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Sharky and George

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About Sharky and George

  • Birthday 12/28/1983

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    Half Marathons in Jesus name !!
    Blessing zombies !!
    Resisting black Labradors !!
    All in Jesus name lol

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  1. John Piper preaches a lot on the Sovereignty and Providence of God in suffering - a hard Christian life. Piper calls it a sweet and bitter providence - God is in complete control and the enemy is on a leash because of the cross. It helps to remember that in hard times. On youtube or spotify there is a band called the Joy Eternal and they did a collection of songs that help us with this. Search for: "the joy eternal sweet and bitter providence" and go to one with the ship on the front. Its special :)
  2. Hey guys. I recommended Dr Neil T Andersons books. But even better is: Ken Symington - Loved Like Never Before: Discovering the Father Heart of God. Remember that Jesus was sent by Father first and He wants you to call Him Abba Father or Dad. Its worth reading this short book a few times as it helps with our identity as Christians and what we believe about God and that can do a massive lot to heal you - its about right believing remember. Love, Your Bro in Christ :)
  3. "Have you made a REALLY big mistake? Relax and take heart. When God decided how to use us as Christians, he already factored in our stupidity. It's OK. " LOL - when I look in the mirror I just laugh and it helps.
  4. Thankyou. Well done Neil basically. One of the main problems or the problem is un sound doctrine atm and imo its led to a lot of trouble e.g. empires like Rome fall to perversion.
  5. Actually I relate to you. You are concerned you need company and thats shows your human side thus you are worth company unlike so many of the people that have sold out. But dont forget that Jesus is your closest friend and sticks closer than a Brother. Blessings, Jon
  6. First of all Sister - you are worried therefore you care therefore you still have the Holy Spirit! Read Romans 8:38-39 and John 10:27-30 - not a license to sin though! Read deliverance books like Steps to freedom in Christ by Dr Neil T Anderson - small easy book, also The bondage breaker and Victory over the darkness by him - he puts it sensibly like my first sentence. You might be in bondage so get delivered by going through the steps. Also get routine and structure in your life but the books come first as it frees you up to get closer to Christ who gives you strength for routine and a happier life
  7. Everybody including me needs routine and structure - thats why we got so many zombies after lockdown - I used a shovel and got through lol. Anyway routine on a whiteboard grid really helps - about £15 down a stationary shop or Amazon. Say about 5 columns - date, time you got up, water (big help), healthy food, exercise (1 Timothy 4:7-9), Bible at start of day (tick), submit to God (tick), friends and deliverance books. Ah now books - thats a drag I know: Get a pile of 5 books, and read only one page from each each day and then its not boring and you will get through them. I strongly recommend Dr Neil T Andersons Freedom in Christ deliverance books. Neil also did his latest book on end times. Check him out first online so you know its legit. Blessings, Jon
  8. I know that I have been in spiritual bondage for a while and actually sins like smoking was demonic. You might not realise that your sin is also like that too and also that you can experience real freedom in Christ maybe like you have never known before. So I went through this book - Dr Neil T Anderson -Steps to Freedom in Christ - its only about £10 with postage off Amazon and its a small easy book. So I went through it a load of times and found my freedom. I wont be selfish so im telling you about it now. Check Dr Neil Anderson on your search engine or Wiki and see he has good credentials. Also recently been on Premier radio and many other events. The main thing is submitting to God like James 4:7. Neil recommends reading The Bondage Breaker and The Victory Over Darkness Books also first. If you investigate sensibly and see its legit, then you have nothing to loose and your freedom in Christ to gain -true deliverance. Bless you, Jon
  9. Hi peoples ??❤? This is top tips from my blog wisdomfortoday.co uk Home survival & magic meanies – 21 top tips Brexit and Corona has this country in a mess and many UK institutions are going pear shaped. There is a remnant and if you reading this then its probably you. My opinion is that when a country transgresses like this, people dont care anymore and find hope in soul rotting things like witchcraft. This is why your mind is being battered where ever you go. Trust me, its rife and its hidden (the definition of the word occult) but now you know. There are other reasons you feel the way you feel but I am not safe to say here. 1. Find an easy way to praise Jesus. Just think “Jesus you are good” and remember a time when He blessed you e.g. when He made a verse stick out in the bible that let you know your loved. Takes 3 seconds and is a power pellet for your soul. You need clever not hard ways in spiritual warfare. If you break through in praise then it raises above the battle. You will know when you have done that. 2. Spiritualy they will make you feel like you are in a small box and that it is wrong to have fun and be free. The answer is to eat lots of chocolate and enjoy yourself so do some sensible escapism like making silly jokes with your friends. Just make sure you have some fun. Also play with your cat or dog. 3. Have an ultra cold shower. Put on some face cream (a little bit so you are not dependant on it to not get dry skin). A bowl of fresh organic steamed veg. Beetroot juice to wash it down (B vits strengthen your noggin). 4. Massage your imagination as they are attacking it. Old retro PC or console games screenshots is a game changer. 5. Go for a run, swim, tai chi or other sport. This helps a lot. 6. The snap out way. You might be hunched up and grumpy with your thoughts going round in circles. Get your CD player and put it on full blast lol. 7. Think in pictures. See how well it works when you try it. 8. A spirit of wisdom. Ask the Lord for it while you ponder Proverbs. Wisdom is how God sees the world which is the reverse of the witchcraft view. It cuts through the fear making lies of witchcraft like a hot knife through butter. Understanding will guard you atm. 9. It sounds classic but garlic. There is something in the cartoons. Where did you think they got the idea from. People would have used it a lot back then when we were more spiritual so its still in our make up. It helps to believe. Chop some up and put it in a blender then leave the container open. Have lots in your food too for your breath. We should not be attracting everyone anyway lol. 10. Magic only hurts you if you are afraid. Jesus said do not be afraid lots of times in the bible and did you know fear and excitement are similar emotions that you can switch one way in your mind. Turn fear to excitement then like going for a mission in a haunted house. 11. This one is vital. Forgive, love and pray for the occultists. Mathew 6:15 (you should keep short accounts with God anyway), Mathew 5:44 and Romans 12:21. If you get bitter or angry with them then you will still hurt inside. 12. Know your verses too as the Word is the real facts, the truth. Use the sword of the Spirit to blast away any lies from the enemy (Ephesians 6). Research how to use the sword of the Spirit skillfully. 13. Tumeric capsules from your health food shop. Science shows that this effects the blood to brain barrier in a positive way. I believe mental health is actually demonic like they did back then. Science provides a how and the bible provides a why IMO. 14. Reading books. Bing.com a brain scan for when people read and it shows a big amount of activity. Reading massages your brain and you learn too. 15. Research and do the prayer of St Patrick. For me its even better than the Ephesians 6 armor. Do Ephesians 6 armor too though. Check out my post on that for how to put it on properly. 16. If you are getting your thoughts battered at home then it helps to do lots of little jobs around the house. Nothing too strenuous e.g. be clever and wash up just the plates you need, empty the bin, iron just two shirts etc. It is distraction and sometimes it breaks it completely. Write down your jobs list in bullet points and put a number before the bullet point for its priority. Do high priority first. 17. Look up blanket forts online and make one. Read the Word inside and have cups of tea as a cup of tea always helps too. 18. Laugh at it. The enemy hates being mocked. The enemy is the casters sin and not them btw, they are still loved. Laughter truly brings the false power to its knees. 19. If its a blue sky then look up and let it clear your mind. Thank the Lord for His wonderful creation. 20. Make yourself mentaly strong and you will be fine e.g. reading, revising and other academic things. It does not have to be genius, it will help a lot if you just stimulate your noggin. 21. Methodical music and creativity; Listen to liquid drum and base music. If you can, try and research Christian DnB. It can help you to be methodical and focus on creative tasks e.g. making a collage or sketching. This could very much distract you from worrying or being fearful. 22. Does it feel like groundhog day to you? Pray for a perception change as some people even like it when the days are the same. People changing their perception of things is not uncommon, so if they can, then you can too. Pray that Jesus would let you see your life differently in your mind, then your reality will change. Research online how to stop the groundhog. This may all seem strange but you are in an invisible war. Stand strong. https://wisdomfortoday.blog/2020/02/13/mental-health-under-attack-from-witchcraft-defence-6-top-tips/
  10. As a Christian we often just know in our knower that Jesus is alive as we experience Him. Historians cannot deny that Jesus existed and by the logic of the process of elimination and apologetics (He was either bad, sad or divine), we can say He was and is the true divine son of God. The devil tried to twist scripture when tempting Jesus and Jesus said the right scripture back. The enemy may try and tempt you and accuse by using twisted and misused scripture. We have to use the sword of the Spirit then as is written in Ephesians 6. Learning your verses is vital for this as just like Jesus (but to a lesser degree), we can use a verse (the sword of the Spirit) to repel the enemies lies. The main point I am making here is about using the sword of the Spirit skillfully with prior knowledge of the Word. If you live alone in lockdown and get a mind battering from the enemy then this post is useful. Dont be afraid. 1 Corinthians 10:13 is about not being tempted beyond what you can manage. Hopefully this post has given you a head start if you ever need to use this spiritual tool. Shalom
  11. Hi guys, got some top tips here on how to look after you mental health. Always a must and very much so if another lockdown comes along i.e. lockdowns are a bit of a change to peoples normal routine and this can have a negative effect on mental health. I will give the top tips as mental health is real and needs the amazing strategies that we have developed in this day and age but I will say that my belief is that mental health (e.g. a chemical imbalance in the brain) usually due to a spiritual cause. I always say that the days of Genesis creation are a metaphor for the millions of years of the theory of evolution. The bible being the spiritual why and evolution as the how. Why and how then. We treat a symptom when we treat mental health and unless we tackle the spiritual route cause, we will find that other symptoms pop up when we treat them. But whats wrong with doing both? Nothing: • Mindfullness meditation. This is a real game changer. Look up how to do it online. We can apply this way of relaxing and living in the here and now to our daily lives easily e.g. you can even be mindful about eating food. I do it lots and I feel really good from it. • Lots of water every day as science says that we are composed of a high ratio of water. Get a water filter to get the bad stuff out, even better. • Lookup the benefits of tumeric and maintaining homeostasis in your body. • Research valid mental health blogs and mental health valid sources too. Things likr Maslows Hierarchy of need. • A good solid breakfast, lunch and dinner with a balanced diet. Lookup a balanced diet chart. • Lots of exercise. I do all of these points but I find that exercise is a real game changer. It can make you feel really good. • A good sleep pattern and sleep hygiene with things like lavendar oil on your pillow. • Lots of fresh air and enjoying yourself out doors in the forest. I like to rationalize when things seem strange e.g. if someone I know passes by me the street and does not say hello, then I will think to myself that they either did not see me, they are having a bad day or they or they are grumpy with me. I have learnt that it is always what I conclude, the first two. Thats after having a coffee and chat with them later in the week. If you get niggles or worrying questions in your mind then get an a4 piece of paper, write your question at the top, write reasons for and against on each side of a line drawn down the middle. Score each reason and add up the number at the bottom. When you see the score for how silly it was, you believe the truth and feel fine. These are just a few top tips that I use, but things like this can bring you real quality of life. In faith I believe that God taught me these things along the way. Dont forget that Jesus was the great physician. Selah From my blog wisdomfortoday.blog
  12. From wisdomfortoday.co.uk "Love and assurance in Father God" Do you remember the first time God whispered to you “I love you”, when you were alone and afraid. It is the sweetest thing, very special and from another world. Brothers and Sisters it is written that Father is even stronger than Jesus and with both in your Christian walk aswell as the Holy Spirit you will be safer. Obviously the Holy Trinity is right but you will do bigger miracles praying with Father in Jesus name. “You heard me say, ‘I am going away and I am coming back to you.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I. John 14:28 NIV If you have a relationship with the Father and you get close to Him in prayer and worship then you will get lots of assurance. Focusing on our Jesus and Abba Father relationship with God is very important and it is the best thing to have this relationship before we serve Him as then we will find that we are not being legalistic and instead we are doing works of faith in His love. He is your heavenly Dad and you know good Dad’s comfort there children. 1 John 3:1. Tell Father how good He is. Praise Him for His loving design in nature like beautiful sunsets. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. Cuddle up to Abba Father in prayer in the morning with coffee and bible. Let Him bless your socks off. He wants to as He loves you massively. Obviously Jesus does this too and He will bless you until you mature into a relationship with the Father. Dont feel condemned for no reason. God does not condemn anyway, He convicts sometimes. Just know that serving in action helps massively with assurance. Thats about 1 John 3:18-21. In the morning when you pray, put your arms around yourself and in faith give Abba Father a big hug. Lean into Him as He is who you depend upon for the day. If you start the day like this, it will be a better day. You get closer to Him after times are hard. Times where you have to try hard to believe. He manages this though and uses it to build your relationship with Him. We cannot expect to feel assured of heaven after we have eaten twelve packs of crisps in a row. You would still go to heaven but Jesus would have to teach you to not be a greedy little piglet.
  13. This needs to happen Spread the Gospel, even just the name of Jesus. People can look at a bible when they get back home. They may just have to be reminded that He exists. Well guys, we have something global going on, there are many fires and there are locusts under reported. I could be wrong but as a prudent Christian I will say give it the benefit of the doubt just incase. If it is the end then you would do better this way by far. So what about all the people who do not have Jesus, what are they going to do? There may be some people who do not even know who He is. So everyone needs to know that in their desperate need if it is the end, that they have someone who loves them who they can call upon for help. Think about how you can gently but cleverly do this e.g. in a conversation deliberatly say "Jesus loves me this I know" or "the bible says Jesus loves me" so not non-believers over hear you. They remember what you said and have a friend to pray to when it gets tough for them. Think of other clever ways. These few words remembered by someone could help them so so much. Doing it cleverly like this could be a game changer. Obviously be wise and sensible about this. Do not put yourself at risk or others. Cleverly spread even just the name though. Selah https://wisdomfortoday.blog/2020/09/13/this-needs-to-happen/
  14. From my blog: https://wisdomfortoday.blog/2020/09/10/lest-we-forget/ We should always remember history to let us live prudently for today. I had a conversation with someone who believed that any belief you hold should be tolerated, even Fascism. To me it is obvious that if we tolerated Fascism in the two world wars then that person would not have the choice to believe anything but Fascism. No choice of religion or freedom at all. We need to remember the lessons of history. This is very important. I believe that if Hitler had of won, then the devil would have come down to earth. The devil is not your friend: John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. The thief is the devil and he will steal all of your joy, infact he is responsible for all of the pain that you and your loved ones have ever felt. Jesus came to give you life and life to the full. The biggest lie the devil has ever convinced us of, is that he does not exist. This is similar to why we forget the vital lessons of history. He is a deceiver. Do you not think that the Father of lies would lie to you. The pandemic is unusual, we have fires and locusts. I am not saying that it is the end, but I will say that even if it looks a bit like it, then we should give it the benefit of the doubt and do what the bible says we should do in end times as it is the bible that we understand end times from. Hitler got into power when people were desperate for hope. He fooled them and his evil led to mass suffering. Let us not get into a situation where we are again desperate. Lets be prudent. Proverbs 27:12 The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it. Check out https://wisdomfortoday.blog/2020/09/10/lest-we-forget/ for how we can be prudent i.e. turning back to Jesus and then remaining in the truth: John14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
  15. Dear beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I want to give the following warning message below in love as you are wonderful and beautiful Christians that Jesus loves and wants to keep on the right path. IMO, society at the moment is in a bad state as it has lost its grip on truth, the bible. I think it is worse now than it has been for a long time e.g. gay marraige, many tempting worldy material goods, young people that do not listen to their parents to name a few. I can see this in the UK very much. Lockdown produces fear within the non-believer which can also lead to mental health problems. This and the political situation can make people less reasonable. Please be vigilant and remember that the Word of God is the truth to stand on, not feelings, not another Gospel, the facts of the Word. Please be wise and prudent, do not go off the path by letting your heart carelessly take on sin like homosexuality. The world is pushing homosexuality powerfully ATM, so do not fall into that trap. The bible warns a lot about this and other ways of going off the path. Obviously we love and respect gay people but remember that the bible is the Word and the Word is Jesus thus it is so so important that we keep to this. Gay people have a choice and we should not force them to believe. If they are willing to listen to us then that is their freewill choice that we should respect and be gentle with. Be wise, it is strength as wisdom is how God made the world and sees the world. With love, Shalom https://wisdomfortoday.blog/2020/09/08/stay-in-the-truth-mind-the-current-time/
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