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Henry_iain last won the day on April 25

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About Henry_iain

  • Birthday 01/30/1985

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  • Location
    Stellenbosch South Africa
  • Interests
    Theology, the Bible, art, music, movies, reading and writing, games (especially chess) and puzzles, sport (rugby cricket, tennis, soccer), public gardens, history, cultural studies, languages, psychology, philosophy.

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  1. Especially the ham and mushroom kind. Those are particularly bad. Make sure I get all of them
  2. No no they are right. It's evil. As such I will have to confiscate all of it. Send all the pizza you can find to me. I'll make sure to get rid of it in the most appropriate way.
  3. Looks like stonework mostly. I rather like rustic places. I wouldn't mind staying there myself (based on what I can see on this video, that is) .
  4. I think it looks quite nice. A bit like south africa in some ways.
  5. So does avo. . Now I know what I'll have for lunch tomorrow
  6. Even Sauron himself wasn't always evil. He was a bit like an angel working under the command of one of the Valar. He had obsessions which made it easy for him to be tempted.
  7. I'm basically in agreement. I do want to speak in the defence of Sam though. I always consider him to be, in a sense more truly heroic than Frodo but that is a different conversation. I don't think Sam can really help expecting the worst from Gollum. It has a lot to do with their roles and personalities. Sam is fiercely loyal and is suspicious of any individual that tries to interact with or approach Frodo without clear purpose. He tries his best to give Gollum a chance but Gollum justifies his suspicions too often. Another interesting thought to consider: near the end, Frodo himself succumbs to the rings power and it's only a stroke of luck (or is it perhaps a miracle) that saved the day. What would have happened if Gollum had been killed by Sam earlier? A good question to ask what would have happened if Frodo had actually completed his task without Gollum falling in? Could there then have been some hope for restoration?
  8. These. You know where I can be found most of the time. I enjoy it very much.
  9. Etymology is fascinating. I'm quite gruntled with it. gruntle (v.) 1938, in gruntled "pleased, satisfied," a back-formation from disgruntled. The original verb (early 15c.) meant "to utter a little or low grunt," hence "to murmur, complain" (1560s), but was rare or dialectal by 18c I use etymology . Com all the time
  10. Unfortunately over here they are generally seen as pests especially by farmers, because they are seen as a threat to livestock. Most farmers would shoot them on sight. I'm glad this one found a friendly home, but I do hope more can be done in terms of prevention.
  11. Very interesting. My previous church is called Shofar and indeed they often played this there.
  12. I live in a relatively small university town in the Western Cape in South Africa. Here I'm just going to focus on my own town. On the plus side, it is a truly beautiful part of the world. Good schools and a university, relative safety and high standard of living makes it a great place for families and people who live here form a very supportive community with an easy mix between different cultures. The darker side is the corruption in the government, the frequent electricity issues, the tendency to over develop which results in housing prices being quite high.
  13. Unfortunately yes. I'm not sure if it's true or not. But to me personally it doesn't tarnish his message.
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