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Everything posted by Gandalf

  1. Is it not every citizen's right and responsibility to try to change what they do not like, rather than opting out? Nope. If you disagree you must abandon the country, not fight for it. Why? I thought Americans had more guts than that!
  2. Israel doesn't have the capacity to attack Iran without help from the US. Usual posturing from Bibi, to bolster his poll ratings!
  3. He has information about our cyber war activities with China that he tried to peddle for his safety. We do not know yet how much he gave them or will give them in the future. Same holds true for every country he is begging to stay in. And sadly, our governments didn't break their own laws, at least the US didn't. With the passage of the PATRIOT Act and a couple other laws that were widely supported when they were passed, the US government gave themselves the right to do these things. They gave themselves the right to eavesdrop on Luxembourg? Or divert and harass a foreign presidents plane? If this had been Airforce One what would have been the result? Bombing! The oft used US response. I'm only trying to b e a voice of reason when I say the following: NO ONE diverts Air Force One as it is not a commericail aircraft and is accompanied by U.S. fighter jets at all times. And, gandolph, if the U.S. bombed everyone who made us mad, half the world would be smoldering ruins. Let's be fair here. Many would say that's exactly what America has done to many countries that don't have nukes! Hence NK and Iran are taking what is in their eyes a wise road!
  4. do you not grasp the concept of the word "if" or is it that you don't comprehend the written words? OK. So "if" Snowden has not disclosed issues of national security to the Russians/Chinese, what should happen to those in Government who have lied and deceived about what they have been up to? And what, also in that event, should happen to Snowden? We're a nation of laws Gandolf, and whistle blowers do have some legal safeguards. He should return home and let things proceed through the system..... and all who have broken the law should be held accountable. Snowden as well as the others. One thing that many don't seem to understand is that to participate in civil disobedience, one must be prepared to shoulder the legal consequences. Most everyone who signed our declaration of independence lost everything they had. And what should happen to those in Government who have lied to and deceived the American people and arguably contravened the Constitution? Do they get off scott-free, because they have power, money and control of information?
  5. And in the context of Jesus' severe warnings about money in the Gospels.
  6. He has information about our cyber war activities with China that he tried to peddle for his safety. We do not know yet how much he gave them or will give them in the future. Same holds true for every country he is begging to stay in. And sadly, our governments didn't break their own laws, at least the US didn't. With the passage of the PATRIOT Act and a couple other laws that were widely supported when they were passed, the US government gave themselves the right to do these things. They gave themselves the right to eavesdrop on Luxembourg? Or divert and harass a foreign presidents plane? If this had been Airforce One what would have been the result? They have always had the right to eavesdrop on Luxembourg. There is no US law that would make such a thing illegal. Countries have been spying on each other since the dawn of civilization, that will not change till the 2nd coming. I am much more concerned with what they are doing to their own citizens. So, it seems is Snowden, who believes the US government has been acting unconstitutionally by spying on its citizens without due cause.
  7. He has information about our cyber war activities with China that he tried to peddle for his safety. We do not know yet how much he gave them or will give them in the future. Same holds true for every country he is begging to stay in. And sadly, our governments didn't break their own laws, at least the US didn't. With the passage of the PATRIOT Act and a couple other laws that were widely supported when they were passed, the US government gave themselves the right to do these things. They gave themselves the right to eavesdrop on Luxembourg? Or divert and harass a foreign presidents plane? If this had been Airforce One what would have been the result? Bombing! The oft used US response.
  8. CT Studd - former wealthy cricketer who gave it all up to become a missionary to China
  9. Is it not every citizen's right and responsibility to try to change what they do not like, rather than opting out?
  10. I agree other one.At first I thought of him as a hero and that it was a courageous thing to do.But then I was told that he may have done some dangerous things and made the U.S. vulnerable.The jury is still out for me as well. Do you really believe your Government when they say Snowden has done dangerous things? Who has lied so far to the American people? Snowden or the US Government? The Government seems merely to be trying to save its own face, and has not produced a shred of evidence re. genuine harm caused by Snowden. Lots of embarrassment for the Government has been caused! Should people be executed for that in modern day America? The founding Fathers must be turning in their graves. do you not grasp the concept of the word "if" or is it that you don't comprehend the written words? OK. So "if" Snowden has not disclosed issues of national security to the Russians/Chinese, what should happen to those in Government who have lied and deceived about what they have been up to? And what, also in that event, should happen to Snowden?
  11. I think that is manifested more in the modern economic world than the matter of sexual morals, which have always been a problem: remember King David? Is sexual morality not one of the ways a society is attacked? Have you read Romans 1? God bless, GE The near-total rule of money worldwide seems more akin to "antichrist" domination. Sexual morals have been a serious problem since Genesis!
  12. I agree other one.At first I thought of him as a hero and that it was a courageous thing to do.But then I was told that he may have done some dangerous things and made the U.S. vulnerable.The jury is still out for me as well. Do you really believe your Government when they say Snowden has done dangerous things? Who has lied so far to the American people? Snowden or the US Government? The Government seems merely to be trying to save its own face, and has not produced a shred of evidence re. genuine harm caused by Snowden. Lots of embarrassment for the Government has been caused! Should people be executed for that in modern day America? The founding Fathers must be turning in their graves.
  13. It looks like he's going to stay in Russia, for the time being. It will no doubt give Putin more opportunities to poke fun at the US.
  14. It's what the name means. Quite! Christ is, of course, the Prince of peace, the head of His Church.
  15. What makes you think any of our data is private? In my humble opinion, nothing is private on the web, and no matter what anyone says there will always be a way for someone who has the knowledge, to access our data. So you agree that MS lied when they promised our data would be kept private?
  16. In our hearts; the physical descriptions are laden with meaning, and are allegorical. Sorry, but that is not correct. Yes, Jesus lives in us, His followers, but He will physically return---BECAUSE HE SAYS SO. Frankly, I cannot fathom anyone who knows Jesus personally believing that His promises are allegorical. That is lacking His revelation. Mmm, I get that a lot. Pretty sure, are you? No allusions to any spiritual war in Rev? Much of Revelation is, of course, allegorical. But Jesus will return physically and spiritually to this present earth as King of glory. The when, where and how are largely speculation, but we do know that everyone will know, all at the same time. Sometimes, we humans do have such proud minds, we think we know it all. We don't! God makes sure of that!
  17. Shame on MS! They have lied to us about the privacy of our data.
  18. Fortunately Bibi is somewhat concerned for the Israeli citizens and their future peace and prosperity! And he knows he must radically compromise to achieve it.
  19. Is this supposed to be a surprise? The Saudis have Billions of spare dollars; why would they not spend it on targeting potential enemies?
  20. And the US wants to pour arms into these people's hands?
  21. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Most Christians see that as applying to the Church. But some think its the modern day city.
  22. I still think God laughs at our silliness over "days". A thousand years is as a day to Him! So is a billion years. Would we belittle the Almighty by tying Him down to 24 hours?
  23. That's because the Atheists have convinced even Christians that Evolution = Atheism. It doesn't. No, that is not what atheists say. I have never read anywhere where they say that, and no atheists I have knownn or spoken to in person or even on this board have ever said that Evolution = Atheism. That is just you assigning a false value to them. What they have said is that evolution has contributed to their becoming atheists. Many atheists we have had on this board were either raised by religious parents and were hurt by religion but never became actual atheists until they saw the alleged "evidence" for evolution and suddenly found a way to justify rejecting God altogether. We get that scenario on here frequently. Either that, or they were not really religious and again evolution nailed the lid shut for them. For some atheists, evolution re-inforced their atheism. If ToE has NO elements to it that contribute to an atheistic worldview, it would not be attractive to atheists. The ToE didn't preclude God or any other gods, then atheists like Richard Dawkins would have no reason to believe that evolution makes him a more fulfilled atheists. It is time for Christians to be a bit more honest about the ToE instead of trying to skew the theory to make it more palatable for Christian consumption. That is what I see on this board. I see a lot of Christians who are unwilling to be honest about the theory and its core tenets because they are bent on forcing a godless theory to be the explanation for Genesis. All of this starts with a rejection of the inerrancy of God's word and a fruitless and misguided attempt to allegorizing Scripture in order to make room for evolution and gay marriage and gay sex within the Christian faith.. That is the fruit of liberal theology. That people have chosen the ToE to support other parts of their world view speaks of them, not of the ToE. People have used the Bible to justify a great many things that we would not blame on the Bible, but on those doing it. Science deals with the natural world, period. Science, including the ToE, cannot answer if there is a God or not. It does not address this at all and should not. The ToE is favored by atheist because it gives them a way that things could have happened without a God. It does not preclude a God. Atheists like Richard Dawkins latch on to the ToE because it is all they have, they grasp at straws to justify their views. I do not believe in the ToE or even Theistic Evolution. But the mischaracterization of the ToE and of science does nobody any good. True. The mischaracterization of the ToE and of science does nobody any good, especially Christians since it opens the door for Atheists to peddle their popular deception: Evolution = Atheism.
  24. Does that justify well-armed and protected troops opening fire on a large crowd of civilians? Unfortunately, when tensions are high and bullets start firing, bad things like this happen. I'm not justifying the action, just stating that it's a common consequences. The Muslim Brotherhood should not have fired at the troops. That's all I'm saying. I agree. Should the troops have fired on the civilians? Imagine the response in the US if troops opened fire on a large crowd of civilians after one or two hot-heads had taken a pop at them.
  25. I do not believe all who call themselves Christians are actually born again, which makes a big difference. But, there are many issues which can be seen as important to Christians. Some of these issues are emphasized in the Republican party and some are emphasized by the Democratic party. James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. The Democratic party is seen as offering more to widows, orphans, the poor, the elderly. These are things Christians should care about. So some view the Democratic party as supporting what Christians should care about. The Nazis also distributed money to the poor. In fact, they were the most progressive country in the world as they taxed the top 4% at around 50% of their earnings. They used this money to throw at their base so that their wickedness would go unchecked. Essentially, they bought everyone off. I see this today with the DNC as well as the RNC. No amount of money given to me or the poor can cause me to vote for genocide. Again, what the Nazi's did is not to be compared to anyone or any group. I am disgusted when someone plays the Nazi card unless the person or group referenced are actually Nazis and wholy approve of the Nazi regime. Adding: To compare those who care for the poor, widows, orphans to Nazis is especially disturbing. That makes many Christians and Jewish people compared to the Nazis. Scripture says we are to care for the poor, widows and orphans, both in the Mosaic law and in the New Covenant. That should be a priority. It is called pure religion. If you care so much about abortion, go out with gentleness and love of all people, share the gospel with them. Those who are born from above do not do support abortion. The more born again believers, the fewer abortions. Fully agree. As Christians we have a personal and corporate responsibility to care for the poor. We are not responsible for what Politicians do; all political choices are compromises.
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