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Who me

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Everything posted by Who me

  1. Why not? Can you pray intelligently for others, can you live a life that is different from that of nonchristians, can you love and care for the unlovely people and have the courage to gosip about Jesus and what he means to you? Serving God is more than looking beautiful while singing to glorify oneself. may I suggest you read christian biographies and look out for the helpers. Every great Christian is enabled to be great because he/she is aided by co workers, often unoticed, but doing vital work in the background. Look out for them in your church as they put out tables, take away chairs, tidy up, wash up, get there early to prepare for a service, the ones who are Always at the prayer meetings, Always there on Sunday, Always there, Always helping. A thought for you. What did Jesus mean when he said ' the first will be last and the last will be first.' Was it purely a thing to do with time or about our idea of who is important?
  2. Biblical 'errors' or contradictions, basicly there arn't any. A contradiction is when I say I arrived in a brand new car and you look out the window see a beat up old wreck. But don't believe me look up contradictions on a site like 'coldcasechristianity' or 'CARM' Prayer, is not a hotline to a sugar daddy who pays for what ever we want. It's talking to our Creator. OT moral different, simple you are not living to please God, so things like loving God and loving your neighbour are irrelevent. A question for you. What do you make of Jesus's life, his death and his resurrection? If Jesus rose from the dead he is not some 'good, moral teacher' but God. If he is God you need to be in a relationship with him.
  3. Sorry but these gods do not exist. There is only the Creator God, the great 'IAM' who is God, all other gods are the devils decieving people.
  4. or does this " Will God be made if we look forward to heaven more so than our life here on Earth?" mean will God be 'mad', as in cross with us?
  5. At what point do you start talking about Jesus? Have you first got them to accept that they believe in a creator God? We are interested in what both sides know and what reasons and evidence they have to justify their claim to know. We are interested in talking to people who make claims about objective reality, not about themselves, and who then go on to give reasons and evidence to support their claims about objective reality. from https://winteryknight.com/2018/02/08/is-the-definition-of-atheism-a-lack-of-belief-in-god-7/ Challenge them to prove what they believe by reasoning and evidence.
  6. What evidence do you have that nothing can cause something to exist. Multiple zero by zero what does your calculator give as an answer?
  7. Another information option is this scientific explanation of human fertilisation found at:- https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2017/11/20449/ man life begins at fertilization, the process during which a male gamete or sperm unites with a female gamete or oocyte (ovum) to form a single cell called a zygote. This highly specialized, totipotent cell marked the beginning of each of us as a unique individual.” “A zygote is the beginning of a new human being (i.e., an embryo).” Keith L. Moore, The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 7th edition.
  8. I'm interested to learn why you think this is an applicable passage? Paul in Corinthans etc implies that people have gifts now in the present and not that they will be given in the future. Yes we are often impatient, yet the bible shows that people are being trained/prepared for a role in there daily tasks, Joseph sold as a slave to learn to manage a prison lare estate and finally a kingdom. Mosses was highly educated but had to learn to live in the desert as a shepperd, before leading the people of Israel.
  9. It is ever so easy to make critisms as one peers through the branches of ones eye tree. I'm always amazed that I make it home from church havingnot taken someones eye out on those branches! Lets be real, how does ones church measure up to being challenging with the gospel, welcoming to the 'uncool' or unsmart visitor, and caring for those who don't fit into the 'Christian norm'. suggestion the shipoffools web site in the UK has a mysteryworshipper section with a form one can fill out try it on your neighbouring churches and get someone to try it on yours. Do email the result to the minister as well as posting it on the site.
  10. Evolution isn't dependant only on matter, but on 100% pure chemical;s that are also 100% left handed. There is also the problem of mixing the right quantity of chemicals in the right order. The problem of folding the assembled protins so they fit into the cell and the problem of asembling the cell wall and its internal compounents. This is apart from the problem of assembling the instructions that tell the cell how to operate etc and of the reading machine of those instructions. It is far simpler to say evolution is not possible.
  11. May I suggest a couple of things. He might be working hard, but he will have times when he knows he is not at work. Suggest that he arranges such a time when he rings you to talk. Helping mum run a home! Please get a job. Why, after 9 years and groing silence that spells detatchment. So I recommend pushing for a regular weekly phone call, regular weekly emails and regular week;y texts, that are spread out through the week and your starting regular full time work ASAP. You are hoping for marriage, you'll need savings for seting up home, and work is needed to build them up. If he is distancing himself, that also puts you out where the single fellers are.
  12. No we are not the church as individuals, but as a group, as a body we are the church, the bride of Christ. We are a temple for the Holy Spirit. As you say we can worship our Saviour anywhere, we don't need a priest, or rituals, or robes, just a contrite heart and sincere spirit.
  13. As I have to post at least three times and this is the only place I can post. The time here is 13:35 and it is raining. Hopefully it is brighter and drier where ever you are.
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