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Revelation Man

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  1. The 7 Heads represent 7 National Powers, not hills or mountains, we know mountains represent city powers that become nation powers because back then no one was stupid enough not to built a city on High Ground else they would be easy prey. Now lets see who God says Babylon the Great is. Rev. 16:19 And the great city(Jerusalem) was divided into three parts(2nd Coming/Earthquake), and the cities of the nations fell:( Jesus defeats the cities/nations who come against him) and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. So, now all we have to do is figure out who Jesus defeated at the 7th Vial. VIOLA !! Its easy peasy when we just follow the scriptures and stop imagining things. The 6th Via TELLS US THE ANSWER !! Rev. 16:12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. 13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. So, God here in Vial #6 & #7 tells us exactly who He sees Babylon the Great as. Satan's influence of DECEPTIONS and CONFUSION over the WHOLE WORLD. Babel means CONFUSION, what an apt description, a Creator being hated and fought all because the WHOLE WORLD listened to a liars lies of confusion !! Great Babylon falls when Satan is locked up.
  2. The TWO STICKS PROPHECY has nothing to do with with the Dead Men's Bones prophesy brother, nor those points/issues you made. God carried off the Northern Kingdoms, thus Israel would no longer be a divided nation ruled by two factions, but ONE NATION, all living in Judea basically, thus that is why they became known as Jews in general. They are and always have been ALL 12 TRIBES, there were never any lost tribes. That verse you cited has nothing to do with checkpoints and walls. No it is not, READ THW WHOLE PASSAGE, God via Ezekiel calls Israel a nation of DEAD MENS BONES. Everyone knows that means God forsook Israel for nigh 2000 years. That is not the actual message being relayed. In Ezekiel's time NO CITY would ever build without Walls, by saying there was NO WALLS, this simply sent a message to the reader that Israel were AT PEACE, not being RULED OVER. So, is Israel n ow at peace? Yes, since they conquered the Golan Heights in 1973 Israel are not in any wise threatened by any nation conquering them. They even made peace with Egypt in 1979, so for the first time in over 2500 years Israel has NO BEAST POWER ruling over them, from Assyria to Babylon, to Greece and Rome, then came the Diaspora, where Israel were as Dead Men's Bones unto 1948,God brought them back int the land, All 12 tribes at once, but they were under constant threat of being wiped out. Then after 1973 there was a paradigm shift, since that moment in time Israel have grown stronger and stronger and she is AT PEACE, with nations surrounding her, see the Trump led Abraham Accords. Iran has made Israel and he Arab nations fast friends who depend on each other. Are there still terror attacks? YES........and there are still terror attacks in the USA and France right? But we live in Peace with no REAL THREAT of being conquered right? And so does Israel, for the first time in over 2500 years Israel rules over herself, no one can tell them who to worship, where to go, how to act etc. etc. The whole NO WALLS is just a metaphor Ezekiel used to bring a POINT ACROSS, Israel will not be under and Beast Rule or any other Governments Mandates, she will live in Peace. Again, this is basic 101 in prophesy brother, not understanding this tells me you need to learn basic prophetic points all over again. You can not take prophesy literal. But...........Satan is cast down at the 1260, he becomes the Son of Perdition like Judas, so I think Satan indwells him. SO........ Yes, but that is the False Prophet, NOT the Anti-Christ BEAST POWER, who actually conquers and rules.
  3. Look to the bible and figure out what THE PROPHESIES MEAN, when God said He used the sun, stars and moon for SIGNS, here is what He meant. The Stars can be used as Navigation Sign Points, the Sun of course gives the world its Days/Nights/Seasons years, etc. etc. and finally THE MOON was God's way of setting up "God Time" with ONLY Israel, a New Moon brought in a Feast, the 7 Feasts were SIGNS unto Israel and now the world and Israel that God via a SEED (Jesus) that would be His son, born unto a human woman, would FULFILL ALL SEVEN (7) of these Feasts, no kidding. Jesus Fulfilled the Thee Spring Feast via his first coming 1.) Feast of Passover (whatever the actual Hebrew name is his is not important tbh, his blood covers us from all of our sins) 2.) Feast of Unleavened Bread (Jesus knew NO SIN) 3.) Feast of First-fruits (Jesus was the first-fruits of the dead) Summer Harvest 4.) Feast of Weeks/Summer Harvest/ Church Age/Pentecost (Jesus himself is currently fulfilling this as the Head or High Priest of the Body/Church in heaven as we speak, sitting at the Right Hand of the Father. He via us the Church are doing what during the Church Age? What is our mission? HARVESTING SOULS......See how it all meshes brother? This process was all FORETOLD via the 7 Feasts before Israel ever knew what they mean, as a mater of fact if the understood them the would have seen Jesus for whom he was. Jesus will fulfill this in full then guess what happens next in the 7 Feasts, the Feast of Trumps !! THINK THE LAST TRUMP, Paul knew exactly what he was saying via Jesus coming at the Last Trump. That is why in Rev. 4:1 AFTER the Church Age Jesus sounds as a TRUMP and tells Paul to COME UP HERE, its the Pre Trib. Rapture) 5.) Feast of Trumps ( Jesus will call HIS BRIDE to Heaven, the Fathers Bride Israel only repents during the 70th week, that is why the Feast of ATONWMENT come next, LOL get it? Its a Unique Pattern that can not be missed. When the New Moon came in the Feast of Trumps started, BUT.........since Israel are the Moon Cycle of Lunar Time or God Time as I call it, they could never know the EXACT DAY............NOR HOUR the Feast of Trumps would start, via the Sun they all knew when a Sunset came a new day started, of course. But a Moon Phase gets less and less and until you get a New Moon, so Israel sent two men into the hills to WATCH for the New Moon Cycle, lets say it could happen on a Tuesday just before sundown, or on a Wed. just after sundown, or just after sundown on Thursday, that LAST SLIVER needs to go away, so you can see now what Jesus was "REALLY SAYING" when he said no man knows the day nor the hour, he was pointing unto the Feast of Trumps which always ended the Summer Harvest or Church Age. So, the Rapture will come at the Feast of Trumps) 6.) Feast of Atonement (Israel MUST ATONE or Repent before Jesus returns at the 2nd Coming. Zech. 13:8-9 says 1/3 of 5 million Jews repent, the 144,000 is simply a CODE for ALL Israel as 12 equals fulness and 10 equals completeness so 12 x 12 x 10 x 10 x 10 means Fulness x Completeness or the 144,000 CODE, just like the 10 Virgins represent Complete Christendom. In Zech. 14:1, just ONW VERSE after Israel repents via Jesus' blood, we see that the Day of the Lord ARRIVES. So, Israel repents during the 70th week AFTER the Pre Trib. Rapture. All my Post Trin guys never answer any of this because it DESTROYS their narratives, they pretend its just not a factoid of the bible. But as we know the Feast of Trumps comes before the Feast of Atonement) 7.) Feast of Tabernacles (to TABERNACLE with God means to DWELL WITH God and Jesus is God the Redeemer, so Jesus rules from Jerusalem for 1000 years, I call that Dwelling with God) So, as you see, Jesus fulfills all 7 Feasts, these understandings are the REAL SIGNS.
  4. Again Marylin, you are looking at 2 billion people (Muslims) who live in the WHOLE WORLD, I take only the designated area into consideration, the E.U. (of course) then the only nations he is shown to conquer in any scriptures passages anywhere. In Dan. 8:9 we know he conquers East (Turkey/Seleucus). Israel or the Pleasant land and South (Egypt/Ptolemy)......and in Dan. 11:40-43 we get a play by play that shows us this man (E.U. President) conquers Israel and "MANY Countries" then we are shown who they are and who they are not, he conquers COUNTRIES to get at Israel, so Turkey, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan fit this description, then he conquers Israel and Egypt/Libya, which back in that time was basically all of North Africa on a any map. It also says he can not conquer Edom, Ammon and Moab or the Jordanian Mountainous areas in Central and Southern Jordan where it has been prophesied in many verses that Israel will flee unto in the end times. We know via the European Neighborhood Policy, (it can be read on Wikipedia and at many other places) that the E.U. has current 7 year Agreements with Israel and every nation on the Mediterranean Sea Coastline from Lebanon, to Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and finally Libya. These are THE MANY mentioned in Daniel 9:27, in Dan. 8:25 and in Daniel 11:40-43. So, there are not two billion Muslims living in the E.U. and those nation mentioned Marylin, and that area is the ONLY AREA the Anti-Christ/Beast rules over, he will not rule over the whole earth. The whole earth being spoken about is DESIGNATED unto us via the Great Sea these Beasts all arise from, and via the 7 Heads (From Egypt, to Rome to the Anti-Christ/Little Horn/Beast Man) and 10 horns (E.U.s complete reunification). So, not only will he wipe out Islam or FORBID it in the E.U. and in all those nations above (THE MANY) which he conquers, but he will also forbid ALL RELIGIONS n those areas, and the E.U., save Beast worship. In other words you will not be able to worship Zeus or Jupiter, nor worship Allah or the God of the bible, NOR ANY God !! Including Hindus etc. etc. etc. That also includes Jesus Christ, so that is what Dan. 9:27 means, when the 1/3 of Israel repents (Zech. 13:8-9) they will naturally go to their temple t worship Jesus right? BOOM, now this makes sense when read in context with Israel repenting in Zech. 13:8-9 JUST BEFORE the Day of the Lord arrives in the very next verse in Zech. 14:1, they Repent (1/3 OR 5 million Jews the code = 144,000) and then the Jewish High Priest in league with "his E.U. President, will FORBID Jesus worship, or TAKE AWAY...."THE SACRIFICE" which is Jesus Worship. Dan. 9:27 And he (A.C.) shall confirm the covenant(Agreement meaning Israel JOINS the E.U.) with many for one week(Lasts only 7 years): and in the midst of the week(3.5 years into this AGREEMENT) he shall cause the sacrifice(Jesus Worship is FORIDEN) and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate This 666 man/Beast/Little Horn/AC only rules over THIS AREA BELOW Marylin, that does not have 2 billion Muslims in that specific area. He will forbid the worshiping of ALL GODS in those areas, not just Muslins worshiping Allah. Satan in any form = Murder and mayhem.
  5. Easy, he is made President/Dictator by the E.U. who are Socialists and he then Conquers everything else on the Mediterranean Sea Coastline from Lebanon, to Turkey (not on the Coastline but in the region) to Egypt and all of North Africa. The 10 (E.U.) elect a President via the E.U. Commision. That is just Satan using a false religion to deceive the mases. Satan was doing this 3000 years ago, 2000 years ago and 1000 years ago.
  6. True on the numbers, but God also has a way of designating an area being spoken about. The all come out of the Great Sea, or this is always only about one Beast kingdom being over Israel and the Mediterranean Sea Region. God simply paused time for the Church Age so to speak, that is why the Iron becomes Iron and Clay.
  7. No, in HIS AREA HE RULES, only the E.U. and the Mediterranean Sea Region, he will not rule the New World, that is set ablaze (the 1/3) by the Asteroid of Rev. 8. He will not rule China, Russia, Japan, as a matter of fact that would burden and bog down his ONE MISSION, to kill every Jew, to "prove God a liar", thus God can no longer be God over all if His word is not 100% true, so conquering the whole world not only avails nothing, it hinders his mission. He couldn't do it anyway, that is why it states if Jesus did not return no flesh would be left standing, he never rules the whole world else conflicts would end. But alas we know numbers mean nothing anyway, the Brits once ruled 3/4 of the world, Japan was whipping China in WW2, Germany defeated most of Europe and almost defeated Russia if not for a providential snow storm. The truth is however, the Beast Kingdoms are only about Israel and the region around the Mediterranean Sea. This man will not serve his fathers god, NOR ANY god. He has to be ab atheist.
  8. Yes sir, it is Rome indeed. As per the WHOLE EARTH, the prophesy pulls out the designated info via giving us the parameters in the holy writ. Its about the "Great Sea" [only], this the WHOLE EARTH around the Great Sea as in Rome circa 117 AD. In Dan. 2 it was said the 3rd Best would conquer the whole earth also, but Greece never did so what gives? The Last Beast the Anti-Christ is a conglomerate Beast of at least three Beasts, he may have ties to all 6. He will have Assyrian blood (Isaiah 10) meaning he has Turkish or Iraqi roots from 2500 years ago, he will be born in Greece, Dan. 8:9 via the directions he conquers mandates this, and finally he has to come up amongst the 10 Horns/Kings and we know the number 10 = Completion and the Horns always = Power. So, he is born in a Completely Reunified E.U. which when they go forth conquering in Dan. 11:40-43 will look just like Papa Rome 117 AD on a map. Meet Papa Rome's son the European Union. Dan. 8:9 is where he conquers Turkey and Egypt, and Dan. 11:40-43 is the same battle but includes of course the Anti-Christ/Little Horn conquering Israel, and all the Mediterranean Sea Region nations. In the E.U. Homeland and the Mediterranean region he conquers, the AC/Beast will wipe out Islam.
  9. It is Israel brother, seems you had a conclusion, thus it can't be Israel, even though it is, that is what we call confirmation bias. I remember asking God 10 years or so ago to show me all His deep hidden truths in these end times, and I did so because I had asked in prayer why the church was so all over the place on His holy words prophetic utterances........and the holy spirit was like "Ron, you guys already know it all" and you guys included me, so I knew instantly God was telling me to RELOOK at all prophesy and what we THINK WE KNOW, and to simply do what I did with the Gospels when I was a baby Christian, reread and ask God, what does this mean Lord, and I knew with it being end times, that He would always reveal it unto those who refused to give up the quest, to keep seeking or Wrestling with God, and because God told Daniel everything would be revealed in the end, I knew God would give the persistent the true answers.........but NOT if I already had all the answers. So, I asked God to always correct me. My blog on this site years ago about Babylon and who THAT CITY was in Rev. 17:18 was the first time God corrected me on prophesy after that prayer, I had this well thought out and studied blog saying Rome was THAT CITY, and the holy spirit was like "Ron, look again, the vision is only four verses" (Rev. 17:3-6). So as I reread it it I saw that Babylon was that city because it was being used only as a DECRIPTOR for who the Harlot was, like a real harlot in the center city town square who had a name tagged to her for her customers, she had THREE NAME TAGS around her neck, MYSTERY was merely a header or question mark used like this MYSTERY: (?) 1.) Babylon the Great (World renown for FALSE RELIGION) 2.) Mother of Harlots (FALSE RELIGION was the original Harlotry) 3.) Abominations of the Earth (God hates all FALSE RELIGION) So, this is how we go down wrong paths, one wrong turn and all the sudden I am down a wrong path I can never overcome, unless I hear from God these basic words, Ron, YOU ARE WRONG. Well, most people refuse to hear, you are wrong, I have come to treasure hearing it from the holy spirit, you know why? Because if he rebukes me, I know he wants to reveal his truths unto me, after all the holy spirit is our helpmate. So, I could keep on saying you are in error brother on this, but in the end you have to ask God to reveal that unto you, and when we already have the answers, its hard to hear, YOU ARE WRONG my son from God, you know why? Its our human nature, (MAYBE EVEN Sin Nature) we always think we are correct on everything. You have to read the whole chapter IN CONTEXT Brother, this is a chapter where we get major misinterpretations that put forth the whole wrong think that the Church has taken Israel's place. I explain below: Oh yea FOOLISH Galatians, who has bewitched (deceived) you having started out in the Spirit (FAITH) to now chose to serve the Flesh (Law)? Then we go through the chapter and over and over Paul was rebuking them for serving THE LAW instead of living BY FAITH in the Spirit. He showed how the Law only came 430 years after THE PROMISE. How all who serve the law are cursed and condemned by the law, etc. etc. No doubt some New Jewish Converts had come unto them and told them, "Hey, you still have to keep the Laws of Moses to please God and make it to heaven" so these Gentile Galatians were trying to be "JEW LIKE" in order to make it to heaven (by works and not by simple FAITH). So, Paul went about teaching them why MANKIND is no longer under THE LAW, and never really were anyway, because the Law of Moses was added 430 years after THE PROMISE and remember, in that PROMISE not only would Abraham be blessed BUT........BOOM.......He would be a blessing to all the nations of the World (Christ Jesus is that Blessed Seed). So, when Paul talks about the Law only being a Schoolmaster to bring us unto Jesus, he's talking about ALL THE NATIONS being brought into the Blessed Promise via FAITH ALONE in Christ Jesus. not by anything we can do of ourselves, it is the Gift of God alone. Thus not only does Israel no longer need THE LAW, but the Galatians who started out in the Spirit (FAITH) surely do not now need the LAW which can only condemn, not save us, only Jesus' blood can save us brother, right? NOW....I think you just might be able to grasp what Paul is really saying unto the Galatians when he says we are all one in Christ Jesus both Jew AND Gentile, Male AND Female, Slave AND the Freeman. This should be so easy since we know there are still TWO SEXES Male and Female right? So, there are also still Jews and Gentiles right? So, what is Paul trying to tell them? That we ALL come unto God in the EXACT SAME MANNER, by Faith Alone, be we Jew/Gentile or Male/Female, he was never saying we are now all one and the same, if he was then why is he using Males & Females in that exact same equation? Paul is simply saying QUIT TRYING to be Jew Like in order to make it into Heaven, foolish people have deceived you, we ALL are saved in the exact same way by FAITH ALONE, the Law was only a Schoolmaster to bring us (MANKIND including Gentiles who were a part of the original Promised Blessing unto Abraham) all unto Christ Jesus, and in Christ we are under the Holy Spirits Guidance, thus we do not need any Law. If I do say so myself that was very good stuff I felt the Holy Spirit as I was writing that giving me chills. Not so much the first section, I actually prefer teaching over talking about Prophesy, but that's my main calling, its frustrating when everyone already knows it all on prophesy tbh. So, in a overview, Paul was explaining why THE PROMISE always superseded THE LAW in God's eyes, Jesus is our Righteousness via Faith, not THE LAW. And of course the Promise was meant for ALL NATIONS. Of course they repent, we are all REFINED by the holy spirit only AFTER we repent by Faith. God Bless ADHOC and have a Happy New Year.
  10. I have no trouble, I do not accept that premise. This is not a hard prophesy to understand my friend. You are allowing the cart to lead the horses here, this is mega easy. The Sun, Moon and Stars is mega easy. We all are guilty of Jesus' death, he HAD TO DIE for all of our sins. Zech. 13:8-9 is END TIMES, read it again, the 1/3 repent during the 70th week, because in the very next verse we see the Day of the Lord arrives in Zech. 14:1 so I hope you do not think the DOTL happened 2000 years ago. No, the PROMISE was BEFORE the Law. PERIOD. Once one gets that they understand why in Gal. 3 Paul says The Law was only a School Master to bring us unto Jesus THE PROMISE, but once Jesus has come the Law is no longer needed. This has been my calling for 40 years brother, what I find is men who are not specifically called unto prophesy tend to OVERTHINK THINGS, instead of letting them all MESH TOGETHER. God's promise to Abraham was at least physically through the kingdom age and can be through eternity by Faith. Rev. 12 is a simple prophesy brother, you are way overthinking it.
  11. Not at all, one has to understand CONTEXT in each situation. The seeds as a star is speaking about Abraham's seeds that lead to Salvation & his seed that birth a nation, which births the Messiah which leads to these seeds of salvation. Thus they all intertwine, it took Abraham's seed to Birth Mary, and God then gave them Jesus via Mary, who is the ONE SEED [of Salvation]. Israel birthed the Messiah, who was the Sacrifice for all mankind. Christ was the original PROMISE, the Law was ADDED 430 years later. There is NO DIFFERENCE, Joseph is the 12 star, they bowed down unto him in the dream. They worshipped false gods in part, mostly the leader. That is why Satan placed them into bondage, we all know they went astray. That is not what it really means. It means when the WORLD loves WORLDY THINGS over God they follow after Satan. If you see a man that goes with many women today and goes to bars every night, he FOLLOWS AFTER Satan !! Not God and his ways.
  12. The Beast we are given in Rev. 12, 13 and 17 are FIGURATIVE BEASTS spread out over 2500 years, but it EXCLUDES the Church Age entirely basically, Rome did stretch into the early Church Age, but that is where the Mortal Wound to the Beast Systems come from, the Church could not be overcome by the gates of hell. So, this COMPOSITE BEAST is an entity God used to chastise Israel with, from Egypt and Assyria to Babylon, Persia and Greece, then via Rome, but the Church via its blood turned the Roman HEAD from a Beast Head to a city that helped the Church spread the Gospel unto the whole world. Also, there could be no TRUE BEAST over Israel because there was no Israel from the moment Jesus Christ died God rent the Temple (left) and turned His back on them for nigh 2000 years God saw Israel as Dead Men's Bones. Then in 1948 God brought the Whole Nation of Israel back into the land but with no BREATH (Holy Spirit) so He brought them back in a Godless form, then during the 70th week Zech. 13:8-9 says 1/3 or 5 million Jews will repent, the 144,000 is a CODE, its 12 x 12 x 10 x 10 x 10 or God shouting Fulness x Completeness. They are both men, women and children, just like the 10 virgin brides are not only females but all of Christendom. So, the OVERALL BEAST SYSTEM went away went under the Sea to be no more for a while, thus we had the Brits, French and Spain never consolidating power in full. Only when Israel is rebirthed could there be another Beast over Israel, notice in 1948 Israel is rebirthed, then in 1956 we get the Council of Rome the foreshadowing of the coming European Union. Once the Rapture happens as Israel joins the E.U. and gives up stupidly her Nukes, they will think they are SAFE..........but alas this Anti-Christ who is the LAST BEAST himself (666 = Man) will turn on Israel at the midway point and thus when he Conquers them and the whole Mediterranean Sea Region he HEALS THE WOUNDED 7 Headed Beast, it once again LIVES !! As a Beast Power Ruling over Israel. Yes indeed, the LAST BEAST is one man for a very simple reason, he rules only 42 months then Jesus TAKES OVER, thus he never passes his Kingdom on to another like all of the other Beast did. NOTICE: In Dan. 7:17 there were FOUR BEAST KINGS to start with who later became BEAST KINGDOMS. 17 These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth. So, they of course were Beast Kings only until they passed their kingdoms on to other men, that is why or how God gives us a LAST BEAST who is a man, not a Beast Kingdom, and why his "NUMBER" is 666 it just means he's a MAN not a Kingdom like Greece or Rome. Yes, he will be the E.U. President. Politicians and Religious TYPES can also be evil, look at all the Kings of Israel whom worshiped false gods, look at the lying priests they hearkened unto etc. etc. Satan is cast down to earth, and Apollyon and his demons in the bottomless pit are released, they can indwell and preform miracles. The False Prophet has to be a Jewish High Priest gone rogue, we have to have had the same two ARCHETYPES in history, remember Antiochus Epiphanes (AE4) was the Archetype Anti-Christ right? Well, he also had an Archetype False Prophet, a Jewish man named Jason real name Yeshua, who loved being a Hellenized Jew, he bribed AE4 to be named the High Priest, having his pious High Priest brother Onias III killed. He then welcomed AE4 into the temple of God to sacrifice unto Zeus and he MANDATED that all Jews become Hellenized or become Greek Types in Culture, who worshiped their Greek gods and took on their culture. This led to the Maccabean Revolt. In the end times, we will once again see a Jewish High Priest in league with an E.U. President (King), BUT ALAS.........the High Priest will also be a European Union Citizen, so of course it doesn't seem as strange now that he throws in with a non Jew from afar does it? And guess what, the 1290 is NOT the A.C. taking away the Sacrifice and placing the IMAGE (Dan. 9:27 and Rev. 13) but instead its his right hand man the False Prophet Jewish High Priest who STOPS Jesus Worship in "his temple" and he PLACES the IMAGE (see Rev. 13 the 2nd Beast or F.P. gets the people to place THE IMAGE of the First Beast). The A.C. doesn't even become he "Beast" for 30 more days yet at the 1260, EACH NUMBER is Juxtaposed against the 2nd Coming like this. 1335 = Two-witnesses Blessing, they turn Israel back unto God 1335 days before Jesus shows up at the 2nd coming. 1290 = the False Prophet, after the Two-witnesses get 1/3 of the Jews to repent they no doubt go into the Temple to praise Jesus. The High Priest gets VERY ANGRY at this, he's an old school type religious Jew like we see today, he thus FORBIDS Jesus Worship and cheekily places an Image of the E.U. President up in the Temple of God. He fulfills Dan. 9:27 in league with the A.C. if we notice that verse it says the man who signs the Covenant or AGEEMENT with Israel CAUSES these things to happen. This all happens 45 days after the Two-witnesses show up and 30 days before the AC/Beast is allowed to go forth conquering, AND 1290 days before the 2nd coming of Jesus cast the him and the AC into hell fire. The 1260 comes LAST out of the three events, not first. This happens 1260 days before Jesus shows up to take over the title deed of Earth by casting Satan into the Bottomless Pit. Now we know why when the Jews who repented see this Image in the temple they are not just killed but allowed to flee into the Petra/Bozrah mountains, that is not the Beast at the 1290, thus these Jews have 30 days to flee Judea before the 1260 gets here. It all goes hand in hand, but we have to know what these three numbers mean or we will never get the end time timing tells down, plus they make everything fit. NOTICE: The Two-witnesses DIE before the Beast DIES right? So, since God gave both of them 1260 day Ordained Earthly Office Times so to speak, that lets us know, if they die before the Beast dies they also have to show up before the AC becomes the Beast for 1260 days, its simple math. Most people miss his A-1 JOB. He has to prove God a liar in order to survive, thus Satan's ONLY GOAL is to kill off every Jew making God's Promised Kingdom Age a lie. These Miracles are meant to entice the 1/3 Jews in hiding to come out of their Petra/Bozrah safety zone, the rest of the world matters very little, as a matter of fact 1/3 of the world (New World imho) is set ablaze, that is why the USA allows this man to go forth conquering, the USA are burning to a crisp. He never conquers Russia nor China, he's ONLY OVER the E.U. and he then ONLY CONQUERS the Mediterranean Sea Region, the WHOLE EARTH the Prophesies were all about to start with was the Mediterranean Sea Region, thus they all came up out of the Great Sea. The supposed miracles are meant to try and trick the Jews who repented to come out and meet their "Come Again Messiah Jesus" but they WILL NOT FALL for it, you know why? Matt. 24:25-27 tells us, Jesus forewarns them and says do not go unto anyone in a Secret Store Room or in a Desert saying he is the Messiah, LOOK FOR ME TO RETURN in the Eastern Skies !! So, they can not be deceived, that is why in those verses Jesus says IF IT WERE POSSIBLE, its not, he forewarned them where he would be coming from. But Satan has to try right? And Miracles can be illusions right? Again I think THE WORLD here refers to the Earth Being Spoken about, in this one region. Yes, the map clearly shows this. Nowhere was any Religious Order a part of the Beast System Power Structure, they are The Harlot in general, the Zeus, Jupiter types etc. etc.
  13. Gal. 3:16 says different. Then we must read Rev. 12:17 in a new light, HER SEED is Jesus, WATCH: 16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. 17 And the dragon(Satan) was wroth with the woman(Israel), and went to make war with the remnant (The Church AFTER the Pre Trib. Rapture = a Remnant Church) of her seed (Jesus), which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Gal. 3:16 clearly says Jesus is that ONE SEED !! Not many seeds but just ONE SEED, Christ Jesus. Then we see Satan gets angry because he can not get at "The Woman" Israel, or better yet the 1/3 who repent which Zech. 13:8-9 says God protects, whilst the 2/3 will die. So, the 2/3 can not be The Remnant because its not a remnant, plus they never repent so they do not have the Testimony of Jesus, meanwhile the 1/3 are the ones Satan's Anti-Christ Army can not get at because the EARTH PROTECTS HER, just like in Egypt remember? God used the Wall of Fire and the Red Sea (THE EARTH) to protect Israel. That is what God does here also, and He also uses the Earth/Mountainous area which is like unto a Sheepfold that protects the sheep. So, this "Remnant can not be a Jewish Remnant, it can only be a Gentile Church Remnant (Small part of a bigger part), which means the Church of Christ is in Heaven, marrying Jesus during this time of troubles. Gen. 37:9 shows us who the Woman is in Rev. 12. John saw a Vision in the Heavenlies, look at Rev. 15 it says the exact same thing. 15 And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God. It has nothing to do with Israel being in heaven, Jesus was merely showing John the future in the 3rd Heaven, so John saw these heavenly signs in heaven but God also used the Sun & Moon to relay the message/code. It is a Great WONDER, which means: #4592 σημεῖον semeion {say-mi'-on} from a presumed derivative of the base of G4591; TDNT - 7:200,1015; n n —Greek Word Study (Transliteration-Pronunciation Etymology & Grammar) 1) a sign, mark, token 1a) that by which a person or a thing is distinguished from others and is known. The only "Sign or WONDER" here is God telling John who this "Woman" is via all the clues God gives him. Its all Metaphoric. Israel birthed Jesus THE SEED. This is not factual brother, Israel never knowingly worshiped Satan, they at times worshiped false gods like fools, but never Satan himself. King Herod did, some Jewish leaders sought to kill Jesus the Messiah because they saw him as a Blasphemer. Israel as a nation never hated Jesus per se. Of course they sired Jesus who sired the Church. Not yet, but they soon will during the 70th week after the Rapture. God is a Spirit, He uses the Earth to protect Israel just like He used the Earth to protect them from the Egyptians. Joseph had THE DREAM, he was the 12th Star !! Of course. I have easily proven that the Woman is Israel brother, and Baby Jesus is the Male Child. Read Daniel 12:1-2, it says the exact same thing as Rev. 12 and it is End Time Events.
  14. Yes sir
  15. People look at Matt. 24:4-31 all wrong tbh. But the Parable of the Fig Tree verses (32-35) you mentioned do indeed tell us what signs to look for, but it is speaking of the 10-12 signs Jesus just gave his Disciples in verses 4-31 so lets list them in a tidy set to make this easier. Verses 4-6 are specifically about the 67-70 AD events/wars. Verses 7-8 is Jesus merely demonstrating why vs. 6 CAN NOT be the end (70th week events/Jesus' return). Then in verses 9-13 Jesus reverts to his message to the disciples telling them how they will die, and warning them to keep the faith unto the end, then finally in vs. 14 Jesus shows again (VERY IMPORTANT) why vs. 6 CAN NOT be the end, because the Gospel has to be spread unto the WHOLE WORLD and only then can the end or 70th week come. Verses 15-31 are the 70th week. So, THE SIGNS are this: 70 AD Events in verses 4-6 1.) False christs coming in Jesus' name put forth by the scribes/pharisees, they saw Rome as the 4th Beast. 2.) Ye will hear of Wars & Rumors of Wars, but it is not Jesus come again, the 70th week end is much later on. Then Jesus DEMONSTRATES why vs. 6 can not be the 70th week end via verses 7-8. NOTHING MORE is meant here !! Signs that must come before Jesus' 2nd coming can happen, thus AFFIRNMING 70 AD is not Jesus come again, Jesus had to get them to understand this to keep them from rushing back to Jerusalem in 67-70 AD to fight for him, and the Church would have followed them an bee snuffed out in its infancy !! 3.) There must be many many, many wars of Kingdoms vs. Kingdoms and Nations vs. Nation( Ethos or Race vs. Race), this COULD NPOT HAPPEN under Rome, lol, the Disciples would clearly understand this. Rome would not permit this, so Jesus point of vs. 6 would have been easily understood by them. There shall be [much] Famine and pestilence and many, many Earthquakes in different places. The Disciples probably never saw this things happen at all, God needed His point to be understood by them. Later we saw the Black Plague, much famine, many earthquakes etc. ALL this not really important unto the overall lesson/prophecy Jesus was teaching his disciples, but modern day man makes these 2 verses he cornerstone to Matt. 24 when on fact they were really throw away verses, Jesus was just saying, remember vs, 6 where I said THE END is not yet? Here is why the end can not come in 70 AD, THEN HE LISTS WHY in verses 7-8 it can not be The End !! Jesus reverts back to the REAL LESSON in verses 9-13 4.) They shall kill you (The Disciples) but a vs. 13 says they MUST ENDURE until the end [of their LIVES]. 5.) False Prophets will arise, these were the clash of culture Zeus and Jupiter types who had the disciples killed because they were taking away their patrons, so they cried unto Rome. 6.) The Gospel must be preached unto the ends of the Earth, well the Disciples thus knew they would never see Jesus 2nd Coming, thus they would not rush back fir the 70 AD events, see how Jesus gave them a fool proof teaching here? They knew they had not reached China, India and the Scythians (modern day Russia) and knew that they never would reach the in their lifetimes, so they understood they would never see the 70th week end times themselves. Thus now vs. 6 made sense unto them. The 70th week FUTURE EVENTS to come 7. ) The AoD IN VS. 15 8.) The Jews Fleeing unto the Petra/Bozrah Mountainous area via the Greatest Ever Tribulation 9.) The False Prophet & Anti-Christ performing miracles. 10.) The Sun being Darkened and Moon turned blood red in vs. 29 THEN Jesus appears in vs. 30. So, what does the Parable actually say? It COMPARES the SIGNS Jesus just gave his Disciples with his 2nd Coming which is 7 years after the Pre Trib. Rapture which we see in verses 36-51. Matt. 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh(2nd Coming): 33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. 35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. So, WHAT GENERATION shall not pass? The Generation (of Jews) who sees ALL OF THESE SIGNS or these things in vs. 33, and thus ALL means the LAST SIGN has to be the one seen by the very last generation, and what was that sign? The Sun & Moon going dark, that happens via the Rev. 8 Asteroid Impact. So, here is the simple way to see it. Only the Jews living during the 70th week can see this LAST SIGN at the midway point of the 70th week so of course "THAT GENERATION", will see Jesus' 2nd Coming. Where are we now on that scale? Well, we have pretty much seen all of the verses 7-8 things which create a crescendo affect, of course all the disciples have been killed, we have not seen vs. 14 the Pre Trib. Rapture of course and nothing in verses 15-31 can happen until AFTER the Pre Trib. Rapture and during the 70th week. The next events are the Gog and Magog war which sets the stage for the AGREMENT where Israel joins the E.U. setting off the Rapture and 70th week events. Then the Jews who see the Sun and Moon go darker (DIM by 1/3) and the moon turn blood red will be the generation of Jews who see Jesus return to set up the Kingdom Age on this earth for 1000 years in Jerusalem.
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