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    Bible Study and Computer Programming

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  1. Yes, this is my opinion too, but, I'll like to know if there's a scripture that supports otherwise.
  2. Hello @Jason Yzaguirre Thank you for your response. I have a follow up question (from your response - quoted above), is it possible for God to want us to be poor? or want us to experience loss? Does that not go against His word and promises for us?
  3. This morning, a question came to my mind (due to some situations around), and I could not answer the question, so, here it is, i'll appreciate all scripture based definitions... What is the difference between Wishful Thinking and Faith? Looking forward to your responses. Thank you.
  4. 1Kings 17:8 - 16. God said (KJV) He has commanded the woman to sustain Elijah... But obviously, as we clearly see from the story, the woman had no idea about any command or instructions... ? Does it mean God can 'command' people to do things (and they do it) without their own knowledge?
  5. What do you think of bitcoin Or crypto currencies generally?
  6. @Hawkeye read the thread... (mostly)... I am not made a decision.
  7. the concept of giving to the needy has been abused here... i personally hardly gives anyone who ask either physically or via phone or email... well, i mean people i don't know...
  8. I think you should be grateful you spoke with a "fairly" sincere person... another person could have told you 100% goes to the charity...
  9. Hi. A friend at the office, actually, our business development manager, needed a tool to help him keep track of clients he contacts... because he gets paid by how many clients he contacts, he was sort of desperate for a way to keep track on the move. He needed something simple, that loads fast, easily accessible, and preferably free. SO i created BDS for him. He liked it, said, this could be useful for a lot of people... and therefore, i decided to make it open to everyone interested. its here http://dbms.xyluz.com Its just a simple easy to use tool. I am open to suggestions on how to improve it. SO, please try it out and let me know what you think. Thank you in advance.
  10. Please what do you mean by popping up? They made them, or they just appear somehow....
  11. I have had to take care of a loved one, and i must say... it gets really rough sometimes... yet, that experience has helped me learn a bit about what they go through and how life feels from their perspective... I understand you my friend... And i think most people who act that way don't know better...
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