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  1. hi thanks for the recommendation, I will try the engine you talk about Yes, you are right, there are other streaming services, but none of them seem have have the amount of videos available like on google and the videos themselves don't provide the same quality.
  2. I have noticed with Google but particular Youtube, type in the right keywords does not always bring up relevant websites or videos. For example, recently I was searching for this video on Youtube, I type in the right keywords and the video I was looking for never came up, instead I got bunch of other videos, pages after pages, that does not contain the key words. I actually stumbled on the video later on, that is why I know the video was not deleted. This is the worst case scenarios obviously. but I definitely noticed this on Youtube, when I type in a certain keywords, often not "all" the videos with those exact keywords would come up, and many times, they don't come up in the first page, and you would only find them on the fifth or the sixth pages so on and so forth. Google search is not much better. I find it really frustrating. by the way, I should also add the searches I have done were not related to politics, they were on sports. So I know the reason for what I am talking about has nothing to do with censorship (I know it exists, which is very unfortunate, but those issues are not what I am referring to here) honestly, I think part of the problem is Google and Youtube are essentially a monopoly and they no longer need to worry about their customer satisfaction anymore!
  3. I am sick of them. I remember when they first came out in the early 2000s, I actually welcome them. shows like Survivor added a new flavor to the standard offerings. But now it seem like they literally clogging up the airways at the expense of good scripted shows. This is especially true where I come from. All the free to air public channels are clogged up with reality shows, very little to no scripted shows. For example, we literally had a reality show that follows trucks that transfers large loads such as houses. I kid you not! and then there is a reality show that basically got bunch of adults plays charades. I can understand why the TV stations would want to put on those garbage, as they are dirt cheap to make, probably a lot cheaper than making scripted shows or buy scripted shows from overseas. But it still, it is very frustrating. what do you think?
  4. I am from Taiwan originally. to be honest, if you ask me 10 or even 5 years ago, if China would "actually" invade Taiwan, I would say no. but time has changed, the Chinese power has grown, and the US power has waned. I think it is only a matter of time before China invaded Taiwan. when? maybe in another 5 to 10 years?
  5. He is a servant, which means he is one of the most senior moderators here.
  6. of course my ideal candidate would be Bernie Sanders, but the establishment media (including Fox) are too corrupt and they managed to destroy him in 2016 and 2020 I am not holding my breath. that said I still feel the BERN after all those years. Bernie Sanders truly was a candidate of a lifetime.
  7. I don't like Trump or Biden either. I would love to see Dan Crenshaw run in 2024 he is young, energetic, whip smart, and not extreme. He would be perfect as the president Too bad he says he is not running, I hope he change his mind.
  8. what are you talking about? he promised he was going to build a wall, and he didn't
  9. honestly, for myself, I think it is time for both Republican and Democrats parties to put forward some young blood That usually happens, when old guards hand over the baton to the next generation. it happened in 1992 when the presidency transitioned from George H W Bush to Bill Clinton. It happened again in 2008, when presidency transitioned from George W Bush to Barack Obama. That is why in someway, I think US took a step backward when the Presidency transferred from Barrack Obama to Trump and now US has a president that is not only older than Trump and Obama, but is actually older than Bill Clinton, we left office back in 2000!!! personally I think congressman Dan Crenshaw looks good. what do you think?
  10. One thing I have found to be increasing alarming is how the liberals, as they gain more and more control of society, start to dictate what is right and wrong and expect everybody to act as if those new "standard" are reasonable through enforcement tactics such as "cancelling". for example, as many of you many have noticed, in the past few years, with the metoo movement, we are now expected to act like there is no differentiation between different type of behaviors, and everything, even minor transgressions, must be treated like full on sexual assault. This is perfectly illustrated by the confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh. Remember the "allegation" made by one of the Kavanaugh's accusers, Debbie Ramirez? I remember when it first came out, everyone or at least the liberals expect us to act as if that incident was serious enough to disqualify Brett Kavanaugh from being a Supreme Court Justice. At the time I thought the incident was certainly inappropriate, but it was a stupid act by a then stupid college kid in a drunken party, it is certainly no where near the degree of sexual assault, most reasonable people would have gotten over it quickly. What astound me even more is that Debbie Ramirez claimed that when she saw Brett Kavanaugh a few years later at a mutual friend's wedding, she was so scared of him that she deliberately avoided him. If she were to make the claim just 10 years ago, she would have been laughed off. This is what I mean by our society is increasing like that fairly tale, we are expected to act as if all of this are reasonable, and no one dare to point out how rediculous all this is. what do you think?
  11. you think so? I don't know, the mainstream media are extremely biased now, they are very good at covering things up for Democrats while destroy the conservatives.
  12. it was already apparent he was/is in a cognitive decline even back in 2020 primary. he knows this. as president, his intention should be about serving the American people I wish him the best, but I also wish he would do the right thing by stepping down. even Kamala Harris is a better choice to lead the country now, at least she is mentally fit.
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