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Revelation Man

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  1. You have no clue about it, it seems, that tells me you really do not understand prophesy at all. And Paul wrote about it and Jesus explained it, you just can't dig it out because the whisper has spun you with a tall tale. I'm to the point its not even worthy taking on the debate, you guys just are not able to dig these truths out. It is what it is. But you will be proven wrong.
  2. Yes sir, it is a translated word that does not mean Jesus was coming back SOON, He even says only the Father knows the day and hour, but he knows the plan, and he knows its roughly 2000 years away, so why did he use SOON? He did not say soon, its a misunderstanding of what that word means, and we can see this by looking at all the 4 or 5 words it can be defined as. The word actually means ZOOM, ZOOM, as in Fast, Speedily, In Haste etc. My Online English Bible translated from Greek word study link The Reuelation 602 of Iesus 2424 Christ, 5547 which 3739 God 2316 gaue 1325 z5656 vnto him, 846 to shewe 1166 z5658 vnto his y846 x848 seruants 1401 things which 3739 must 1163 z5748 shortly 1722 5034 come to passe; 1096 z5635 and 2532 he sent 649 z5660 and signified 4591 z5656 [it] by 1223 his y846 x848 Angel 32 vnto his y846 x848 seruant 1401 Iohn, 2491 Notice the TWO NUMBERS behind SHORTLY? Lets see what they mean. Think Tachometer or SPEED/FAST. #1722 ἐν en {en} a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between G1519 and G1537); TDNT - 2:537,233; prep —Greek Word Study #5034 τάχος tachos {takh'-os} from the same as G5036; TDNT - n/a; n n —Greek Word Study 1) quickness, speed —Thayer's (New Testament Greek-English Lexicon) From the same as G5036; a brief space (of time), that is, (with G1722 prefixed) in haste:— + quickly, + shortly, + speedily. —Strong's (Greek Dictionary of the New Testament) #5034. So, look at the other words in the bunch, they all are speaking about a term (the Greek word TACHOS where we get Tachometer from) that implies SPEED, in Haste, Speedily, Quickly and SHORTLY, so why is shortly in there? It seems to be the odd man out right? No, It means Jesus is coming in a SHORT TIME BURST when God the Father sends him, meaning ZOOM, ZOOM, ZOOM, this is why DEEP DIVES in to original words have to be done my friend. So, EN in means Space or Time, so at a FUTURE TIME, when God sends Jesus he will return in a SHORT TIME FRAME (Shortly) or SPEEDILY, or IN HASTE or QUICKLY. I know people who go down rabbit holes because of this ONE VERSE, all because they refuse to put in the hard work it take to divide the holy word properly. It NEVER MEANT Jesus was returning Shortly or soon, it meant when he returns he will be here in a FLASH as in Zoom, Zoom.
  3. Oh brother, so anyone who studies hard and gets the facts is a false prophet to you. The simplest Prophecy to understand is the Pre Tri. Rapture sister, when I see someone can not get that, believe me, it will be hard for me to ever trust that persons Prophetic advice. Now, they might can preach Salvation to the youth better than anyone I have ever seen, because even though many love to talk prophesy, most are not called unto it, and this its not a gift they will ever have, to some is given the gift of Faith, to some Wisdom, to others Prophesy. People have to know their calling sister.
  4. That is not what is written, you just assume, it seems, that Revelation is in chronological order, IT IS NOT, so you made an erroneous assumption. All one has to do is look at all the 1260 day timelines ones to understand the book of Revelation can not be in chronological order, you trying to insist it has to be is not going to make it that way. You your first error is saying God says it is, when it is not and God never said it was. Rev. 8, 9 and 16 covers Good's 1260 days of Wrath.No3 lets pick out the other books that cover 1260 days. Revelation ch. 11 is the Two-witnesses 1260 day ministry, BUT they die before the Beast so their 1260 days have to start BEFORE the middle of the week hence they are the 1335 Blessing of Dan. 12 BUT.......its still a 1260 day Ministry for REASON. Rev. 12 sees the Dragon chasing Israel(Woman) for 1260 days. Rev. 13 tells of the Beasts 1260 day rule on earth. Rev. 17 says the 10 Kings rule ONE HOUR with the Beast and we know that has mean 1260 days because Rev. 13 says so. Rev. 18 Says Babylon (Whole World) is Judged (by God's Wrath) in ONE HOUR and in ONE DAY both reference 1260 days, the ONE HOUR in Rev. 17 and the DOTL lasts 1260 days. Trying to say that all fits in a chronological order is just an erroneous assumption sister. I been called unto Prophecy 40 years, I was told the Anti-Christ was in the world in 1986 in a vision. God has never led me wrong, but Satan will try to confuse the all important TIMELINES if we do not refuse to accept other men's opinions that can not be true, because of simple timeline guides and guardrails. These presentation pointers you make, do not mean you understand what was WRITEN per se, we all know it was written, the point I am making is you do not understand these timelines, but think you do. When you get to heaven you will know instantly you were in error sister. I will let a 10 year old blog of mine do away that misunderstanding sister. You trust in the KJV translators which lied and placed Falling Away in the book to try and call names to the RCC which they were insinuating were leaving the Faith behind. Lets see, both the RCC and Church of England at that time were evil, they both tortured people etc. etc. Is the Falling Away a False Teaching? I have evolved with much study on this. I used to argue to all that there had to be this great Falling Away also. All because of this one passage. 2 Thessalonians 2:3. I do agree that the world gets far more evil towards the end (now), as foretold in Romans chapter 1, and as Peter said, there will be scoffers in the last days etc. etc. But I do not think the true Church can "Fall Away", either you are of Christ/God or you are not, and will get left behind by the Bridegroom. Anyway, here is my understanding of 2 Thessalonians 2:3. “Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction…” – 2 Thessalonians 2:3 (NASB) This verse is used by many and they say it implies a "Falling Away" from the faith. But a guy named Tommy Ice has shed some exceptional light on this passage. Mr. Ice has pointed out that the Greek noun, apostasia, is used only twice in the New Testament. The other occurrence is in Acts 21:21 where it states that an accusation was made against Paul that he was “teaching all the Jews who are among the Gentiles to forsake [apostasia] Moses.” The word is used in verb form a total of 15 times in the New Testament, and only three of these have anything to do with a departure from the faith (Luke 8:13, 1 Timothy 4:1, and Hebrews 3:12). In other settings, the word is used for departing from iniquity (2 Timothy 2:19), departing from ungodly men (1 Timothy 6:5), departing from the temple (Luke 2:27), departing from the body (2 Corinthians 12:8), and departing from persons (Acts 12:10 and Luke 4:13). This insight about the use and meaning of the word was certainly compelling, but the argument Mr. Ice presented that was most convicting was his revelation that the first seven English translations of the Bible rendered the noun, apostasia, as either “departure” or “departing.” They were as follows: 1.The Wycliffe Bible (1384) 2.The Tyndale Bible (1526) 3. The Coverdale Bible (1535) 4. The Cranmer Bible (1539) 5. The Great Bible (1540) 6. The Beeches Bible (1576) 7. The Geneva Bible (1608) Mr. Ice also noted that the Bible used by the Western world from 400 AD to the 1500s — Jerome’s Latin translation known as “The Vulgate” — rendered apostasia with the Latin word, discessio, which means “departure.” The first translation of the word to mean apostasy in an English Bible did not occur until 1611 when the King James Version was issued. So, why did the King James translators introduce a completely new rendering of the word as “falling away”? The best guess is that they were taking a stab at the false teachings of Catholicism. One other point Mr. Ice made that I think is significant is that Paul used a definite article with the word apostasia. The significance of this is emphasized by Daniel Davey in a thesis he wrote for the Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary: Since the Greek language does not need an article to make the noun definite, it becomes clear that with the usage of the article, reference is being made to something in particular. In 2 Thessalonians 2:3 the word apostasia is prefaced by the definite article which means that Paul is pointing to a particular type of departure clearly known to the Thessalonian church. In light of this grammatical point, Tommy observed that “the use of the definite article would support the notion that Paul spoke of a clear, discernible notion.” And that notion he had already identified in verse 1 when he stated that he was writing about “our gathering together to Him [Jesus].” This interpretation also corresponds to the point that Paul makes in verses 6 and 7 where he states that the man of lawlessness will not come until what “restrains” him “is taken out of the way.” And what it is that restrains evil in the world today? The Holy Spirit working through the Church. I think when the Church Departs, the Anti-Christ will be free to come to power. I do not think this has anything to do with a Falling Away. It is the Church Departing before the Anti-Christ is brought forth. The King James Bible changed the known understanding that has been around for 1500 some odd years. ------------------------------------ There will come a DEPARTURE of The Church BEFORE the DOTL or God's Wrath falls onto mankind on this earth, but if one reads to right, Paul is also saying the Anti-Christ has to show up BEFORE the DOTL also. Maybe that is what confuses you sister. Both the Departure/Rapture of the Church and the AC must show up before the DOTL (middle of the 70th week events) can come to pass, we know this because he makes the 7 year Agreement. So, of course he also shows up BEFORE God's Middle of the week Wrath falls on mankind. The Departure or Rapture happens when the makes an Agreement with Israel (and the Many nations in the Mediterranean Sea Region) whereas Israel joins the E.U.
  5. Do you even listen? I just stated the word used for star is the Greek word Aster, and that is also the word used for asteroid. Stars are gas and thus are not going to become asteroids in most cases.
  6. Will not happen until the middle of the 70th week, thus 3.5 years AFTER the Pre Trib. Rapture. The same word used for Stars = Aster, which the word Asteroid derives from, of course no Star has ever hit the earth, maybe fragments of Planets have, but stars are pretty Gas balls, but they thought a space rock coming in on fire was a STAR, of course they would, so everything is relevant to that moments understandings of those people living at that time. The Asteroid is the Mountain cast into the Sea in Rev. 8. Its not a star. Also, Angels are called stars, so when it speaks of Untimely Figs being cast down to earth, I assume that is Satan and His demons being cast down to earth at the 1260 middle of the week events (DOTL)
  7. I agree, Jesus was speaking in different terms than most people assume when using generation, but in the parable of the fig tree everyone misses his point when he starts the parable with the word LIKEWISE. We have to therefore understand what he meant by LIKEWISE, and thus we have to go back a couple of verses to tie it all together. 29 Immediately after the tribulation [starts] of those days[which lasts 1260 days] shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. So, we can not understand THE TIMING of The Generation Jesus is speaking about until we figure out what LIKEWISE is referring to. 32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: 33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. So, what are THESE THINGS Jesus is referring unto when he says LIKEWISE? Well, verses 4-29 tell us a story of false christs, earthquakes, famine, pestilence, false prophets, the AoD, a Fleeing Israel in a time of troubles, THE Anti-Christ & False Prophet, and finally in verse 29 THE Sun & Moon event that sees their lights go dim by 1/3 (Rev. 8, Trumps 1-4 cause this). So, when you see ALL THESE THINGS ends with the Sun & Moon going dark/dimming, AND THEN.............Jesus returns in verses 30 and 31. So, it is self explanatory, all THESE THINGS can only be seen by the last Generation of Jews living during the 70th week of TROUBLES (Jacob's Troubles) when they see this, an Asteroid Impact that causes the Sun & Moon to go dark/dim by 1/3 because 1/3 of the world is ablaze. THAT GENERATION is the Generation of Jews living during the 70th week who are living when the 1260 middle of the 70th week, DOTL event happens, so of course they will see Jesus' return, not those who die, but THAT GENERATION, will indeed see Jesus' return 1260 days after this last event(THESE THINGS) happen.
  8. We were grafted in tom the Family tree, God CHOSE to reveal the whole history of His plan for mankind in the 7 Feasts, the first is Passover, are you saying Jesus' blood is not applied to you/ Of course not, because that was God's A-1 plan, so the 7 Feasts apply to Israel and you, whether you know this or not. Feast #2 is Jesus having NO SIN (Unleavened) and that also applies to you and I also right, because it took a perfect sacrifice to purge our sins. Jesus that was the First-fruits of the Grave, if Jesus had not risen then he couldn't overcome death. then we would be doomed. So, indeed all 7 Feasts apply to you, I and Israel. The Middle Feast is the Church age harvest of souls and since SOME Jews are a part of Christs Bride it applies to MOSTLY us Gentiles, but unto Jews also. Thus the TIME of the Gentiles is speaking about or 2000 some odd year SERVICE unto God. Thus when it comes Full that means we are out of here. Then as the LAST TRUMP blows we are Raptured to Heaven, but not the Jews who have not yet repented as a Nation. The LAST TRUMP blows via Jess calling us to Heaven, see Rev. 4:1. Thus that applies unto us. Then Israel MUST ATONE, this applies to the Jewish Peoples Only. Go protects Israel in the Petra/Bozra area. Finally Israel will DWELL with God or TABERNACLE with God. The 7 Feasts are not for Israel nor us per se, they are foretelling us the whole History of the world before it happens. No, the Feasts are God FORTELLING us the worlds History 3000 plus yeas ago. Jesus spoke in parable, you need to study them sister. We will not be here for the 70th week. PERIOD. YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND PROPHESY SISTER. The falling away was DEPARTURE in the first 7 English translation. 2 Thess. 2:3 is the Rapture. God Bless
  9. Sorry about the delay, been out of pocket a wee bit, my mom has an old Mama Cat who is sick and my Mom is also bedridden and I have been having to help out with her and her older cat who was also sick, which upsets mom. With God there is NO TIME, so sometimes we confuse His messages unto us that are unburdened by time constraints. So, this chapter ends ON THIS EARTH the Marriage Supper is Armageddon, we return with Jesus to defeat the Beast and all his minions, whilst in reality Jesus just speaks victory, we are still with him and share in this victory of the ages. Satan is then bound So, we know that God already lives in that victory. But we live in a Universe where there are tie constraints, so we are not yet living in the victory. Not in the first portion of the chapter, we see the Church has not yet Married the Lamb, and we see the Church in Rev. 4 & 5 with these same White Robes/Raiment on, so that portion of Rev. 19 has to be before most of Rev. 4 and Rev. 5, but after Rev. 4:1 where we see the Rapture take place. It is not pre trib. Its pre Rev. 4 & 5 save Rev. 4:1 THE RAPTURE which come just after Rev. 2 & 3 (Church Age). Of course if the Bride is in Heaven it can not be Pre Trib. but it a 7 Year Sojourn in Heaven with the Lamb, so as I think I stated its Pre Marriage to the Lamb, which happens at the start of the 70th week. It IS NOT Post Wrath because we see the White Raiment on the Saints in Rev. 4 & 5 and in Rev. 7:9-16. God's Wrath only starts in Rev. 8. Before this it clearly says in verse 7 for the Marriage of the Lamb HAS COME, and his wife (Church) has made herself ready !! thus its the first part of the 7 years not the end. 7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. Verse 14 then says the Army that comes with Jesus has on White Fine Linen, meaning the Church returns from Heaven with Jesus Of course the Church is Jesus Wife/Bride. You know this. The White Linen represents we have been washed in Jesus' blood Verses 8 and 14 combined says different, we are Jesus WIFE, you left that art off for some reason. Then vs. 14 says those who have that White Linen returns to earth with Jesus, the the Pre Trib. Raptured Church Marries the Lamb then returns with Jesus. Of course He does, that is why 5 of the 10 Virgins MISS THE WEDDING and why ONE IS TAKEN and ONE IS LEFT, also a 50% ratio, you see half the Church are fakes. God knows the heart. So, many will truly turn to Christ during these 7 years an many will become Martyrs. That is why they are called The Remnant in Rev. 12:17. It is the Remnant Gentile Church. Everywhere, you just have to understand how to interpret it properly sister. Lots of places, we meet him in the air......Rev. 14:14 He harvests us from upon cloud. Not on earth. Rev. 19 PROVES we marry the Lamb IN HEAVEN then return with him, who do you think is his Bride The New Testament tells us over and over we ARE HIS BRIDE. Yet that defeats you thesis, so it can't be right? But it is true sister, we are indeed his bride. We are, he is nit worried about Demons at all, God could have wiped them out long ago, with a SPOKEN WORD, they only have a legal right to earths deed because Satan tricked Adam & Eve, but that ends after 6000 years. God gave Adam DOMINION over the earth and Adam lost it by listening to Satan. I show it, you do not grasp it sister. The Pre Trib. Rapture is baby stuff compared to what I put forth via other Prophetic Details.
  10. You are just in error on this Sister, thus its you who are adding your own interpretation, REMEMBER, just because you do not understand something, does not mean others are adding to scriptures. The 7 yearly Feasts to not end at the Feast of Trumps, did you not know this? They end with the Feast of Atonement followed by the Feast of Tabernacles, which is a hint unto us at the history of the World, with the Jews history slap dab in the middle of it all. 1.)Spring Feasts Jesus Fulfilled all three Then God left Israel deserted for nigh 2000 years and called upon the Gentiles to spread the Gospel worldwide with Jesus as the in waiting Bridegroom & our High Priest in heaven. This is.... 2. (The Feast of Weeks/Harvesting of Souls/Church Age NOTICE The Feast of Weeks or Harvest lasts 2000 some odd years as the Church Age, its the Calling or SERVICE of the Gentiles Period. This period WILL ONLY END.....When Jesus blows the Last Trump which ALWAYS ENDED the Harvest Season. This the Fulness of the Gentiles [SERVICE] will be come in, and the 70th week will start that must see Israel Repent/ATONE and then Dwell with Jesus for 1000 years in the Kingdom Age. 3.) The soon to come Fall Feasts Jesus will fulfill all three by rapturing the Church PRE 70TH WEEK, even of you can not grasp this concept my wonderful sister in Christ, it is still going to happen. So, the Feast of Trumps stops the Church Age Harvest, and starts the 70th week which God Himself designed to get Israel to Repent/ATONE and we see them atone in Zech. 13:8-9 JUST BEFORE the Zech. 14:1 DOTL arrives. Then lastly, after Jesus 2nd coming (not before, of course) Israel will DWELL WITH God/Jesus for 1000 years during the Kingdom Age Jesus prophesied unto his Disciples about. Thy Kingdom COME..........COME......COME.... unto earth. No, we are raised at the Pre Trib. Rapture and travel together to be with the Lord just as 1 Cor. 15 tells us. We all meet in the air and go TOGETHER to be with the Lord. Jesus brings them with him by raising them from the dead, they sure aren't still alive, TO SLEEP means to rest in the Grave. You rely way too much on the English bible and seemingly do not do deep dives in these translated Greek and Hebrew words. Many Soccer coaches have gotten in trouble speaking in broken English because things sometimes just does not come out right. The FALLING AWAY, is the Departure of the Church/Pre Trib. Rapture. You will find out soon sister. God Bless
  11. Your reply has nothing to do with my Daniel post
  12. Not quite, this is what it says, it finishes up (fills up) God's Wrath, (which starts with the 1st Trump).
  13. You have to go deep into study to understand God Lingo at times. 1.) The Word for Star and Asteroid derives from the same word starre 792 is ASTER........so that is where the word asteroid comes from also. 2.) The Angels are seen as Stars, Lucifer was the Morning Star. In Job, it says the Stars all met. meaning angels. So, when it says the Stars were cast down like UNTOMELY FIGS, I see that as Satan and his Demons being cast out of heaven at the midway point (1260) of the 70th week. The Sun & Moon darken by 1/3 because of all the Trees Burning, we see 1/3 of the Trees Burn, thus 1/3 of the world burns, I assume its the New World that gets set ablaze, hence 1/3. That smoke will indeed filter out our sunlight by 1/3. The Dinos were killed because the Asteroid that hit caused a sulfur mist that blotted out the sun, and thus no crops could grow, and since most Dinos were plant eaters, they died off.
  14. The 2nd Advent, where Jesus comes to rule, is not the Rapture. The Rapture IIS CLEARLY us the Church, and Dead in Christ, going to heaven to marry the lamb. Why go to heaven if Jesus is going to be on earth for 1000 years? You are just in error sister, and looks like you will always have this one hang-up/flaw in your thinking. Rev. 19 is Jesus Marrying the Church, the White Linen/Robes signifies our Purity as Christs Bride, in Rev. 4 & 5 we already have on those White Raiment. Rev. 2 and 3 = Church Age Rev. 4:1 IS THE RAPTURE, Rev. 4 and 5 is Jesus in Heaven with his ALREADY WED Bride. Rev. 6 Is Jesus taking off the Seals that BIND God's Judgments and telling the Church in heaven what is soon to come, we are still moving in PERFECT CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER so far. Rev. 7 is Jesus telling the Two-witnesses (Who show up 1335 days before the 2nd Advent/Coming) to get Israel to repent JUST BEFORE God's Wrath falls in the middle of the week, at the First Trump in Rev. 8. We are still in Chronological Order as we move in to Rev. 9 where Trumps 5 & 6 brings us Woes #1 and #2. Here us where the Book of Revelation DEPARTS from a perfect Chronological Order. To stay in order we must move to Rev. 16, where the #3rd Woe is released from the 7th Trump, thus all of God's Wrath emits from the 7 Trumps. Now, the other chapters all (mostly) happen during this 1260 days of God's Wrath that takes place in chapters 8, 9 and 16, but they all have a special designation about them, for instance Rev. 11 is specifically about the Two-witnesses 1260 day ministry on earth and how they pray down all the plagues. Thus they die before the 7th Trump (3rd Woe) because they have already prayed it down even though it has not come to pass yet when they die, but that is on purpose, they are the 1335, and thus must die 75 days before the 2nd Advent of Jesus, and thus we understand the 7th Trump or 3rd Woe lasts 75 days. Rev. 12 is the Dragon chasing Israel (The Women) for 1260 days. Rev. 13 is The Beast ruling for 1260 days. Rev. 14 like Rev. 19 covers the 1260 days BUT MORE, in that vs. 14 is a cinematic flashback to the pre 70th week rapture by Jesus from UPON A CLOUD (we meet him in the air to go to heaven to marry the Lamb), likewise as I stated, we Marry the Lamb BEFORE Rev. 4 & 5 that is why we have on White Robes as seen in Rev. 4. What you miss is Rev. 19 is all about the 7 Years (7 days) we spend in the Fathers Wedding Chambers (Heaven) that is why t covers 7 years. Backing up now to Rev. 17, that is the Harlot (All False Religions) being Judged by the Beast and his Kings. Unlike the other Beasts, this last Beast desires to b Worshiped as the ONLY God thus there is no place for any other Religions in his kingdom, so he will wipe out Islam, Buddhism, et al religions. God will then Judge the False Religion of Beast Worship (those who take the Mark are killed). Rev. 18 is Gd judging the WHOLE WORLD. Until people grasp the real chronological order of the book of Revelation, they will never grasp the book in full.
  15. If you can't see it you do not want to see it. NO MAN..........in the Region they are speaking about, the 7 Headed 10 Horned Region measures what? All Kingdoms in the Mediterranean Sea Region. You problem is you can not grasp the parameters you have been given. There will be no Worldwide Gov. that is a misinterpretation by some and a fantasy by others like Alex Jones who is super intelligent, but who I do not think is a true Christian, you do not get angry then take the Lords name in vain, and go oh well, start talking about Christ again, but people like him I put in the fantasy bin, I put Christians in the misinterpretation bin. Satan has ONE PLAN, to survive, he has to prove God an inerrant God, whose word is not true, the only way to do this now, since Jesus the Son has fulfilled his mission, is to kill every Jew on earth to prove God's promises to Abraham were a lie. NOTICE: He has been trying to do that for 2000 years or more, in 70 AD, he though he could finish them off by dispersing them worldwide, in WW2 he tried to kill them all, and will try that again after the Rapture. So, prey tell me what strategy makes the most sense, trying to rule the whole earth or ruling the one area where he can kill every Jew after they have all gathered back, as is prophesied. You are not using sound logic, nor do you understand the WHOLE EARTH or LAND is about the Mediterranean Sea Region in every instance. You refuse to admit Babylon nor Greece ever ruled the whole world, all because you know it defeats your point. Proof of what I stated above. Now google and find anywhere that Babylon or Greece or even Rome ever ruled the WHOLE WORLD. You lose this debate auto brother, and you know this. There is no such thing, the Day of the Lord lasts 1260 days PLUS 1000 years, why do you think it is called the Day of the Lord? Its the day he starts taking back the TITLE DEED to earth which Satan stole from Adam & Eve, and it takes1260 days of Wrath to clear out all the vestiges of evil, and to then have Jesus sit at the throne of the Kingdom Age for 1000 years. Satan is currently deceiving the WHOLE WORLD but there is no ONE WORLD Gov. and never has been. It is just a misinterpretation and a fantasy. This was too easy to overcome brother, you conflated Satan's deception and WORLD RULE by a huma form of Government. My, my, my, my, my, you really do not grasp prophetic writing in the old style do you? What do you think vs. 6 means? 6 And one said to the man clothed in linen(Jesus), which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders? Dan. 10-11 (really through 12:1-2) was ONE LONG VISION, then the two Angels and Jesus start talking with Daniel. So, when the Angel asks HOW LONG SHALL IT BE UNTIL THE END OF THESE WONDERS, he is talking about everything Daniel just saw in Daniel chapters 10, 11 and verses 1-2, which all goes together there were no Chapters and Verses brother. It goes like this in reality. Dan. 11:44 But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. 45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him. (HERE IS HOW HE COMES TO HIS END BELOW) Dan. 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. 2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. So, we get the Daniel 10 & 11 Visions of warfare, Greek rule from Alexander the Great to Antiochus Epiphanes in verses 33-34, then we get the End Time Anti-Christ/Little Horn/Beast in Dan. 36-45 and after we are told he dies we are told HOW HE DIES, by a Great Period of Troubles, and Michael the Arc Angels stands up to protect Israel AT THIS TIME.........What time? At the time the Beast is ruling in Daniel 11:36-45. Brother you have a really hard time comprehending these TIMING TELLS as I like to call them, you are used to modern techniques where they tell the story in a linear manner I guess. My, this is just astounding brother that you can not see verses 1-2 is just the finishing off of the story, stop looking at the verses and chapters as being divided where the English KJV stated they were and use you intuitive gifts from God. You are trying way to hard to cross i's and t's and not looking at these things as written by the holy spirit. Matters not where the KJV divided it, but where God Himself divided it. How do you make this simple mistake? You look to MENS WORKS in the KJV and not the actual writing form that was used. So, you think verses 1-2 COME AFTER he has died, when its just telling how he died and who saved Israel from this evil man. COME ON. God uses 10 as COMPLETION, therefore He is ALWAYS CORRECT, He can not make you or others understand His lingo if you refuse to accept the facts, if I told you once I have told you a million times, God uses 10 Brides to represent the COMPLETE Church, and you understand that, but refuse to admit that is also what He is doing here with the 10 Horns. Also, 7 represents Divine Completion, so 7 Heads (Gov. powers) and 10 Horns (Complete Europe Reunited) under this ONE MAN'S AUTHORITY, is God lingo, you accepting that are not is just on you brother. So the NUMBER matters not, just like the USA was a COMPLETE NATION when it had 13 States, 48 States and 50 states, and if we add Canada as the 51 states all would be spoken of in Prophetic Lingo by God (if He chose to prophesy about it) as 10 (Completion). He most certainly is. It is all about Beasts over Israel, in all the other Beasts who were conquered? Israel. Why was the Brits nor Ottoman Empire a Beast? There was NO Israel in the land. When God says Alexander the Great Conquered the WHOLE WORLD did he just mean Earth in the MSR? Or the WHOLE WORLD? Your argument is defeated brother. That is why you refuse to mention Dan. 2 and Greece ruling the WHOLE WORLD. Dodging truths will not make facts go away brother. The DOTL starts in the Middle of the 70th week, and God's TROUBLES last for 1260 days, not one year, its not even a debatable point brother. The Asteroid is God's Wrath and it takes out the USA and allows the Anti-Christ to go forth Conquering. As I stated above, that's who they are, this Nimrod thing has to be from some cult. The King of the Bottomless Pit, is Apollyon a Demon Spirit who gets released at the First Woe. He is the Scarlet Colored Beast with NO CROWNS in the 7 Heads or 10 Horns, meaning on THIS EARTH he is under Satan, and is not a human. His Kingdom was the Bottomless Pit. The Deadly Wound is about Rome, which is healed when the Anti-Christ Conquers Israel. You need to get over that, I don't know who told you that brother, but it is not of God. God Bless
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