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About avemaria

  • Birthday 04/11/1987

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    The will of God, History of Christianity, apparitions of the Virgin Mary, the rise of Islam, military genius's, the Scriptures, Hiking, running, canoeing, rafting, fishing, nature, animals, mountains, traveling, the Ocean, the lives, actions, and writtings of Christ's saints, praying in Latin, Japenese, French, and Aramaic, and helping the poor.

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  1. thanks little brown church best explanation of seen thus far
  2. Oh cool better answer than I accepted. "David slept with his Fathers". Does that mean his Fathers and he were in heaven or just sleeping
  3. Acts 2:29 Brethren, I may say to you confidently of the patriach David that he both died and was buriedk and his tomb is with us to this day. Anyone know where David's tomb is at?
  4. So sort of, in a less eloquent way, without hope my people perish
  5. Thanks guys there are some interesting and thoughtful posts here. I certainly didnt know some of these things.
  6. And to think that God said this would be the wisest man that ever was or ever will be, this was his life, his choices, his end.
  7. Oops I was looking at two different proverbs and I got the wrong verse Proverbs 29:18
  8. Proverbs 29:18 "For lack of vision my people perish" Do you have your own idea of what that means?
  9. King Solomon was given wisdom like no other man before or after him. Of those who are given much, much is expected of them. Especially leaders. Their sins are more serious because their whole kingdom suffers as a result of their folley. Solomon knew well of his Fathers mistakes and how that cost his Kingdom. Solomon was no dummy. He knew more than anyone what is pleasing and displeasing to God. The fear of the Lord. The consequences of sin and idolatry. Yet he had hundreds of wives and concubines. In all his wisdom he must have realized that sleeping with hundreds of women wasnt the best thing for his soul and his relationship with God. He knew it was disobediant to God and dangerous to marry a Pagan, yet he did. More than anyone, he knew that burning incense to a demon (pagan God) was a most awful crime, and a violation of the most serious of the ten commandments. A mistake that those before him repeatedly made. King David commited ghastly sins, but repented whole heartedly with weeping and supplication. Did Solomon have any sign of such repentance? God alone knows whether King Solomon was saved but it sure doesnt look good for him on judgement day.
  10. Life is worthless and pointless without God. Everything you gain can be lost at anytime. Anything pleasureable is fleeting. Who is benefitting from the pleasure they experienced a month ago. Without God does it matter how we spend time on earth. Does it really matter if we kill ourselves when things aren't going well. Faithlessness is total madness.
  11. You mentioned the priests in Malachi were like the priests of Today. Unfaithful wicked Shepherds. Yes the priests were unfaithful to God, but so was King David and King Solomon. But God still used them. Solomon slept with hundreds of women and burned incense to demons, yet God gave him more wisdom than any man. King David was the most famous King of Israel, a priest, a prophet, a king, and a writer of Sacred Scripture, a man after God's own heart, yet he shed much blood, and had one of his right hand noble men murdered so that he could get away with impregnating his wife. A great sinner yet God worked through him. So anyone who behaves scandalously doesnt necessarily mean they dont speak the truth or are not called instruments in God's hands.
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