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JTC last won the day on February 28 2013

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About JTC

  • Birthday 07/26/1952

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    New York State
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    God, The Bible, Photography, and helping others when I can.

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  1. You are very welcome, Catlin. Please remember this, if I can ever be of any help to you feel free to send me a PM. I've been saved some 40 to 42 yrs so I know quite a bit about our Lord. My memory's still not bad and I can actually remember when I'd hear some half baked preacher explain something wrong and then panic would set in as I doubted my faith, or if I was ever even saved in the first place. There was no Internet in those days so I couldn't even ask anyone. All I could do was be scared and read as much scripture as possible. Usually, eventually I figured out the half baked preacher was interpreting certain scriptures wrong. Catlin, God has given all of us several gifts to help us in this life. Some are spiritual gifts, such as Paul described in 1 Corinthians. But there are also what I call the human gifts, which are just as important. Some guys got great muscles, other guys phenomenal looks. God gave me an intelligent brain. So I can help you with spiritual matters, but I was also trained as a talk therapist when I was young. And since my own health was never great, I know quite a bit about meds. In other words, suppose you go to some kind of doc someday, and you just aren't sure if he/she is giving you the right advice or the correct meds? You can go ask another doc, but you will find 1 doc almost will never say anything negative about the first doc. It goes against their medical ethics, or something like that. I'm retired and I've had so many bad docs do me harm, in the past, I will always give you the best opinion I can. In addition I rely on the Lord to help me help others. So remember, if you need me send me a PM. It may take me a while to answer, but I will always answer. God Bless, JTC
  2. Hi Catlin, First of all, I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Secondly, I was both wrong and right in what I said about meds for OCD. There are several meds that are said to work, but there are no meds designed specifically to stop the symptoms of OCD. That's the part I was wrong about. Even so, that doesn't mean the meds used don't work. There are a lot of drugs that work on more than one kind of illness. For example, antihistamines were made to work on severe head colds, or even the flu, but some also work well as a sleeping pill. When I first looked for meds for OCD I found more than I'm finding right now. Oh well, that's google for you. Originally I found a list that included aspirin, although I don't understand how aspirin can help. It seems most of the meds listed are SSRIs which are also used for depression. No matter how we look at this you will need some kind of doctor. My first thought is a psychiatrist, but maybe a regular doc can help. Whether the doc is a psychiatrist or not, I'd ask him if he has experience treating OCD, that's more important than his title. That's how the medical field is. I also found that various forms of talk therapy are considered better than meds, or should be used along with meds. Talk therapy can definitely work because I used it when I was a little older than you. If you want to see the list of meds, google meds for OCD. I'm sorry if I gave you false hope, I thought we had made more progress in this. In any case I hope you don't still think God is mad at you, or Jesus doesn't want to hear your prayers, because our God is not like that. Take care of yourself Catlin and I do think a combination of talk therapy, meds and prayers will help you. JTC
  3. Have any of you heard of the experimental new drug developed in Israel that seems, so far, to cure covid19. If this is indeed true, then I'd say God has answered our prayers. I think the name of this drug is EXO-CD24, but don't hold me to that. So far it's only been given to 30 people but it's been completely successful. Typically a patient goes into a hospital not being able to breath right. Maybe they get put on a respirator, but then they are taken off and given this drug. It's administered by inhalation for 2 to 3 minutes a day. By day 3 they are feeling better and by day 5 they can usually leave the hospital. So granted it was only used on 30 people and that's not enough to be jumping for joy. But since I think the Lord is involved in this, I'm gonna jump for joy. If you want to see more about this go to CBN.com and watch the episode from Fri. Feb. 12th. It's only the first 5 minutes, so it isn't very long.
  4. Hi BK1110, No, she's not a younger person, in fact she's 60. She's also angry at me today. I'm not sure why. If it wasn't for the fact that I tried having an aide from an aide agency, for 2 yrs, and it didn't work out so well, I'd get rid of this one. I had a major MS flare-up this past Aug. & Sept., and when I really needed her she helped me. But I'm a little better now, and this one lives downstairs so if I need her she's here. Those aides from the agencies either don't show up, too often, or if they do, many don't understand simple English. Being a Home Care Health Aide, has become known as a way to make money without doing anything, or a way to make money if you're illiterate or can't understand very much English. I don't need help cooking, getting dressed, or washed. I need help writing because the MS effected my right hand, I used to write with that hand. My current aide can read and write, a little bit, but not like me or anyone I've ever known. And she is American. But she quit school in the 3rd grade. Later on in her life, someone taught her to read and write a little. But when she looks at a word she can't just automatically read it. I actually don't get it. But the only thing that makes sense, based on some arguments I had with her, is she didn't read the box. I'm talking about going to the supermarket and buying salted butter, not unsalted. The brand I wanted puts salted in a blue box and unsalted in a red box. Always. But she insisted that sometimes the salted is in red boxes too. No, she was wrong. And that's another of her problems, she can't admit to ever being wrong. I tried to tell her that everyone is wrong sometimes. Only God is never wrong. At that, she went downstairs and said to call her if I need her. Can you imagine how she'll react if I try to tell her that even though she once attended a Baptist church with her Aunt I don't see the signs of a saved person in her? She'll probably just go downstairs. But MS has also effected my memory quite badly. I have many things I need her to help me with. But I usually don't remember during the 10 to 15 minutes she's here. Oh well, this is my problem.
  5. Hi Catlin, I've read many of your posts but I'm answering this one. First is the OCD. I don't have a lot of experience with OCD but I see it in you. I don't know, off the top of my head, if there are meds that really work to stop or at least slow down obsessive thoughts but I can find out. I almost became a doctor when I was young, and people suffering from their own mind was to be my specialty. I also have a best friend who owns a pharmacy, he knows all kinds of things. People with OCD get tortured by their own thoughts, like you are, they can't stop the thoughts, but there are things that can be done. I just hope your parents allow you to get help. Congratulations on being a Christian 7 months, it's always hardest in the beginning. I'm a Christian 40 yrs so I know the answers to the 4 questions of yours that I quoted. 1. Yes, Jesus wants you to pray to Him no matter what you feel for Him. Jesus knows you inside and out, and He knows OCD is doing this to you. I don't know you at all but I feel tremendous compassion for you, I'm not better than Jesus. Yes, pray to Him and you are going to get better. 2. Ah Catlin it takes all our lives to do that second question. I'm doing it 40 yrs and I'm only half way there. At 7 months, don't even worry about this. For you it means respect your parents unless they are mean and abusive to you. It means do your homework, even if you have to miss your favorite TV show. If you have siblings, treat them well, especially when they don't deserve it. Always forgive everyone, this is how you pick up your cross and follow Jesus. 3. I'm not sure what God's will is for me neither, but God's will in general is for us to obey Him. The Bible teaches us that, especially in Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, the Psalms, and every where else too. Actually I'm coming to know that God's will for me is to help those that I know how. Today, that's you. 4. Dear sweet Catlin, God's not angry at you. You didn't do the kind of things that makes God angry at us humans. God gets angry at us when we willing and knowingly worship another god in His place. In fact He calls that prostitution. God wants our love, our worship, our prayers, etc. When we give it to another god, that hurts our God but He always warns the people to stop, you are hurting Me. Only when the people or person will not stop does God become angry. He's not angry with you. You have to realize all these thoughts and fears you keep getting are due to OCD. It's an illness, like MS which I have. When you start feeling afraid you have to tell yourself, No, I don't believe any of that. I know it's not real, I'm only feeling scared because OCD is doing it to me. It's not real nor true. Another thing you don't seem to realize is because of the pandemic everyone has to stay home, for now. Personally, I intend to get the vaccine as soon as it's offered to me. Although with my MS I won't be going out very much anyway. But in my parents generation the plague was Polio. I know I was vaccinated against Polio as a child, you probably were too. It may take 2 more yrs, but we will all go out again whenever we want to, and without masks. You'll see it will happen. I'm going to look into meds for OCD for you. It may take a week for me to get an answer. I'd like your permission to send you a PM when I find out. That way I'll know you got the answer too. Don't worry so much Catlin, it's all coming from an illness. It isn't real.
  6. Hey Armsopenwide, You have some good advice here. Sometimes God will hide from a certain person only to make that person learn to draw closer to Him. Other times there's a sin the person either doesn't know is a sin or the person doesn't consider it a sin. God may also be making you grow to a new level. When I was young God accepted certain sins from me that He doesn't accept now. In any case, this is just a temporary situation.
  7. Jul789, You haven't been back in over 2 months, why is this? And if you're involved with witchcraft in any shape, manner or form, you may be giving the devil your soul already. I'd say, that dream of yours is the expression of your fear that witchcraft is dangerous. Maybe you've heard of wish fulfillment dreams or that dreams always express a wish we have, even if it's sub-conscious. This is wrong. Many dreams do have a wish fulfillment in them, but not nightmares or scary dreams. A scary dream is usually expressing a fear we have, which may or may not, be realistic. IMO any involvement with the world of Satan can cause you to lose your soul. Since you know that, I bet you have a Christian background. To make this stop, first stop playing around with witchcraft. No Taro cards, no yoga, don't read your horoscope, no Harry Potter movies, nothing. Second, do whatever you know how to do that will bring you closer to God. I like to listen to the Bible online. There's Biblegateway.com and You Tube has many scripture videos. Also pray to God. Ask Him for help, tell Him you're sorry for what you did. While you've talking to Him ask for help with the anxiety. He loves us and will help with anything if only we would let Him.
  8. Ever hear of the Gospel Outreach church? They had the most awesome worship services I've ever seen. Unfortunately, they also had more problems than they could handle. The GO church, as it was called, fell apart in the 80's. I haven't seen any of the friends I had there since 2001. I'm pretty sure one man died. I've moved several times since the 80's and I'm sure they did too. I went to a few other churches since then but I never made any friends with anyone. I don't know what the "christianityexplored web site" is. If I put .com at the end of that will it go there? I'll try. One reason I'd like to have a few Christian friends is because I'm not good at evangelizing people. I never was. But nowadays I know 3 or 4 people that need Jesus. One is my Jewish friend. Another is my Baptist Aide. But these people are going to be hard folks to evangelize, I could sure use advice from someone who's good at it.
  9. I live in an area devoid of other Godly people, except 1 Jewish man, and it really gets me down at times. So yeah, that's my problem but I don't expect advice. I just needed to talk about it and I don't know where else to post this. I'm a senior citizen with MS and without a car. I can probably still drive but I can no longer walk without a roller-type of walker. Even if I could walk, there's no place to go. The closest non-Catholic church is probably 5 miles away, and it may not have real born again people in it. I have a home health care aide who was raised Baptist but I don't think God means much to her. God means a lot to my Jewish friend but he owns the local pharmacy and he has little to no time for anything else. The few people I know who consider God a little important, are all what the Bible calls lukewarm believers. Regardless of your denomination or exact beliefs, if you aren't living it, day by day, I consider that lukewarm. The only person I can talk with about God is the Jewish man, and only if there's only 1 or 2 of his employees in the store. That pretty much means only on certain weekends, and I never know which ones they will be. My aide lets me talk if I want to, but when I finish her response is something like an answer with the F word and other words I no longer use. Oh well, so she was raised in a Baptist church. It didn't seem to mean anything to her. I'd rather talk with a Catholic who is living his faith, even though I consider most of what they do as wrong. This is actually a big issue today. I wish I knew God's point of view on this, but I don't, I can only guess. I'm pretty much home bound, and I live much of my life online. So I've been taking the free DTS classes. But like in any collage or university, the quality of a course is highly dependent on the professor teaching it. At my age and stage of my relationship with the Lord, I know what I believe. Some DTS professors believe things I don't, but others agree with me. But I like hearing what's being taught to tomorrow's pastors and preachers. I just wish I had 2 or 3 people around here who I know are thinking of God everyday, even if they don't agree with me on all points. In case you're wondering, I agree with the Apostle James, faith without righteous behaviors is dead. It's useless. Of course, righteous behaviors alone won't get us into heaven neither, both are needed. It's not easy, no one ever said it was easy. If someone did say that, he didn't know what he was talking about. I don't care for Facebook, Twitter and I see to be part of Instagram costs money. I don't have money to spare. I go on You Tube, and I don't like what I see lately. Many Protestants are becoming Catholic, or so it seems. One of the leaders in this movement grew up in a denomination that's almost Mormon. No wonder she prefers the CC. The CC has a lot of questionable practices & beliefs, but for the most part, they all agree with each other. They don't have a lot of in-church fighting among themselves. The Protestant churches seem to be full of that, except for those of us who are truly Born Again. But we aren't in any 1 church, we are hard to find. Most of the people in my family that I grew up with have passed away, this is a big reason I'm so lonely. I have MS and spinal stenosis, but neither of those 2 illnesses will kill me. I keep asking the Lord why He's keeping me here, is there a reason? I'm not sure if this idea is from God or if it's something I thought of. The thing is, I don't really want to do it. I'm not even sure what I'd say. I must admit, it helps if you're a young, pretty, energetic blonde, to get followers. The idea is to make You Tube videos. Every time I hear of another Protestant person who converted to Catholicism, I have to believe this person doesn't know about the un-Biblical and down right anti-Biblical things the CC does and believes. I grew up as a lukewarm Catholic, but even so, giving up certain beliefs was very hard. Catholicism, more or less, brainwashes you. Are some of you saying,"I wish he'd explain that". One of the biggest Catholic issues is their interpretation of Communion and the Eucharist. Their whole argument is based on John 6. How can we ignore that if we believe in interpreting scripture literally. (I know the answer to that) Isn't a better question, why do the Catholics interpret it literally since they don't believe in interpreting the Bible literally in most other places. Is anyone saying, I wish he'd explain that? These are 2 topics I'm thinking of making videos about. But I feel like Moses did when God told him to go speak to Pharaoh. Moses was scared and so am I. Then there's the fact that I don't know enough about many issues. Such as the whole Mary thing. About 5 yrs ago I was reading up on the early Church priests, such as Augustine. I always wondered why the CC has so many practices that are almost the same as what the ancient Pagans used to do. Then I found out that Augustine, and I think most of the early priests, were all Pagans before they became Christian. Yeah, so what? Is anyone saying, "I wish he'd explain that". This one requires more knowledge of what makes us tick, than what any religion is about. Well folks, this MS makes typing difficult, I'm surprised I was able to type this much. Oh, I don't have Win 10. I need a new PC.
  10. Yes, you can. Whether you give a 10th of your income or just $20, let it be between you and the Lord. The community or the church you attend has nothing to do with it. I have one more thing to say regarding giving money if you expect the Lord to open the windows of heaven and give back more than you can contain. Don't expect that if you're unemployed or retired and there's no practical way He can do that. At my age and stage in life, I give compassion and I hope the Lord finds others to help me. I realized we don't all have money to spare, but we all have something we can give others. Maybe you can sew like a tailor, you probably know people who are in need of your skill, but do you care enough to help to help them? Maybe you're great at fixing things, a broken lamp, a door bell system that isn't working etc. Use this skill to help others. This is also a form of giving.
  11. I never did like that saying because I don't think it's true. Many times what we want is for the person we love to come after us and prove he/she loves us. This saying had a lot to do with the terrible condition American society is in as of 2020. Once a person finds the one he/she loves you should stay with that one person. Even if you both don't, most of you will never forget that first person, no matter how many more there are. It may even be true that our brains create an affinity for that first person that never goes away. I think this makes sense with the Christian belief of God, but this isn't what people wanted to believe in the 1960's which was when this saying became popular. My generation messed up but I think today many of you young people are realizing that if you love somebody never let them go. Always forgive each other for any offense that may happen. As the Bible says, don't let the sun go down on your anger, which means don't go to sleep angry. But even if you have to always forgive each other and don't let your loved one go. We are meant to stay with one husband/wife.
  12. bcbsr my brother, what is on your mind that made you quote these verses? It's not obvious you better tell us.
  13. JTC


    So much for this thread, it's not serious anymore.
  14. The key word in what you said is obedience. So here is my question for you. If you understand that obedience is important, whether it be the New Covenant or the Old Covenant, then why do you like the quote you used? I mean look at the first line, "The Christian life is not our living a life like Christ, or our trying to be Christ-like", in view of our conversation do you really think this is true? I don't know who first started that idea but it's false and always has been false. In fact the opposite is the truth, the Christian life is our living a life like Christ and our trying to be Christ like. That's exactly what it is. As for the rest of that quote, this part can be dangerous, "it is Christ Himself living His own life through us; 'no longer I, but Christ." If this is taken literally it can be used to justify living as unrighteously as you please. Do you get it? The person tells himself he's not responsible for his own life anyway because his life is nothing more than Christ living HIS life through that person. (I understand why you can theoretically think about it this way, but in reality this is not true) This is the kind of thinking that can lead to the idea that all people will be saved and no one will go to hell. I mean if our lives are Jesus Christ reliving His life is Christ going to Hell, can you see how such a question is absurd? So how about you doing an old man a favor and take that quote off your signature. It really will lead people who don't know better the wrong way.
  15. I spoke to her about it, and as I expected she denied any knowledge of it. But since whoever did it had a key to get in that means it was either her or her husband, and I already know she takes pain pills daily. (what I didn't know was how badly she's addicted) As for what I said, have you ever read in Matthew where Jesus said: "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." I first read that 40 yrs ago but I'm only now learning what it can mean. This woman knows I'm of God, I've even told her I know the Bible very well. She was raised as a Baptist but from what I've seen and heard she no longer has any interest in God. I never thought I'd be in a situation where I had to put the above verse into effect but I now am. I live in a building full of ungodly people. If I was to tell here what Wayne said she would interpret that as she can abuse me even more. I feel like I was already torn up a bit.
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