praise Him and give him thanks in all you do.
  2. Praying for you, friend. You are courageous and strong, even through the worrisome times. Remind yourself that worry only comes from fear. Fear does not come from God, so be assured He is always with you, no matter the situation or your anxiousness. Continue to express gratitude to our Savior in everything by prayer and heartfelt requests. Know that His peace is far beyond our understanding and that peace will be with you in your heart and soul. -- Michelle
  3. All of the circumstances in our lives that have brought us here, including me reading your post just now, is all done in His timing. I have come to believe this more and more over the past several months that I have been on Worthy. It may be about "you" in that it is meant to be what God is intending for you, but it is most certainly about becoming closer and bringing others closer to God.
  4. I would wish for the same for my daughters, and my husband.
  5. Merry Christmas to you all as we celebrate our Lord's birth!
  6. This is a difficult thing answer from a Christian to someone who is struggling to believe in Jesus. God's plans are just what they are. Sometimes God's answer is either silence, or a work in progress that may take much more time to reveal. There is an ultimate reason your husband is unfortunately having this time of suffering. It may just to be giving him the experience in how to handle hardship. God only knows. It is certainly understandable that your husband would be frustrated and even angry with God for his health problems. He is a good God, even through the struggles, and we should still praise Him... even in the waiting times. Many blessings and prayers for you and your husband. -- Michelle
  7. As a fellow Wisconsinite, I agree with you (esp to pray for the Packers) - also just kidding I believe people can pray for whatever they wish; that would be between God and them. Win or lose, if it's in His plan, it will happen as such.
  8. I agree. What is the point of rushing through God's Word as if it's a race. If I were to find meaning and understanding of the truth, I wouldn't want to risk missing the full context because of some set schedule or timeline. Reading bible everyday is necessary, I believe, but even I admit that I let life get in the way of taking time like I should. Bottom line is, it's not the amount of content read, it is the amount of content understood. The Bible Study Tools website is a good idea! I'm always looking for ways to better comprehend scripture.
  9. I have been doing some reading about becoming more prayerful and how to pray in a way that can make the heavens move, the way Daniel did. Here's a small part of what I was reading (Bible Gateway) : "Again and again Daniel’s life was threatened and seemed to be on the verge of annihilation. But each time, in response to Daniel’s remarkable, steadfast faith, God demonstrated His supernatural power to honor the one who honored Him. He miraculously intervened to save Daniel until He performed the greatest miracle of all in answer to Daniel’s prayer: God moved the Babylonian king to issue a decree that after seventy years of captivity, every Jew living in Babylon could go home." What does this look like for you?
  10. I completely agree with every word Coliseum wrote. You are doing the best you can and you are being a good servant of God by holding fast to your faith and trust in Him. My prayers continue for you and your husband. God bless you both.
  11. You have a beautiful talent and I am blessed to be reading it. Thank you for sharing this will us and for lifting His name to be glorified and praised! -- Michelle
  12. I have been thinking of you the past few days, and praying for you and your husband. Thank you for keeping us updated. Prayers will continue for you both and also include the Oncology staff involved in his treatment, as they provide the best care for your husband. Keep reading God's word, it will keep you strong and comforted in these troubled times. Here's a verse to give hope and encouragement: Deuteronomy 31:6 …Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you --Michelle
  13. For the past three days, I'm bundled up like January weather to do chores in these early hours. Yikes! Thankfully, eventually it will get better.
  14. This is so encouraging! God is truly working and helping to soften your husband's mood, even in small portions. Praise and Glory to the Lord! -- Michelle
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