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Alan Hales

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Everything posted by Alan Hales

  1. You are wasting you time twisting the scripture to get your erroneous beliefs, Because NO Born again Christian believes you. What false religion are you??.
  2. You have wasted your time twisting the scriptures, Because no one believes your self made prophet or your self made false teachings.
  3. Jesus DIDN'T sit on the throne at the beginning of the first century. The Bible tells us Jesus was on the throne, at the right hand of God, see Acts 7: 55. Eph 1: 20. Born again Christians AREN'T under any of God's judgment. Jesus has already taken our judgment and punishment when he was dying on the Cross. 2 Cor 5: 21. Rom 8: 1. Gal 3: 13--14. It's easy to see that you don't belong to any denominations, because you are a self made false prophet.
  4. NO, I'm not using human reasoning, I have shown you what the Bible says, It's you who is going by your own opinions. We are not talking about the time that Jesus was on the earth, We are talking about after His resurrection, Stop twisting what we are debating. John did see Jesus around the throne, As I have shown you, See it again, Rev 5: 6. A Man was found, He was right there around the throne. Rev 5: 6--7. Don't you think you have been deceived by the devil? Why would Jesus tell you what you said He did. What was His point?.
  5. Just because Rev 5: 1--5 doesn't say Jesus was at the throne, It doesn't mean He wasn't there, Because the Bible says He was there. Because v6 , Acts 7: 55. Eph 1: 20, Say Jesus was at the throne.
  6. Your erroneous teaching is the same as JWs. It's quite obvious that you aren't saved, [Born again], Because No born again Christian would ever teach such nonsense like you do.
  7. I know the dead bodies will be raised up incorruptible, and I know that no flesh goes to the grave and the Spirit & soul live on. But what has that got to do with needing a new changed body for us to get into heaven. 1 Cor 15: 49--53, Please note when we will be changed, V52, In a moment, In the twinkling of an eye, AT THE RAPTURE. DO WAKE UP
  8. Jesus WAS THERE, it's you who doesn't know how to read the Bible.
  9. I know you disagree with the Bible, As your relies have proved.
  10. Just because the Bible doesn't mention Jesus being in the thrown room, It doesn't mean He wasn't there. You are just giving pure speculations. Jesus is on the the right hand of God, Act 7: 55. Eph 1: 20.
  11. 1 Cor 15 isn't talking about our physical bodies, If you read it properly you'll see we will be changed. Vs48--53. [V51] Our natural body will be changed into our heavenly bodies.
  12. That's not what the Bible says, Please read 1 Cor 15: 51--52. V 51, We shall be changed", When?, V 52, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, AT the Last trump. At the rapture. The dead shall be raised, And we shall be changed. It doesn't mention being changed when we are in heaven. We HAVE to be in our heavenly bodies before we get into heaven.
  13. You sound like an erroneous Jehovah's witness. who has no idea about the end times. The Church, [Christians] are raptured to heaven BEFORE the FIRST trumpet in the book of Revelation. The "Last trump", in 1 Cor 15, has nothing to do with the trumpets in Revelation. It's the last trump that our earthly ears will hear just before we are taken to heaven.
  14. That's not what the Bible says, Please read 1 Cor 15: 51--52. V 51, We shall be changed", When?, V 52, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, AT the Last trump. At the rapture. The dead shall be raised, And we shall be changed. It doesn't mention being changed when we are in heaven. We HAVE to be in our heavenly bodies before we get into heaven.
  15. Nowhere does 1 Cor 15: 49--53. 1 Thess 4: 14--17. Say those who are alive at the rapture, Will die. 1 Cor 15: 49--53 says we will be Changed into new bodies.
  16. You have twisted what John wrote. You have taken future events, and put them in the past. Every seal in Revelation is future. Jesus didn't just appear, in Rev 5: DID He?. NO, He was there at the right hand of God, in v1. Just because Ch 4 doesn't mention Jesus at the throne, It doesn't mean H wasn't there. AS for the Holy Spirit being in the throne room, in Rev 4, If you knew the Bible, You would know that the Holy Spirit is everywhere at the same time. He is in Christians in one part of the world, and in Christians the other side of the world at the same time. You are trying to understand the Bible with your natural mind whereas the things of God can only be discerned by the born again Christian's spirit. 1 Cor 2: 10--14.
  17. You have no idea about the end times, Hence you own Un-Biblical beliefs.
  18. 1 Cor 15 isn't talking about our physical bodies, If you read it properly you'll see we will be changed. Vs48--53. [V51] Also see 1 Thess 4: 17. You need to make up your mind, First you sais we won't disappear, Then you sais we will be raptured.
  19. The Church has been raptured to heaven before the Ant-Christ comes, Never mind the FIRST seal. So what's all this about the 6th seal??. You contradict your self, you say the Church is still on earth at the 6th sea, But then you say you believe the Pre-trib rapture. Make up your mind. I have just seen your mistake, you said the 1st seal was opened around 32 AD. But, No seal is opened until the tribulation period, After the Church is in heaven.
  20. 1 Cor 15 isn't talking about our physical bodies, If you read it properly you'll see we will be changed. Vs48--53. What you said about our changing, Is the rapture, Your argument is with God and His word, You should tell God how wrong He is.
  21. Anyone who knows the Bible will know when the tribulation will begin, First there will be millions of people disappearing in what's called the Pre tribulation rapture, Then the man of sin, [The Ant-Christ] will come. Eph 5: 27 says Jesus is coming for a glorious Church, one who is Holy and doing outstanding miracles. 1 Jn 3: 2 say when Jesus comes, we will be just like Him, So if the devil couldn't handle ONE Jesus, How is he going to deal with Millions of Christians who are just like Jesus,???. He can't, and that's why the Church has to go before he can come, as 2 The 2: 1-8 tells us. You have overlooked the fact that Jesus said we would escape the tribulation, Which is the dispensation of wrath, The devil's wrath, and God's wrath, What you are saying is, we have to go through the devil's wrath.
  22. There will be people on the earth during the great tribulation period, The Jews, backsliders, [The five unwise virgins] and those who get saved, will suffer and a lot will be killed. But thank God the Church goes before the coming tribulation period.
  23. You are getting the Jews and the people who get saved during the tribulation period, Mixed up with the Church. " Thess 2: tells us that the Church has to go before the man of sin, [The Anti-Christ] can come. Christians, [The Church] Isn't appointed to wrath. You have obviously overlooked this quote from me, "Paul said we aren't appointed to wrath 1 Thess 5: 9. There will be the wrath of the devil, against those who refuse to have the mark of the beast, then the wrath of God against those who have the mark of the beast". End quote. either you or Jesus is mistaken, Because Jesus In relation to the coming tribulation period, Told us to watch and pray that we'll be counted worthy to escape it. Lk 21: 36.
  24. There is no more mention of the Church after the 3rd chapter of Revelation, And that's because the Church [The born again believers] don't go through the great tribulation period. Jesus, In relation to the coming tribulation period, Told us to watch and pray that we'll be counted worthy to escape it. Lk 21: 36. And Paul said we aren't appointed to wrath, 1 Thess 5: 9. There will be the wrath of the devil, against those who refuse to have the mark of the beast, then the wrath of God against those who have the mark of the beast.
  25. The Kingdom of God has already come, The Kingdom that Jesus meant in the Our Father, Jesus said some of those will be alive when the Kingdom comes, But they are ALL dead now, So either Jesus was telling lies, or He wasn't talking about the coming Kingdom that's in our future. If you read the "Our Father", [Which ISN'T The Lord's pray, Because that's found in Jn 17], You'll see that Jesus is always talking about this lifetime. Such as, "Thy will be done ON EARTH", "Give us THIS DAY". "Forgive us, [There will be nothing to forgive in the coming Kingdom]" "Lead us not into temptation , [There is nothing to tempt us in the coming Kingdom]. " Deliver us from evil, [There is no evil in the coming Kingdom]". "The Kingdom, power and glory, For EVER and EVER", Note the words "For ever and ever", NOT just the coming Kingdom. Forever started at that time... NO...NO.. Jesus was telling His disciples to pray for things in this lifetime.
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