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About Neighbor

  • Birthday 03/03/1885

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    USA, wherever my creator leads
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    Individuals interest me, and oddly so does solitude. My creator and savior just astounds me!

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  1. Well I think that is an overreach when used as a blanket statement. For not all exposure of a weakness is there for the purpose of elevating ones self by comparison. While it may be deliberately so, I don't think it is automatically the case. Again the lessons of Matthew 18 provide example and guidance for being properly involved, never a gossiper, for the glory of our creator and the gentler guidance of friend, and perhaps even foe alike, within the local church body. Great way, perhaps the best way, to stop gossip among the church body is to say to any gossiper as they star tup their accusation; "Wait while I call the person you are speaking of over right now this minute and be witness as you address them directly." Do that once to a gossiper and they will never come to engage you in their sin again.
  2. Hi, Really, kinda a "drive by" gossip? ??? Seems to me there are Biblical principles within Matthew 18 for handling perceived faults one sees or thinks they see in others. Plus a grand example within the accounts of David including the encounter and conversation between David and Nathan; "You are the man!"
  3. Hi, I am sure that you do, otherwise you would not have posted it. But what it depicts to my eyes is a man laying back while others are suffering chaos. I understand the absolute security in the hope certain of our Lord being upon us. I just do not see that manifesting in any Christian laying back serenely. Instead it seems to me there is call to be going about in all that we do in a manner that glorifies our creator. If I missed that in the picture then yes I missed it for sure. As being secure absolutely secure just doesn't seem to me to be a ticket to lay back. To my way of understanding I am in the world though not of it. I am not led to lay back, though I have a smile on my face or at least in my heart as I am led each day as God wills.
  4. Wow I do think that to be a very poor representation of Christianity; basking uncaringly at the plight of others? Really? Gee I don't think so. He who did not spare His own Son I suspect did not do so that I might lay in a hammock while Rome burns. Instead I am to be about His father's business in the Son's name for His glory, during the days granted for me to endure in the flesh amongst the signs in the time of the signs. I do rest assured, but not to rest in a hammock. Sure can't identify with that imagery pictured above, as it depicts to me an uncaring self absorbed soul ,one with no feeling for the suffering that affects everyone, the saved and the lost. Nope that is not Christian image that I wish to be identified with come time to meet my Lord face to face.
  5. The will of the majority being the tyranny of it over minorities. And the reason for a representative form of organization to provide attempt at a balance of power not simply a majority rule. But as to the mindset of the greatest number of people Trump lost to Rodham-Clinton, or more individuals disliked him more than they disliked Rodham-Clinton. The power of the dualipoly (Rep/Dem) that exists today is what needs be upset, and why a third, or even fourth, or fifth candidate need be on EVERY ballot at every State and Wdc.. There was a time that there were real battles within the two parties to see who would represent them, but no more as the selection process has been broken at each party.
  6. I don't. But as to the subject at hand; I don't know that I am especially aware there either. Seems to me when the cloud(s) covered Mt. Sinai it was to hide God from the people. Why? Evidently they not being able to withstand His Holy presence. He had just led them out of four hundred years of their predestined captivity through Moses whom He, God, rose up to that task; yet even as they fled they doubted more and more. Was it not Moses alone that was allowed by God to come up His mount and be in His immediate presence? All the chosen by God people that He had set free were denied His direct presence. And they sinned against Him rather quickly, fearing their new freedom even more than their previous captivity, seeking to be captives to something once again by forming idols to worship, rather than trusting that God was indeed right at His Mount, in the clouds with only Moses enabled to be the "high priest/prphet" in his presence in the clouds. The people did not, would not, await God's chosen representative Moses, even from that early moment of time. Seems to me that God will not, perhaps cannot, abide sin against Him. He has put a cloud between him and mankind a separation because man of this fallen creation cannot withstand His Holiness. So what has happened and is to happen that will make it possible for fellowship between Holy God and fallen creation? Seems He is coming, the reconciler of the impossible to reconcile, and suddenly too, hidden in the clouds, the cloud of protection for fallen creation as it cannot withstand God's direct presence. Even Moses was physically altered by His exposure to God. God will come again, in wrath yet there will be a bow in the clouds that covers his presence too. His mercy will be served,- from ever lasting to everlasting, through His son, as will be his just wrath.
  7. Me too! Twice for Trump, Shame on me for the second time around. But what was the choice? I desperately want a third choice, a new opportunity come this November, and so I am encouraged as Kennedy gets on more and more State's ballots. It is a hard slog getting enough petitions signed and accepted at each State. BUT so far it is happening! Now come closer to November the fuller shake out of each candidate's ability and moral standing will be further explored for final consideration and of course for voters to decide. Can't decide if a candidate is blocked from running at all. So I ask all to consider signing the petition in your own State to get Kennedy on the ballot as a possible choice for YOU come November 2024. Personally I am not so sure that either Trump or Biden will even be their party's candidate come November. Neither party has had their selection convention yet. The primaries are just that, primaries selecting delegates for a convention to nominate and select their party's choice- Much may happen tween now and then. So I do like the third choice possibility, and bypassing the big money international king makers altogether. I am in for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who is in it to win it! I absolutely cannot go with Trump nor Biden, if either party comes up with a different candidate at their conventions I will have to take a look, but so far overall I do like Kennedy. May it be that God will allow USA elections come November and that He will raise up a champion amongst the candidates that will honor Him.
  8. Hi, Don't think so, for the Clinton email issue went on into 2019 under Trump's leadership of the Republican party. That is not exactly leaving someone alone. The serious problem is the lack of integrity by both major political parties, the absolute corruption of the candidate selection process by each of the two major parties especially at the presidential level. Both parties need to be busted. And so many are in it to win it not be a spoiler. If there is a spoiler it is Biden, for without him in it Kennedy wins over Trump. In a three person race perhaps no one reaches 270 delegates -at this moment. Long way still to November! I am pleased hopeful and excited to have a third choice on the ballot. Let the people speak, sign a petition. Get that third choice on the ballot at every State plus Wdc. And let's have a real debate between at least three candidates for president of the USA too.
  9. The Florida fiasco was more than just a hanging chad issue. It was decided that no one would have voted a straight party line except for the presidency and so those ballots got "changed". Example would have been my own ballot as I voted straight Republican ticket except for president where I went third party candidate.
  10. Or Trump, or Kennedy. Our help is indeed in the name of the LORD.
  11. One can see the progress being made by We The People by searching Kennedy24 ballot access. The present results are mapped out there. Lots of States are in petition gathering mode right now! 147 electorial college votes are already available with Kennedy on the ballot from the States where petition signing has been completed already. Florida and Texas being two really big ones in play right now.
  12. Politics isn't beanbag. All that are engaged in it know the games played well, and play the game well too. As I have shared before, as I do remember it pretty well. JFK won in 1960 by Cook County holding up the vote total until the upstate Republican districts had reported their totals. Nixon remembered that loss well and beat Humphrey in 1968 the same way by holding the upstate vote totals until Cook County finally caved and reported their totals. Each party managed to "have" enough votes to beat the other, -once they knew the other's totals. Then came Al Gore versus W Bush and the Florida debacle. Bush never won Florida, but he had the most votes counted up when the recount was shutdown. As to the popular vote, Trump never won the most votes 2016 nor 2020, yet he won once and lost once. It ain't beanbag.
  13. Had a fun late afternoon standing at a major intersection with sign the petition signs encouraging petition signers. Wow it was hot! 90 degrees and 100 degree feels like index, but fun and we did get a good number of people to come in off the road even during rush hours out of their air conditioned vehicles to sign active voters petitions to get RFK Jr. on the Florida ballot. Never thought I'd be one of those people, standing on roadsides with signs, but now I am! -Good people, lots of fun, and lots of encouragement. A good day! Thank you Lord.
  14. Hi, If church bodies were not being targeted I think I would be more concerned. The abrasions inflicted make us stronger than otherwise we all might have been without having received them. As to the unforgivable sin, seems to me if God is God he need not be a trickster, and is not one. He is God and an unforgivable sin or even sins if that were possible need not be my concern. Really I don't see a Christian being worried about it nor do I see a non Christian being aware of it either for they deny God in the first place. In fact the unforgivable sin may have been attributed only to the Scribes that claimed the Holy Spirit to be Satan, or Satan led spirit, empowering Jesus.
  15. Neighbor


    Can environmentalism as worship bring a "heaven" or haven to earth? Are these not the times of the signs in more than just the environment, but also inclusive of the actions of nations and peoples in general? The message is the same today as yesterday, written in the heavens, written in the seasons, written in the affairs of mankind so often batting against the wind. Be prepared, look up. Maranatha! Rejoice!
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