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About Clipper

  • Birthday 11/18/2000

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    Chicago or Minneapolis
  • Interests
    CompSci, vidya, anime, and politics

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  1. This is the correct answer, Prince Chicken.
  2. I've seen some difference in opinion over whether my profile picture is a corgi or a fox. I'm on the corgi side personally.
  3. 100% Unless you mean new souls, feelings, and minds so I can chalk this up to an antinatalist argument I have no idea what you mean. Unless you want to start extracting amygdalas, or making people brain-dead, I don't get how you could make feelings and minds non-existent. That doesn't even cover the soul, which... what? How do you pull a soul out of existence? There are biblical limitations for this, but it is allowed. ?
  4. Is this like an antinatalism thing or do you consider the act of sex sinful? I could also use some clarification here. I could really use some clarification here.
  5. I get astral projection being sinful but lucid dreaming is just being aware that you're in a dream and sometimes having control over things in it. I wouldn't use it to search for Christ or receive messages or anything, lucid dreaming is after all shaped by our own human mind, but the simple realization that you're in a dream does not seem sinful. It's like a playground for dreams where you have some control over what happens; if you do sinful things with that control I can see how one could be sinful with it, but if you're just messing around with whatever you can do in a non-sinful matter, I fail to see the fault in it.
  6. The state of the US healthcare system ?
  7. I know seven people among family and friends who we highly suspect have it or have had it. Only two of them have managed to get tested, others were basically told the only way they were getting tested is if they were hospitalized.
  8. Physical fitness can be extremely important.
  9. I bet it was those darned suffragettes, wanting the right to vote and everything.
  10. >aspartame is a chemical >bio weapon I don't know where you're pulling these from but your source isn't even trying to hide that they don't know what they're talking about. Aspartame is one of the most rigorously tested food ingredients, being approved by over 100 regulatory organizations including the United States Food and Drug Administration, UK Food Standards Agency, and the European Food Safety Authority. The biggest risks the medical community has found associated with it is that it may trigger migraines and hypothetically may lead to changes in neurotransmitter levels. Consuming large doses of aspartame may have some biochemical effects, but toxicity studies have revealed no adverse changes to neuronal function.
  11. I took a class on poisoning last semester, that statement can basically sum up that whole class. If they put it unsafe levels of fluoride, we would notice it, people would start getting sick on a large scale as the concentration increases. The effectiveness of fluoride is what is most commonly debated in the medical and scientific communities, not the "chemical weapon, etc." conspiracy theories you always see. Water fluoridation is supported by the WHO, the FDI World Dental Federation, and the CDC; I would argue it's better at its current concentration than not having it all.
  12. Fluorides occur naturally throughout nature. Fluoride anions can be found in nature in trace amounts, modern day water fluoridation is just adjusting that to deal with tooth decay.
  13. Fluoride isn't a poison, we have a recommended daily intake of 0.7 to 4.0 mg/day depending on your age and sex.
  14. This is like calling someone under sniper fire a coward for not just running out and dealing with it, even though there's air support on the way to take out the threat.
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