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JohnnyIMdoc last won the day on February 20 2012

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About JohnnyIMdoc

  • Birthday 01/17/1969

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    Oklahoma, USA
  • Interests
    Trying to understand my horrible self.

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  1. Around 1990 when I had been born again a few weeks, I had promised God to never smoke again. For whatever reason I eventually bought a pack, smoked a couple, threw them away and cried big time for hours thinking I had failed God and he wouldn't love me anymore or something...it was a longggg time ago. I was genuinely torn up inside because I was pretty ignorant about how things really are. Anyway, I was asking God to please let me know He still loved me or anything like that (still boo hoo'ing alone on my couch). A few minutes later there's a knock at my door...some guy says "Are you Johnny?"... I say "Yea"... He says "I found your wallet and it had your license with your address so here it is". "Wow, thanks...I didn't even know I'd lost it" He says "Don't you go to such-and-such church?" "Yea" I say. He says "Yea. Me too. Thought I recognized you. Well, God bless you! Bye" After I shut the door I was just in awe and felt it was His was of telling me He loved me still, since I was too stupid to know that. I think I cried again like a girly-man cuz I was happy! lol
  2. really good question. I spent a week or about that time looking for a good bible study group around London - I have come across this 'casual' Christian term too. Ok granted I haven't quote the bible or anything at one of these meetings I attended and im no genius but I dont get why people call themselves that it just seems silly. I met some really great people and some space cadets but on whole I'm an all or nothing type so for me I don't think a class works just yet. I met someone who called themselves a casual and then jokingly a part timer I was like huh so i asked her one question so: how do you switch it off? (I felt guilty for making her feel stupid though) Your "all or nothing" reminded me of Jesus' warning against the lukewarm being vomited out His mouth. He'd prefer we were all or nothing (hot or cold) I think, as opposed to lukewarm/casual.
  3. I have guns for home defense.
  4. 1- I think the physical universe is likely millions-trillions of years old. 2- I think about 6000 yrs ago God brought life on earth back into existence after something had destroyed it (God's wrath, angel wars, rebellion, another species' sin...) 3- I think after Jesus' return, the destruction of all that is sinful, and the restoring of the earth 'again', He will continue to create new forms of life; possibly something different from humans or angels. I believe this due to God's love being so vast, His ability being limitless, and a universe He made that will hold an innumerable host. Maybe he'll create another race of beings and a fraction of them will 'choose' life just as 2/3 of the angels did and a much smaller percentage of mankind did. I also hold this opinion due to the many references in the Word of the children of God someday ruling/reigning over peoples, our being kings etc... I'm just guessing that we'll be given much more responsibilities once we've been tried-by-fire and God has perfected us. And FYI, this can easily be totally wrong and just conjecture/theorizing in my mind. Makes no difference to me. I'm trusting in His wisdom to do what is best for us all. 4- I put very little stock in certain scientific measurements. You'll note the massive variations in most universal dating. A lot of it is mere guessing based on our very limited understanding of the universe. If you have nothing to use as a 100% accurate reference point in dating, it's only guessing to label numbers to specific events. You can often identify that DD happened after AA, and GG happened after DD, so GG was clearly after AA, but most all of it is relative relationships. There's really not much science can give you an actual date about. You can bring in red-shifts, background radiation, etc etc... at the end of the day it is all still relative and filled with guessing without an accurate reference point from which to measure. None of it matters to me though. my two-cents
  5. JohnnyIMdoc


    Hi Thysia, people will often use satan as a "scapegoat" when it is unbelief and sin that separates them from GOD and takes them straight to hell. James 1 13 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone;14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. Sometimes there is some kind of demonic activity, but a lot of our struggles are born from our own sin. Yep
  6. Candice, I agree with you 100% and so does God's Word. King David got into gross blatant sin for a long time...murder, lust, adultery, and probably every other sin you can think of...sins seem to run in packs. King Solomon ended up worshiping other gods and marrying foreign wives. I'm sure there are a million other similar stories of other genuine men/women of God who have fallen away into horrible sin and depravity. It's wicked. It must be avoided at all cost. But it does happen. Just my two-cents (worth about a penny).
  7. ,,,,,, So if ANYONE could please pass this info on to the forums administrators I would appreciate it. Thanks to whoever fixed it. Things seem to be working fine now.
  8. Hi. I'm sorry but this is not about Arizona. I joined yesterday and it seems I cannot do anything on the forum except post in certain forums. Someone on here "Friended" me and sent me a private msg. I try to read his msg: [#10226] You are not allowed to use the private messaging system. I try to click his name to contact him that way: [#10245] You are not permitted to view member profiles. I read the forum help file...didn't see anything that helped. I click the link that says "Contact the forums administrator": it opens an email program to send an email to @ (but no recipient). I decide to ask about this in General Discussion: You Cannot Start a New Topic I try to directly contact George or Isaiah 6:8...[#10245] You are not permitted to view member profiles. I did a search for "Error"...nothing relevant comes up. I did a search for "Error messages"... Flood control is enabled. Please wait at least 20 seconds before attempting to search again grrrrrr So if ANYONE could please pass this info on to the forums administrators I would appreciate it.
  9. I personally do not believe ANYONE who claims they don't have troubles sinning over and over. I think we'll continue to sin until we die and receive our new bodies that aren't cursed by sin. Paul, the greatest man of the new testament other than Jesus, said flat out that he couldn't stop sinning... he couldn't do the things he wanted to do... and couldn't stop doing the things he hated doing. Wretched man that I am! Who will save me from thing body of death? Rom 7:15-25 It's a thing I struggle with also...questions abound in my mind.
  10. Hellow! ...and welcome to the board, I don't beleive that we had interaction with one another. Permit me to differ a little, the angels that followed Lucifer does not have the possiblity of forgiveness because they were knew the Most High face to face yet beleived Lucifer could disthrone him and God did not prssent to the Angels a salvation plan, Christ did not died and became their subsitude, they have no one to bear their sins away. My view. Yea, what he said! (but with spellcheck) lol
  11. As someone said, 2000 yr old coins would be very expensive if they were real. Coin scams are EVERYWHERE.
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