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Alan Hales

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Everything posted by Alan Hales

  1. It was God who told us about the TWO end time comings of Jesus, As 2 Thess 2: 1 tells us, You are just showing your Biblical ignorance You are getting the people [Saints] who get saved during the great tribulation period, Mixed up with the Church, [Saints] in the Church age. There is a difference between the tribulation, [Trouble] that we'll get in the Church age, and the tribulation the people that get saved during the great tribulation period. Both Jesus, and Paul [ Who was inspired by Jesus], Said we WON'T go through the great tribulation period, Then you come along and say we will go through it. you can believe your own beliefs, But I will believe the Bible. See these two defferences. At the pre-trib rapture, Jesus comes for His people.... After the tribulation, The Angels gather those who get saved during it. Two different events. At the rapture, The Church [The Christians] goes to heaven... After the tribulation, the Church comes from heaven. Two different events. The Church has to go before the man of sin [The antichrist] can come and start the tribulation period. If the devil couldn't handle ONE Jesus, How is he going to deal with millions who are just like Jesus??. he can't, That's why we HAVE to be raptured before the antichrist can come. I'll let you find the scriptures for these events, It'll do you good to find the truth.
  2. Of cause God will recompense tribulation to those who have troubled us., But that doesn't mean we go through the great tribulation period. Paul said When Jesus comes, We will be with Him 1 Thess 2: 19. 1 Thess 3: 13. Rev 19: 14. Zeck 14: 5. Paul goes into 2 Thess 2: 1--7 and tells us that the Church has to go before the man of sin can come. Everyone who believe the Church goes through the great tribulation, HAS to twist the scriptures.
  3. That's right, The people in Rev 6: 9 & 7: 9--15 came out of the great tribulation period, The Church will ALERADY been taken to Heaven before the tribulation period begins. Nowhere does the Bible say the Church goes through the tribulation period. In relation to the coming tribulation period, Both Jesus and Paul said we won't go through it. The problem with those who tribulate, is, They don't know the Bible.
  4. The great tribulation period, is the dispensation of wrath, The devil's wrath against those who reject the mark of the beast, then God's wrath against them who accept the mark. Whereas the Church age, [NOW] is the dispensation of Grace, And once the Church is taken to heaven, the tribulation period begins. Two different dispensations.
  5. You mean the scriptures that you twisted to fit your erroneous beliefs. Please stop giving your nonsense. People on here can see how Biblically ignorant you are. Hebrew scholars say Hell, "Sheol", is wrongly rendered "The grave", As well as the Biblical proof that Hell and the grave are two different places. Hell is "Sheol" In the Hebrew, and "Hades" in the Greek, Whereas The Grave, is, "Qeber" in the Hebrew and, "Mnemeion" in the Greek. Jesus is the Biblical proof, as His body, Greek, "Soma" was in a tomb, Matt 27: 59--60. also called Menmeion, And His sould was in Hell, "Hades, Acts 2: 27--31. The same Greek word and place as Lk 16: 25. So stop your nonsense.
  6. I see you are still teaching your nonsense, And twisting the scriptures, Hebrew and Greek. You really are very naughty.
  7. In the Aramaic, Peter is, "Cephas", Kepha, the same meaning, And it means a "STONE", Jn 1: 42. The Rock in the Aramaic, is, "Shua", Meaning a "MASIVE ROCK". Peter in Greek, is "Petros", a "STONE" that is easily moved or shaken. Toe Rock is, "Petra", "MASIVE ROCK". The Bible, Aramaic and Greek, All prove that Jesus didn't build His Church on Peter. Catholics twist the scriptures, Aramaic and Greek, And give pure speculations, To build there erroneous doctrines.
  8. I see you are still sprouting your nonsense. See these facts AGAIN, And stop your nonsense. Mankind is Spirit, [Greek], "Pneuma", Soul, [Mind will and emotions], [Greek], "Psuche" and Body, [Greek], Soma", 1 Thess 5: 23. Jesus is a typical example, He commended His Spirit, "Pneuma" to the Father, Lk 23: 46. His Body, "Soma" was in the tomb. Matt 27: 57--60. And His soul, "Psuche" was in Hell, [Hades]. Three different Greek words, Three different parts of mankind.
  9. It was the reformers who gave us the TRUE Bible, NOT the Catholics, You need to get your facts right. I can prove every Catholic tradition wrong, By using the Bible and the Biblical Greek. And I have done many times, I have even proved Catholic apologists wrong, Because the Biblical truths are greater than the Catholic errors.
  10. It's you who is arguing with God, You should get your facts right
  11. It's not what I say, It's what the Bible teaches, But I know the Catholics aren't allowed to believe the Bible.
  12. [1]The Disciples weren't and are not priests, Done let the Catholics con you with there erroneous beliefs. Eph 4: 11 says Jesus gave. Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers... Where is the priest? where is the pope??. Nowhere in the Biblical New Testament Church [2]Jesus said EVERY believer will do the same works that Jesus did. Jn 14: 12, and EVERY believer shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Mk 16: 17--18. [3]I have explained what Jn 20: 23 means, and how you CAN'T take ONE out of context verse to build a doctrine on. There is no such Biblical thing as the sacrament of penance. It's one of the erroneous teachings that the Catholics made up. [4]Forget Lev 5, It isn't in the New Testament Church age.
  13. [1]Jesus wasn't speaking to Catholics, in Jn 20: 19--25, He was speaking to His people. [2] No man can remit sins, What Jesus was saying Is, ANY Christian can tell a repented person that their sins have been remitted. Jesus said it's when a person repents that their sins are remitted, NOT when a man remits them. You Catholics take ONE out of context verse to build your false doctrines on. [3]You take out of context with the New Testament scriptures to build your erroneous doctrines, on. We are in New Testament times now, Not under the Old Testament rules. There s no New testament teaching of the erroneous sacrament of penance. The Catholics taught penance in the 4th century. Catholics have there own Un-Biblical rules, laws and doctrines that bring bondage to there people.
  14. Oh how you Catholics love to twist the scriptures. [1] Catholics DO have to do indulgencies, Because they don't have enough faith in the finished work of Jesus. [2]Jn 20: 23, Isn't about men remitting sins, Jesus is talking to ALL His disciples in Jn 20: 19--15, NOT just the Apostles, And certainly NOT tabout the Un-Biblical Catholic priests. Jesus said it's when a person repents that there sins are remitted. Lk 24: 47. NOT when a man remits them. What Jesus meant, was, Every born again Christian can tell a repented person that there sins have been remitted. You CANNOT take ONE out of context verse to build a doctrine on, Yet Catholics do. [3]Jesus didn't build His Church on Peter, He said Peter was a STONE, Jn 1: 42, NOT a Rock. The Bible, Aramaic and Greek ALL prove that Jesus DIDN'T build His Church on Peter. And I can prove it. [4]Isaiah 22: 22 is a reference to Jesus, Rev 3: 7, NOT to Peter. So you can see how the Catholics twist the Bible Aramaic and the Greek. Next time don't right so many points, just do ONE point at a time.
  15. Oh how you Catholics love to twist the scriptures. [1] Catholics DO have to do indulgencies, Because they don't have enough faith in the finished work of Jesus. [2]Jn 20: 23, Isn't about men remitting sins, Jesus is talking to ALL His disciples in Jn 20: 19--15, NOT just the Apostles, And certainly NOT tabout the Un-Biblical Catholic priests. Jesus said it's when a person repents that there sins are remitted. Lk 24: 47. NOT when a man remits them. What Jesus meant, was, Every born again Christian can tell a repented person that there sins have been remitted. You CANNOT take ONE out of context verse to build a doctrine on, Yet Catholics do. [3]Jesus didn't build His Church on Peter, He said Peter was a STONE, Jn 1: 42, NOT a Rock. The Bible, Aramaic and Greek ALL prove that Jesus DIDN'T build His Church on Peter. And I can prove it. [4]Isaiah 22: 22 is a reference to Jesus, Rev 3: 7, NOT to Peter. So you can see how the Catholics twist the Bible Aramaic and the Greek. Next time don't right so many points, just do ONE point at a time.
  16. Your opinions don't match up to the Biblical truths. Please note when the 7th seal was opened, Rev 8: 1. Yet Rev 7: 9--15 clearly says the tribulation period had already begun, See Rev 7: 14. Can't you see what a false teacher you are.
  17. The reason why Paul wrote 2 Thess 2, Was because some of your relatives were around in those days, Scaring people by saying they would have to go through the tribulation period. As you have proved from Vs 1--3. Paul was telling them not to believe people like YOU who deceive people. If you read the 2 Thess 2: 1, 1, You'll see the two comings of Jesus, [1] The coming of the Lord, AND [2]Our gathering together unto Him. [1]is the physical coming of Jesus to reign. [2]Is the pre-trib rapture. Then v 3--7 is the Church going to heaven BEFORE the man of sin can come. The "Falling away" in v3, Means "A departing", Please note, Paul didn't say a falling away from THE FAITH, Did he?. NO. Vs 6-7 says we have to go before the wicked one and his wicked ways can come. But Surprise, Surprise, You have got ONE thing right. Gosh, I am shocked that you got one thing right. And that is, The antichrist comes before the day of the Lord, [Which is the physical coming of Jesus to reign]. Getting ONE thing right, Is a great improvement for you.
  18. I take it you are joking, Right? Of cause Rev 6 9 and Rev 7: 9--15 id the tribulation period, You only have to look at Rev 7: 14 to find out that they came from the great tribulation period. And Rev 6 is the same year as Rev 7. You are wrong, Because what you have presented is your own opinions on those scriptures. Matt 24. Is talking about the tribulation period . And so is 2 Thess 2: 11--12, Because the Church HAS to go before the man of sin can come, 2 Thess 2: 3--8. I guess you are practicing for the pantomime season. Because your jokes are very funny.
  19. Will you clear off with your nonsense. I'm not casting my pearls before swine anymore.
  20. Not you again with your nonsense. You believe what you want But I'll believe the Bible.
  21. The souls in Rev 6: 9 are those who get saved during the tribulation period, along with those in Rev 7: 9--15, You read from 1st imaginations, Instead of from the Bible. So Clear of with your nonsense.
  22. WRONG, It's because they disagree with the Bible. What he teaches isn't found in the Bible.
  23. Whatever you do, Don't get me on the Bible, because I'll whip you with the Biblical truths. No one has been able to disprove what I teach, because they cannot disprove the scriptures which I teach. Wherever do you get your erroneous teaching on the 5th seal having been already done??.
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