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Mozart's Starling

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About Mozart's Starling

  • Birthday 10/27/1990

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    Rentz, GA, USA
  • Interests
    Reading, gaming, music

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  1. Hey had this as a question, obviously the Bible condemns withcraft and necromancy etc, but that is because it is of the devil correct? So depending on the novel if it is just a natural part of the fictional world or has a good or neutral source it should be fine right? Fantasy is one of my favorite genres in media is why I ask. Just wondering if I have to give it up or not.
  2. Was thrilled to hear Trump won. Very happy lol.
  3. Well when the opposing party is made up of baby killing hedonists that hate Christians pretty easy to root for Trump. Voted for him earlier this week.
  4. It baffles me how someone can struggle so hard with the concept of something being formless. So much so that they invent a wild theory to boot lol. Imo mature state is really the only conclusion you can reach if science's evidence isn't cooked or outright lies. So personally I think that the "mature universe" theory makes the most sense. I don't buy some of the nonsense I've seen about "days"meaning whatever people want it to mean to match up with science either.
  5. Same canned responses as always. You repeat yourself often. Anywho there's no point in this. Like I said you're either a delusional or a troll. I'll bow out. Peace!
  6. None of the other things such as DNA, techtonics, or other findings you listed contradict the Bible. Evolution does and you're either delusional, trolling, or just hopelessly lost on this topic to think that the two can walk hand in hand. There is no honest reading of Genesis that is compatible with evolution. Genesis says God created Man and Woman. Not apes that slowly became human over countless years. 6 days was the creation period and the ten commandmants cement that they were LITERAL days.
  7. Again all of this is for nothing. Anyone reading Genesis would never in a million years somehow come up with the idea of evolution. Barbarian either believes God or man and he has clearly chosen man. Just ignore the guy at this point I just see him as a troll. Genesis is very direct and written in plain language. There's no mystery about it. People WANT to make it more complicated than it is so it can fit with the secular understanding.
  8. See this is what I mean. You say Jesus didn't speak out against homosexuality like it means anything. Jesus didn't mention masturbation either but from what we know about the Bible it is still clearly wrong. "For some reason" it's these sly little comments you make that betray your true beliefs. You're an apostate.
  9. Obviously meant practicing homosexuals dude. They exist, there are in fact gay affirming churches which support it. You're an apostate liberal stereotype who has no business being on a christian website. When all of your arguments are the same as an atheists you're clearly in denial about what you believe when you claim to be a christian.
  10. The Barbarian just spews trash and his claims are ridiculous on their faces. The idea that a Christian reading Genesis would somehow come to the conclusion of evolution is a joke. There is no honest reading of Genesis that leads to evolution simple as that. Being a non creationist Christian is like being a gay Christian. It's an oxymoron.
  11. I agree he is a bad man, but as you said the left's agenda is far scarier than he is. So he's got my reluctant vote as well.
  12. If you take psych meds like I do, as others have mentioned they take time to kick in. Like at least a month of no days missed before you feel their benefits. I'll pray for you.
  13. Meh it is what it is. I have never been a massive Trump fan even though I am on the right, but compared to what Dems are pushing with all this trans stuff aimed at kids, gay pride, and abortion he is easily preferable to Biden. I think anyone with common sense and a pair of eyes can see he's had the full force of the opposition against him, I'll vote for him even if he's in a jail cell. Though honestly I don't know what will happen if he does get jail time this has literally never happened before.
  14. Well one side promotes mutilating children (trans agenda) and killing babies in the womb, as well as pushes the LGBTQ+ agenda. Pretty easy to vote for Trump that considered, which is what I will do.
  15. Thank both of you for your input. I feel better now lol.
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