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Everything posted by ravindran
We went through a series in our Church just on the Bible. The Pastor was going through series of questions that congregation could ask about Bible. One of my questions was around hermeneutics. What principles should we apply to interpret a passage as allegorical, hyperbole, figure of speech, prophecy, poem or just take it literally. Our Pastor did give a good explanation. We can come up with some guiding principles. But some would always argue to mis-categorize them. As an example, someone can claim that Jesus promoted self-amputation. This should be looked upon as hyperbole or figure of speech. One litmus test would be to interpret Scripture with Scripture. Does the interpretation line up with rest of the Scripture? Certainly self-amputation won't. Thus, Jesus did not mean this literally
Lot of great posts on explaining the definition of these gifts and what do they mean. I just wanted to add one thing. We need to understand that not all spiritual gifts are resident in nature. God would use a person for the appropriate time for manifestation of a gift for the benefit of others. It is not that a person can prophecy whenever he/she wants. It is up to God to use manifest that gift through that person for an appropriate occasion. However, some are called as pastors, evangelists, teachers, etc.. These people are equipped with pastoral gift or teaching gift permanently. A person does not receive pastoral gift just on Sunday mornings! Holy Spirit equips them and they become what they are called to be. A person does not become a healer! And this misunderstanding is causing havoc among believers. Many evangelists call together healing crusades. Now God often honors the faith of believers and does mighty acts of healings. But it is not because the evangelist healed the person.
That's exactly the point! This was the thought even during the time of Apostles. They were looking up to the coming of Jesus eagerly. We need to look out even more eagerly because we are more than 2000 yeas closer! As each day passes, we are more closer to His coming. And we have to continue talking, preaching and rejoice about His coming. And over a course of 2000 years, things have changed and moving more towards Biblical prophecies. As an example, below passage from Revelation would not have been possible few decades ago. How can death of the two witnesses will be seen by people across nation? And we see that happen all the time today. Live stream is a given in our society. Israel coming together as a nation happened within the last century. Revelation 11: 9 Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations will see their dead bodies three-and-a-half days, and not allow their dead bodies to be put into graves. These are reasons to look up to heaven for redemption! He is coming soon!
Well, this is quite a common experience. This is something experienced by many many people. I have experienced only a couple of times in my entire life. Science calls it "sleep paralysis". I believe it is more than some simple sleep disturbance. https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/features/sleep-paralysis-demon-in-the-bedroom Be it demons or whatever, He who is in us is greater than he who is in this world. Demons and evil spirits can scare us, but cannot do anything beyond that.
Is it safe to go back to church?
ravindran replied to Figure of eighty's topic in General Discussion
We went to Church last week (with little kids). Going to Church could be safe depending on lot of factors. If you are not comfortable, just stick with online services. It is nothing like being there physically, but at least you get something. Lot of people have suggested small house meetings. Personally, I see that riskier than going to a Church. When you meet within house, it is going to be much crammed up, no social distancing, chances of contact much higher. Our Church was very well organized. Chairs were spaced out. We had sign up and we had 2 services. And capacity was limited. Hand sanitizers were available. Everyone should wear mask. No fellowship. People allowed inside Church only 10 mins before service (stay in car until then). Communion offered in to-go style. Offering box kept at one corner and no passing around. No kids class and everyone stays with parents. No running around of kids since people are inside only for the service. They also gave crayons and stuff like that for all the kids to keep them occupied. I felt it was very well organized and I felt safe. Much better than going inside someone else's house. -
Luke 21 10 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.
No, absolutely not. I personally know many believers who do not take any medicine. Not because medicine is bad. They want to put their faith in the mighty Healer, Jesus Christ. I appreciate their faith. At the same time, I don't think taking medicine means lack of faith. The ability of humans to invent medicine is a gift from God. Same goes with science. Knowledge is a gift from God. You need to understand that there are 3 components to any individual person - Body, Spirit and Soul. Medicine works only in the bodily realm. That is why it is not very effective against depression. Soul is who we are - our emotions, thoughts, expression and everything. Souls are lost and souls need redemption. We are not spirits and we "have" spirit. It is the aspect of us which allows connection. To God and any desires. When a person is joyful, we call that person as high in spirit. It is soul which experiences joy and spirit expresses that and defines the state of being. Now medicines cannot affect soul and spirit. Witchcraft and sorcery influence spiritual realm to impact our soul. The consequences of that are often felt in body. And those problems cannot be solved by addressing symptoms of body.
I believe this is a foreshadow of what is to come. COVID19 has not even reached the heights of spanish flu. I believe this is a foreshadow of what is to come. It is still quite significant in terms of what it has revealed. We marvel at some of the medical advancements and availability of treatments and great facilities. COVID19 shattered them all in a matter of few weeks. A more powerful and deadly virus would cripple the world pretty quickly. May be the frequency of these pandemics is on the rise. When you look at more recent ones - Ebola outbreak, HIV, H1N1.. Some might be considered epidemic than pandemic. Still I would think the frequency is on the rise, which is a clear sign of end times. We are not there yet. But there are clear signs we are getting there soon! So, we all can look up to heavens! Our redemption draws near.. Amen!!
Let's be honest...American Christianity is rarely Christlike.
ravindran replied to mlssufan01's topic in Spiritual Warfare
I agree.. It is one thing to struggle with sin. A person who acknowledges sin, struggles to get out of it and does every attempt to come out of it. Then there is this other group who very well know it is sin, but keeps it in the dark and takes no effort to come out of it. On the outside they would condemn the sin. Then the final group who openly condone sin. A true repentant believer would fall in the first group, after being in the second group. It is our hope that God would move people from the 2nd group into 1st group. The 3rd group is dangerous to health of Church as a whole! -
Faith is not work. Work is an action. Faith is not an action. Works are outcome of faith. Works cannot be an outcome of work itself. Interestingly faith is both a spiritual gift and fruit of the spirit. Meaning, it is God who gives faith as a gift and then through the work of Holy Spirit, we continue to produce faith as a fruit. There is no question it is God who gives everyone saving faith. I think people differ in opinion on whether we have a part in accepting vs rejecting it. Arminians claim we can reject saving faith because we have free will. Calvinism teaches we are spiritually dead and incapable of making any choice. Hence, there is no such thing as rejecting saving faith.
Group prayer is important. Probably not for the example you had mentioned. Jesus became curse for us. All the curses are broken at the Cross. Only He is able to break our curses which He does when we are born again. There are many other advantages of group (or corporate prayer) prayers. If you have no one to pray with, just pray alone! I don't understand the other question? Why do you want to pray with an unbeliever? Obviously, they are not going to pray! You better pray "for" them and not necessarily with them. If they are willing to join a prayer, well and good. You cannot force them to pray with you.
1. Members are required to sit towards the front. We don't practice this in our Church. The nursery is behind the doors at the back of Church. So mostly parents with little kids sit towards end rows. People with kids in general try to sit a little behind to be not disruptive and taken them to bathroom breaks easily. People who like to move up to the altar during worship pick up front rows. We have lot of helpers through the service who keep track of open spots and help visitors of latecomers to open spots quickly. 2. Members are required to park in certain areas. This is the first time I am hearing! I can understand if parking is limited or need more space for visitors. In my previous Church it was not a rule. But anyone fit enough will have to park on the street. Leave the limited on-site parking to old people, families with kids and visitors. 3. Strong emphasis on serving. Same at my Church. No one is forced, but strongly encouraged to serve. Which I totally agree. Church is not just a place to receive, but also give. We are the Church! 4. Certain serving sections schedule without checking for availability. You are required to secure replacement if not able to make it. We have planning software. Schedule is put few weeks ahead. People go in and accept or reject based on availability. There are times when people get assigned back to back weeks by mistake. No big deal. If you are able, just do it. If not talk to the respective people. 5. Weekly Huddle's for people that serve an our prior to service. No idea what this is. We have something called life group. Age appropriate families would meet once a month to do some practical Bible study. For examples, parents with little kids would focus on topics around raising Godly families. It also allows families to get closer, people to grow spiritually and pray for one another. 6. Several procedures to follow. We also have other procedures. Bottom line - Every Church will have guidances and procedures (which you ought to follow). If you have problem with them, talk to leadership. I am sure you would have Board or Deacons? They should address these.
Who's right and who's wrong
ravindran replied to Salvation67's topic in Do you want to just ask a question?
When a person is born again (or rengenerated), the disposition of the heart is changed. It does not mean we would make all the right decisions and never sin. It would mean that we would not keep on sinning because it would be against our nature. And every time you sin, you would feel conviction of Holy Spirit and turn back to Him. There is no concept of repentance in an unbeliever. It is all free fall! You sin and keep going down hill. -
Question about the occult
ravindran replied to Frank Goad's topic in Do you want to just ask a question?
I do not know if it's increase or it is coming more to the light. May be many things are becoming acceptable in society that people no longer fear to hide in the dark! they openly come out admit their practices because society is imposing on others that they should be accepted as it is. -
I don't know if it's wrong or not. But it is certainly good to avoid it. Any action can be filtered through below questions to see if it would be beneficial. This is not an exhaustive list. This is something I use as a guide. Watching kissing scenes does not check anything rightly. Is it a sin if I see it not realizing it was coming or the movie had a scene? I don't know. Is it wrong if I intentionally look for kissing scenes. Ohh absolutely yes!! Frankly, it is a lie to say watching kissing or sex scenes does not entice lust. The very reason those scenes are made is to incite lust! 1) Is it God honoring? 2) Is it going to draw me away from God? 3) Is it going to tempt me in my weak areas of flesh?
What is your interpretation of this scripture?
ravindran replied to joebloggs's topic in General Discussion
yes right. That is what I truly believe Paul means here. Chatter and also being disruptive in Church. For example, someone cannot just stand up and give their opinion when the preacher is preaching. We all can accept that should not be done. So chatter and chatter or being disruptive. It is a no for both men and women. -
I guess it's because Constantine thought it was best to celebrate on that day!! Frankly, there are so many theories out there. People don't even know the year Jesus was born. There are certain events in Bible captured with dates. And Scripture is silent on the date and year when Jesus was born. Which would imply, it is not so much important. But rather Scripture is so very detailed on the events around birth of Jesus. The life of Jesus, His death and resurrection. Which would imply, it is more important that we celebrate Jesus and glorify Jesus. Even if we get the date absolutely right, there is no point of celebrating Christmas without Christ (which is what it has come down to these days). I would rather glorify and exalt Jesus even if I can't get the date right.
Great question and honestly, I don't know. And to be honest, we can ask all sorts of questions for which we won't have answers. Why would God create humans in the first place if God was not so sure if they would actually sin or not? When Adam and Eve first sinned, why let them continue living instead of finishing it then and there? Why not destroy the creation and start all over again, may be this time a better creation who would always make the right choice? Lot of people try to deny God's sovereignty by trying to answer the exact question you asked. But it only opens up lot more question and not solve anything.
It is unfair to say God plays favorites when it comes to election. Actually He is fair with everyone whom He is not electing. Because hell is what everyone deserves. That's fair. Then He shows His grace and mercy by going out of fairness and choosing people as His children. Calling them, regenerating them, sanctifying them and glorifying them. Yes, God is not fair with people whom He elects. He goes above fairness.
I don't believe a spiritually dead person is able to choose Jesus and reject Jesus. God has to regenerate a person so that the person can 'freely' choose Jesus. Because of original sin, we all were spiritually dead. God is the initiator when it comes to faith and not us. God is simply not having a view of everyone's choice. He is the primary cause of everything that happens. God did not just set the universe in motion and defined gravity, etc and let things unfold itself. He is the Orchestrator.
First of all, that verse is not talking about physical denial. It is not about denying health, staying in shape, etc. It is about desires of the flesh. The commandment is Leviticus is part of The Law. We are no longer under the condemnation of the law and free from it. Does not mean the law itself is null and void. The law was provided as a way to show God's heart. God's desire is for the creation to not tarnish the uniqueness and the unique impression He has given. I don't believe it is best for believers to try and change their body through surgeries. I underlines the word best because it not something to be evaluated as right or wrong. But rather is it the best choice. I don't see any harm in taking selfies, trying to look good, staying healthy, building muscles, etc. As long as these do not become idols in our lives - they take the place of God. They distract us from God. If you would rather go to gym than go to Church or Bible study, then it's time to stop and think. Again, the activity itself is good. But not the best because there are better things to do. The last thing to consider in all these would be, is God's name glorified. When we build muscles or try to look good, are we glorifying ourselves or giving God the glory for what He has given us? I don't know how we can glorify God through tattoos! If there is a way, then may be!!
Discernment is not about seeing something. It is feeling in your spirit and knowing whether something is right or wrong. This is not a resident type of gift (like preaching, teaching). It does not mean a person can have this gift and can discern something every time. It depends on operation of Holy Spirit and when God wants the gift to be operative.
What is your interpretation of this scripture?
ravindran replied to joebloggs's topic in General Discussion
I don't believe this is a gender specific instruction. Paul writes it as gender specific because it was women who were causing the issue in Corinthian Church at that time. The whole chapter deals with orderly worship inside Church. Paul talks about how people should not prophesy in tongues (to the congregation) when there is no one to interpret. How people should not talk over each other. Then he comes to this specific point. I think it is disgraceful for anyone (man or woman) to speak in the Church during a service. That is, speaking without being prompted by Holy Spirit. And in Corinthian Church the women were probably speaking up or speaking among themselves. If someone misses a point in the sermon because they were tending to their kids, it would be inappropriate to ask their spouse (audibly) what did he or she miss. If multiple people start doing this, it would quickly escalate to chaos. In Corinthian Church, the wives were doing this and Paul refers to women. The principle is for men as well, just as the whole chapter deals with orderly worship within a Church. -
I myself gave an example in my previous posts. Deborah. There will be exceptions. I am not debating on that at all. My only point is that exception should not be norm. My comment was to a post on how men pastors fall and cause disruption. I do acknowledge shortfall of man. But that is not a sole reason to change order given by God. Exceptions would always be there and I agree with that
Shortfall of men should not change God's order. Yes, men have fallen. I don't think replacing men with women as pastors is the solution!