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SavedByGrace1980 last won the day on November 29 2012

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About SavedByGrace1980

  • Birthday 03/22/1953

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    Upstate New York
  • Interests
    Finding out what it really means to serve Him. Christian fellowship; enjoying the grand kids; travelling; spending time with the love of my life and my best friend

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  1. Hi Gary, Things have happened in the ensuing 2 years and here it is, July of 2024. I was a little reluctant at the time for you to share my testimony with your group - mainly because we and the other parties directly involved in the case had just settled. But it turns out I need not have been concerened. Thank you for asking, and yes you may share it with your church group. Last week, I revisited this thread for the first time in a while; that is when I was reminded of your request One thing that has happened since May/June 2022 is a hospital stay. Satan was (and still is) working overtime, but Our Lord Is Stronger!! Praise His Holy Name!! Prayer is our most powerful weapon against the enemy. Linda and I continue our daily devotions. The four aides we employ are free to join in with us if they choose. They know where we stand. I have much to be thankful for - a wonderful wife, an extended family (which includes two beautiful granddaughters), a very exciting and vibrant local chuch . . . I could go on. I'll walk again someday through Heaven's gates, and that will be a glorious day indeed!
  2. It's hard to prove a negative . . . or so I've heard. You have a good day, as well
  3. The only thing I would add to what I wrote back in March is " . . .nor are we voting for a Savior. There's only One of Those.
  4. If by "Bill Clinton days" you mean the 92 and 96 elections, this "con" voted for Ross Perot in 92 and Bob Dole in 96
  5. I voted for Trump in 2016. and in 2020 and likely will again in 2024 if he's a candidate. Consider who he was running against in those elections I've always been conservative and I try to consider the most conservate option of the ones available. Unfortunately and contrary to popular belief, that isn't always the R candidate. It's never the D candidate. So in elecions like in 08 and 12 I voted 3rd party. In 16 and 20 the most conservative was DJT so he got my vote. My son said, "Dad, how can you vote for a man with Trumps moral baggage?" Son, we're voting for a US president - not a preacher or a priest
  6. I believe the Lord is prompting me to update this thread. Not sure exactly why, but here goes: Random thoughts in no particular order 1. My wife Linda and I sold our home and moved almost 2 hrs away to be closer to our daughter, her husband and our two grandaughters. We purchased a new home and were able to pay it off with the settlement funds we received. 2. As is the case in many father/daughter situations, my daughter and I had "issues" - particularly during her late teen years. (she's almost 36 now). Suffice it to say - we're closer now than we've ever been. 3. Our 38 y/o son and his wife (both pastors) - though they live a few states away from us now - are closer to us now as well. 4. As a paraplegic (no feeling from mid-chest down) I require assistance - mostly in the morning (3 hrs) and some evenings (an aide 1 night/week plus a PT person 2 nights/week.) Linda (my wife) does the rest (I'm not helpless though. There are things I can do for myself. And I praise the Lord for that! As a result of #4 above, Linda and I have begun what my daughter-in-law calls an informal "cross-cultural" ministry. By that I mean that when Linda and I have our morning devotions and the aides are here, we always invite them to join us (but making it clear that they don't have to if they'd rather not) Almost without exception, they DO join us. And the resulting workings of the Holy Spirit are a wonder to behold! PTL!! So good things CAN come out of tragic situations. I'll close by saying I have forgiven the trooper and I do not harbor any ill-will toward him. He's still a young man and will have to live with this the rest of HIS life. If he hasn't already, I hope he finds the Lord Please keep all of us in your prayers Blessings, -Ed
  7. It's nice to see Congress is dealing with issues that really matter . . .
  8. ‘We’re Facing the Most Significant Test of Our Democracy Since the Civil War’ -Joe Biden A significant test, huh? Let's see - the Civil War ended in 1865, 156 years ago. In the intervening years, we've suffered two world wars; countless limited wars and skirmishes; several economic recessions and a Great Depression; presidential assassinations and other crises too numerous to list. Yet all this pales in comparison with requiring a person to show ID to vote? Hyperbole much?
  9. Sen. Manchin opposed this bill, so apparently is wasn't all the fault of "evil" republicans: Joe Manchin opposes voting rights bill and defends filibuster in blow to Democrats
  10. Yes. Because out of the ashes of chaos and anarchy come cries for someone to "do something." The something usually entails reducing the freedoms and liberty of one "elite class" versus another - call it a "victim" class. Too often the victims are willing to give up liberties and freedoms for security. The elites of course are more than willing to provide this faux security in exchange for their real goal which is - - power and control. It causes a crisis. And someone as far back as the Clinton administration famously said " . . . never let a good crisis go to waste." Anyone with working brain cells would know that defunding entire police departments to address supposed racism is an example of "cutting off one's nose to spite their face." If one is convinced that individual or departmental racism exists, then the way to deal with it is on individual or departmental basis. Racist cops can be fired. Racist departments can be fined or otherwise sanctioned.
  11. When it comes to the ruling class, I doubt that it is a question of high or low IQ. It's more a question of its intent. Sadly, the intent seems to be to create chaos and anarchy. Stifle (or remove) the police, and chaos and anarchy is the result.
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