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Remember the old saying that there are no atheists in foxholes? It's quite amazing but when people who claim to be atheists get into a sudden, perhaps it will be deadly situation or accident....they always call out to God. It's like an involuntary reflex that they cannot control. Also, another thing interesting about atheists...if they don't believe there is a God, then why do they fight so hard against Him?4 points
This is just my personal view that I can't support from scripture. But I believe deep inside every soul, every human being instinctively knows there is a supreme being, a creator and a God (the heavens declare the Glory of God). I believe one of the reasons for professed non belief is that they do not like or want to be accountable for there sin, life and actions (there are no absolute truths, your morals are not my morals). They don't want to think about or reason the; who, what, when, where and why's of why we are here. The questions I think all humanity asks themselves at one point in their lives at least. Some even go so far as to think of themselves in humanistic terms that they are their own little god's. If there is a God, He didn't do a good enough job with His creation. Thereby we ourselves can do much better through the use of technology, robotics, computers, DNA tampering, nano robotics, artificial intelligence and down loading and improving ourselves into 'something' for eternal existence. They may believe in God but they deny the power thereof. Talking strictly from a secular view point and what I think, I think those whom believe there is a God don't bother to repent and search Him out and become saved for a number of reasons, to their detriment. Perhaps there's many like I was, "I fully intend to getting around to it one of these days, but just not right now." "There are no atheists in a fox hole." As a Vietnam combat veteran that faced many perilous situations, I can attest I never heard any swearing or using the Lord's name flippantly during life threatening situations. But almost immediately thereafter when the threat had gone, many continued to use the Lord's name flippantly and back to their old ways. I believe it is ingrained into our conscience that the Lord has given us, that we automatically turn the switch for His help just as soon as we potentially face eternity, or "after" we have taken our last breath, our last heartbeat. Then it's too late. But yeah, I can't contradict that statement.2 points
Why don't you try finding Jesus for your self. When I was searching I said to God I want to find my purpose. If God is real I will not stop even if it takes the rest of my life. I was not worried about others or finding fault with this and that. In the judgment it is all about you. Do you want Christ in you more than anything. Look first for Him in your heart. Do you hunger for His word. You want to know if you are born again does all the above apply to you. We look for Him in the spirit. He has promised to give to you of His spirit. You will know that you are Born again when you go to your private place and pray for his revelation in your life. Do this everyday and tell know one. Go to Bible studies. Do what ever the spirit tells you about knowing Him. As Jesus said to certain followers If you continue in my word you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.2 points
i know this is bad , but i have no friends, family or job . ive been a prostitute my whole life and have criminal record, its all my fault, my family hates me, im severely depressed, living out of a hotel room, gained weight, i exercise at a gym but not helping! no one even speaks to me unless looking for sex. my life is an accident! i would be better off dead! im miserable ! can i still go to heaven if i commit suicide? ive seeked professional help and medication only made it worse and gain lots of weight! im an overweight hooker living in hotel , im 36 years old and hate my body, my life! ive never had a boyfriend! men use me for sex, they all lie to me!!!! i hate my life! i want out!! what should i do?1 point
Twenty years, from 2018 to 2038, better medicine maybe, environmental issues managed better, North Korea a Christian nation perhaps, fewer dictators and less warfare possibly, improved safety standards, the Gospel reaching more people, less division amongst followers of Christ, better allocation of resources for charitable purposes... Well whatever the next 20 years bring, the Word of God will stand firm, and those trusting in the Lord will enjoy good outcomes. Some Christians like to discuss end times in various gatherings, and I don't mind this if it is informative and edifying rather than fanatical and adversarial. Amillenial, Premillenial, Postmillenial, Pretrib, Midtrib, Posttrib, Prewrath, Preterist, Dispensational, Futurist, there are so many positions on offer, but we wait for the Lord to return regardless of all these...knowing that all things work together for good for those that love God and are the called according to His purpose (Rom 8:28) The next 20 years...Praise the Lord for every day!1 point
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I used to enjoy predictions and speculations about the near to mid-term future before I believed in Christ. Now, I also agree on living by the verses in Matthew 6, that we seek His kingdom and not worried about tomorrow, for the future is certain as He is in control.1 point
Referring to Rood he shows an official statement from Israeli officials declaring there is no Ark, but the Rabbis involved when questioned personally they neither confirm or deny but just say ''we are ready'' .. So nothing but speculation still .. Me being a yes, yes, kinda guy I find it all intriguing ,but I appreciated these discussions to keep me from running to far ahead sometimes .. Peace Bro ..1 point
I don't, do you ? I think Israel in planning on building one . I know because Jesus spoke of Satan's man of sin using the future Temple in the last Days of earth : " But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet , standing where it ought not ,,,,, For in those days shall be affliction such as was not from the beginning of creation . " ( Mark 13 : 14-19 )1 point
Well, secular speaking historically; "the best indicator of future performance is past performance." But the times, they are a changing! For about 6,000 years the fastest a man could travel was about 35 M.P.H. on horseback. Suddenly over the last +/- one hundred years look at where we are today! Seems a little suspicious to me? Anyway, I'm not date setting or anything, but I don't believe true Christian's (the church) will be here on Earth twenty years from now. I do believe in the very near future there will be another exponential explosion in technology and many signs and wonders. Unless the Lord tarries for more souls to be saved. The events, players and prophecies taking shape, I personally don't think we have twenty years left. I could be very wrong in my view and interpretation of scripture, but the way I see it... When Israel becomes a nation again in one day (May 14, 1948; 70 years ago), the Balfour Declaration signed in 1917 (101 yrs. ago) and especially... The generation that sees Israel become a nation again shall not pass away. Then the question becomes, how long is a generation? I think the following verse answers how long that generation is: Psalm 90:10 (KJV) The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. So it's my belief we are going to witness things too amazing to describe in words between now, 2018, and the year 2028. We see a "convergence" of everything prophetic of our times in scripture; from the forming of the nations and war machinery on Israel's northern border in Syria for the Gog / Magog invasion... To the Pope's success in his ecumenical movement (one world religion) to bring the "protesters" back into the fold of the 'one true church', and all his blasphemous non-biblical statements. And everything in between. Again, I reiterate, I could be wrong but that's the view I hold.1 point
Lone Survivor is especially good, as was 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. Not especially related to personal faith, but I can't recommend highly enough Enhanced Interrogation: Inside the Minds and Motives of the Islamic Terrorists Trying To Destroy America. These books should be required reading for every voter.1 point
He makes the case that the opposite is true. That is, that there is only one source for the information used to say it was written in 96, and people are even confused regarding what he was really saying. I just did a quick search and this seems to discuss it in more detail: http://ecclesia.org/truth/revelation.html And here is the other side: https://www.christiancourier.com/articles/1552-when-was-the-book-of-revelation-written1 point
Excellent choices! I like to tell people that all human beings have the exact same life span. We even have a name for it. We call it "today". It is like my "life" is a decades long string of daily reincarnation where I remember all my past lives. But the life that matters is this one. Today. What am I going to do with it? And I go from there. Even Paul said "I die daily."1 point
They are just practicing for the future.................. Romans 14:11 11 For it is written: “As I live, says the Lord, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God.”1 point
Its Metaphors, like all of Revelation. 7 Headed Beast = 7 Kingdoms, Woman = Israel, Harlot = False Religion, Babylon = False Government. Babylon stands for the WHOLE WORLD. The Plagues that hit the World, you know the Seals, Trumpets and Vials DESTROY HER COMMERCE !! Its called Metaphors.1 point
The idea to enter this hymn came to me after reading a wonderful post by Willa (which was a reply to 'Jesus, my First Love." ) What she shared comforted my heart and I am sure it will yours, too. These are the lyrics: A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, A wonderful Savior to me; He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock, Where rivers of pleasure I see. Refrain: He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock, That shadows a dry, thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of His love, And covers me there with His hand, And covers me there with His hand. A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, He taketh my burden away, He holdeth me up and I shall not be moved, He giveth me strength as my day. With numberless blessings each moment He crowns, And filled with His fullness divine, I sing in my rapture, oh, glory to God! For such a Redeemer as mine. When clothed with His brightness transported I rise To meet Him in clouds of the sky, His perfect salvation, His wonderful love, I’ll shout with the millions on high.1 point
Exo 33:22 God speaking to Moses when giving 10 commandments:: “So it shall be, while My glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand while I pass by.1 point
Now, either you are just naive or you are just trying to act like an idiot and being contentious for the sake of it. Now we have to figure out which. I think I have a bead on which. If there were Apocryphal books in the standard Bible, the total would be more than 66. Any standard KJV, NKJV, NIV, NASB, TLV, ESV, etc has 66 books. Genesis to Revelation in the recognized canon of scripture is 66 books. 39 in the OT and 27 in the NT. And they were written by 40 different writers all led by the Holy Spirit, who is the one true author. I feel sorry for your parents.1 point
JESUS said it first . He who hears and does my sayings . built they house on the STONE called CHRIST , but he who hears and does not , SINKING sand . JAMES confirmed it . Be not hearers only , DECEIVING YOUR OWN SELVES . Oh their are many more scrips . But if folks dance around truth , WHY keep on arguing . We just do our part . we exhort , encourage, warn and rebuke , have mercy and gravity . You just throw those hands up and praise the LORD , Cletus . JUST PRAISE THE LORD . GOD KNOWS who loves HIM . AND if a man loves GOD he will love THE SON and if a man loves the SON , he keeps HIS SAYINGS . now how simple is that . FOR those who are CHRISTS , have the HOLY SPIRIT and HE is at work within doing that which is well pleasing IN HIS SIGHT . only let us obey HIS SPIRIT . And lets all remember this , SIN is not well pleasing IN HIS SIGHT . So , if we say we love God , but we walking in darkness, then who is really deceived . JOHN said their is NO TRUTH in such a person , in fact he says they are a liar . SO if we make JESUS into a lets pander to mens doctrines and ways . OH dear , I must say , I do not want to be in those shoes ON JUDGEMNT DAY .1 point
Cletus , you remember where it says He will send the comforter . Those who believe in Him . YES The spirit is in our heart . Teaching us to DENY ungodliness and wordly lusts . OH yes for the GRACE of GOD WHICH BRINGS salvation , TEACHES US to DENY ungodliness and wordly lusts AND to be walking soberly RIGHTEOUSLY and godly in this present world as we await Our LORDS coming . I think a real good question is , WHO IS TRULY UNDER the grace of GOD that brings salvation and who only believes a wrong version of grace which teaches us , ALLL IS WELL , and makes JESUS a minister of sin . ONE IS grace , the other is death . And if we want to know who is under grace , the tree is known by its fruit . Many in these last days are under a grace , a version of CHRIST which sets no captives free, it makes at best JESUS a minister of sin and lawlessness and allows folks to FEEL FREE while still in bondage .1 point
Gosple means good news . and the good news is JESUS came to set the captives free FROM sin , not to feel free IN SIN . The good news HE paid the price of our sins , and came to set the captives free . I know not many have been in bondage to men or in prison But the being made free, THAT means FROM SIN . let paul sum it up . BEING THEN made FREE FROM SIN , you became servants TO RIGHTEONESS. ITS just good news all around . That all who believe in Him are saved . TRULY he came to set the captives free and paid the price for us . That we who now believe in HIM , are saved and as he told those who once believed in Him. IF you CONTINUE in me , the TRUTH shall make you free.1 point
we try and fish at least a month every year.... usually two weeks at a time.... but always return the fish to the water. I get eating fish from Red Lobster or Long John Silvers..... so I'll have to take your word on tasting good.1 point
Heb 10:26 For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, Heb 10:27 but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. Heb 10:28 Anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses. Heb 10:29 How much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by the one who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace? Heb 10:30 For we know him who said, "Vengeance is mine; I will repay." And again, "The Lord will judge his people." Heb 10:31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. This is a warning for those who have been called but not chosen. They have never turned from their sins in repentance and been born again. They may have repeated a sinners prayer and been baptized; they may have been told they are once saved always saved, but a huge part is missing. They have not repented and been converted. The Holy Spirit was opening their eyes and calling them to God ,they believe that Jesus died for their sins but they never surrendered to Him Lord of their lives and learned to follow Him. . Perhaps they wanted "fire insurance" without holiness. Some think this warning is for those who are born again. If we are truly God's kids He chastens us when we become rebellious. He gives us a whooping that is a good one and one which we remember. The worst part is that we lose fellowship with God when we get a bad attitude. That is enough to keep me from straying far from God. Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. How can they be a comfort? We know that God will let us know but good whey we err. It is a comfort to know that He is watching over me and guiding me, and that he will keep me from going my own willful way and quick to repent, confess and make it right as much as I can. He is my Father and my Good Shepherd.1 point
The word “gospel” in the new testament literally means “good news” or “good message”. There is peace with God and forgiveness available to all who will except it. The gospel (good news) announced by Jesus is that there is peace with God and forgiveness available to all who will except it. That Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. The peace with God means to be reconciled back to God. A restoration of our relationship with God. The first four books in the bible; Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are called the gospel books because the focus is on the message of Jesus. Those books are the testimony that God has provided a way of salvation for all through his son. Jesus died on the cross in our place as the perfect sacrifice, and he overcame death and rose up from the dead. This is “good news” for us because of what Jesus has done for us on the cross is a gift to us from God. All that is required of us to receive this gospel is to believe what God has said about the way to him. It is that simple. Just simply believe the gospel (the good news that has been shared about Christ to each one of us). God chose belief as the way to him. We can't come to him any other way.1 point
Good topic, Gideon We encounter spiritual battles on our journey.. One after another. He gives us strength to face / overcome. - Isaiah 40:31 --- Press on.. - Philippians 3:12-14 * Those are my favorite verses..when I go through battles. Blessings,1 point
God is pleased with this. Children need a good home more then anything else. I hope more people will look to adopt. I use to work in a Catholic home for children. Mccloskeys home. It had about 20 children there. From two years old up to they turn 18. I knew one young guy 17 at the time who lived there from age three. No one ever adopted him. He at that time told me he had always wanted to be adopted. He had a few months till he had to be on his own. I was only 20 when I work there. I wish I had the mindfulness that I have now. I would have been more open to the kids. I just went about my work. Talk to a few but mostly mind my own business. It's heart breaking to think of those children now.1 point
I haven't read too many of them, but there are probably just as many good Christian non-fiction books as novels.1 point
'And of every living thing of all flesh, .. two of every sort .... shalt thou bring into the ark, ...... to keep them alive with thee; ........ they shall be male and female. Of fowls .. after their kind, and of cattle .. after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth .. after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, .. to keep them alive.' (Gen 6:19-20) Praise God! For the promise of life in Christ Jesus1 point
My sense of laying on of hands is that it creates a stronger personal connection than the act of praying for someone while standing apart. I think it's often a matter of context as to whether that is positive or negative and if it is a part of the ministry God wants to accomplish. If I was having a bad day and you came up and put a hand on my shoulder and prayed for me, I'd likely appreciate it. The touch of human contact can at times communicate a sense of concern and care that words alone do not. If this was at church, or seeing each other at work, or at the store, I'd probably be fine with it. If this was you stopping by my house when my wife wasn't around, I might have some reservations. When touch communicates concern and compassion, it can be a positive part of ministry. When touch starts to invade space or impose oneself, it can be a negative thing that distracts from or corrupts ministry. I do know that some Christians believe that touch itself can transmit spiritual authority in some manner (both positively and negatively). I've run into a few web sites that advocate going to a deliverance ministry if anyone questionable has ever laid hands on you to pray for you. I've run into other Christians that believe that prayers for people are more effective if accompanied by laying on of hands. To be honest, I bounce back and forth on this. There are times I feel that touch is primarily a way of communicating more deeply with another person than words. There are times I feel that touch does somehow transmit something spiritual and that the act of laying of hands does do something. One of the things I do when I feel God is leading me to do something risky is to ask for confirmation. I recall once I felt like God wanted me to go up to a young lady in a campus ministry group and tell her something. I prayed a silent "okay God, if that's you, let her move off someplace I can talk to her privately." She was normally inseparable from her boyfriend, but as I finished that prayer, she walked over by herself to the book table at the side of the room which in a rare moment was vacant. I went over, said, "This may sound really stupid, but I think God wanted me to tell you ....". Her reaction was that she almost started crying. God knew what she needed to hear and set up a situation where I could safely and privately (in the middle of a crowd) deliver the message. If any Christian is following God's leading (and He is clearing the way for any interactions), I think there will be positive spiritual consequences. I've had times where I thought God wanted me to do something that doors clearly opened to do it. I've had other times where doors did not open so I backed off assuming that I may have been wrong about it. Perhaps I missed an opportunity for ministry, but I think it more likely I was just thinking something was a good idea to me. It's all part of the great adventure of life in following where God is taking us. If every encounter and thing we were to do was completely ordinary and always followed what we expected, we could just follow some simple rules and never need to depend on God for guidance. It is those times where we have no clue what we should do that we learn more about following God. For me, laying on hands at times fits that category. There are times (not that common) I've felt like there is an important reason to do so and that there is something spiritually vital about it. There are times (more often) I've felt like it's just another extension of human communication where I am reaching out as part of a feeling of compassion and care as I pray for someone.1 point
Could you explain that comment giving scripture and verse.. John 3:18 He that believeth on Him is not condemned ; but he that believeth not is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God Judgement of unbelievers 2nd Cor 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that everyone may receive the things done in his body according to what he hath done whether it be good or bad. Judgement of believers1 point
Satan may well be a formitable enemy to us, but not to God.... not in the least.1 point
Home assemblies of Christ's own cannot possibly have the issues and apostasies big churches must and always do and will have. ...so the big church annexed all home assemblies and turned them into fatuous foie gras. All?1 point
Why the sarcasm ? Judgement begins at the household of God. But that is talking about something else. We must all appear before the judgement of christ. Obviously that day to receive rewards or rebuke.1 point
Don't know what to say, except that I'll pray for you. I'm unmarried, so I can't give much advice. However, 1 Corinthians 13 and latter part of Ephesians 5 describe what love and Christian marriage are like. Do you know or talk to other married couples at your church about your situation? If God has put you and your wife together, then surely this marriage means to last. Maybe revisit places where you guys first met, fell in love, or liked, or recall happy memories together? I get these ideas from the Christians novels I've read about overcoming marital struggles. Above all things, pray for both yourself and her, and continue to love her even if she shows little interest. Be strong, brother.1 point
Does Right Division Cause Church Division? http://graceambassadors.com/faq/right-division-cause-church-division How important is it to make a stand for mid-acts Pauline dispensational right division? When people are first shown the truth of the Bible and the widespread error that is being taught, they realize that if they make a stand for sound doctrine they may be causing division among an already divided Body of Christ. The typical response is: “How important is standing for sound doctrine when many churches and organizations do so much good in the community and the world. Wouldn’t we help more people if we simply remained silent and operated out of peace and love instead of divisive doctrine? After all, we can accomplish a lot more if we work together.“ This ecumenical motivation is well-intentioned when it desires to see the expanding the influence of the church. However, the expanstion comes at the cost of a very special commodity – sound doctrine. Ignoring the supremacy of doctrine is ignoring God’s order for peace. Peace will ultimately reign forever on earth, but only when the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, returns to establish it: “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever.” – Isaiah 9:7 Notice that the worldwide peace is established by judgment, not by compromise. That is, the whole world will know the truth after they are judged by the standard of Truth, God himself. Only after truth is instituted will worldwide peace be established. God is never willing to sacrifice truth for peace, doctrine for compromise. Jesus himself, realizing that truth and doctrine comes before peace said: “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:” – Luke 12:51 In the dispensation of Grace, Paul instructs us to avoid those which cause division “contrary to the doctrine”: “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.” – Romans 16:17 Again in 1 Timothy 6:4-5, Paul instructs us to withdraw from those who consent not to the doctrine: “If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;He is proud, knowing nothing, … from such withdraw thyself. ” – 1 Timothy 6:3-5 It is only after he teaches the doctrine of Ephesians chapters 1,2, and 3 that Paul says in chapter 4:3: “Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” – Ephesians 4:3 It is first that Paul instructs Timothy to teach “no other doctrine”: “As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine,” – 1 Timothy 1:3 Then after this strong charge, he tells Timothy to “lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” in chapter 2:2. So then, it is very important to understand that we should not become argumentative, angry, hateful, or divisive. However, to follow God’s order for peace, we are charged to defend sound doctrine. God’s peace comes from like-minded believers who unite through an understanding of God’s Word. Thus we are instructed to: “Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.” – 2 Tim 1:131 point
Hi Christine, I hear you sister, however did you know that the threads are for discussion and the blogs are for what Patrick jane is downloading. regards, Marilyn.1 point
@Still Alive I understand there is a possibility that God's plan may be to remove her from this situation, which would be akin to what you have experienced. However, I still believe that my role in this transformation is to bring her closer to God. She admitted in couples counseling this week that her spiritual faith is not that strong. She believes in God and goes to church, but she hasn't turned her life over to Jesus completely. Her spirituality is repressed, she will not pray with me, and gets uncomfortable when Christianity is expressed vocally outside of church. On the positive side, she has been scheduling and attending her own individual counseling sessions. She reports things are getting better and she seems much happier lately. We are scheduling a lot of dates with and without the kids, plus we have more vacations planned on the horizon. There has been no fighting at all for weeks. She has stopped picking fights with me for no reason and being hyper-critical. Maybe this is a sign of things to come.1 point
The good news is that you are still together. The bad news is that this reminds me a lot of my first marriage, especially the part about your wife's attitude. A very brief background: After 20 years and having three daughters, aged 10, 13 and 16 at the time, my wife decided I was abusive. This was 21 years ago. No, I wasn't abusive. She was just learning about abuse in a church class about abuse. But to appease her and save our marriage, I went to all sorts of classes, counceling, read books, etc. Nothing workded and, it became clear after all the learning, that SHE was the abusive one and had been projecting. This was also in the days of repressed memories that turned out to be FALSE memories. That played into it as well. But here is what I learned, and it has served me and my current wife of over 20 years now very well. And I'm speaking to all married people, not just you: Love is an action and love is a decision. All people are loveable and hateable. If you fall out of love with a person it is on you, not them. As a married person, your JOB is to put your spous's needs before your own. But this doesn't mean being their lap dog. In a "perfect" marriage, it means the man uses his strengths for his wife, and the wife uses her strengths for the husband. And when you put your spouses needs first, an amazing thing happens - your love for them increases. However, if they are "hell bent" on not doing it and, truth be told, already checked out of the marriage, what will happen is your putting them first will quite literally push them away to the point where they leave. This is what happened to me. And only three weeks later I found the love of my life. She is my best friend. I call her "sister, mother, daughter, lover, wife" because she is, in a way, all of those things to me. We are a single unit. We pray together every single day and one part of that prayer is that our love for each other grows. And how has that worked out? If love was money, originally we had $10,000 and wanted to be millionaires. Well, we are now billionaires and, honestly, we see no reason we can't strive for trillionaire. And, frankly, I didn't think one could feel this strongly about another human being. Sometimes I look at her and she is so precious that I just start tearing up. Sometimes she sees me do it. Do you have any idea how loved that makes her feel? And she is loved that much. Heck, I'm tearing up just typing this. Stay in the lord. It gets better, regardless of who he has for you. It may be your wife, or she may leave and it may be someone else. It's better if it's your wife, but that's up to her. Your showing your love for her is up to you.1 point
Hi onedirection, Being a woman myself I can understand that your wife doesn`t really want to have to tell you what to do. Rather she wants YOU to start saying how you appreciate her, (& be specific) & to acknowledge what she does, etc. Don`t be clingy, but say those things at appropriate times and then move on. Perhaps if you thought about, and even wrote what things you like, appreciate about your wife, then you will be prepared for different times. You may be doing these things but are you `patient,` as she asked. Your wife did give you - be positive, patient, and to build up her self-esteem. So....there is your guide, just practice and practice.....and as God changes you, then she will notice. Key here is YOU being changed, & not just getting more religious. regards, Marilyn.1 point
Yowm beat me to it. Above all else, pray, fervently, daily, ceaselessly. No one can truly come to God unless they are called. The Spirit needs to work powerfully in your wife's heart to draw her to the truth. Pray pray pray that God will soften her hear to Himself and the Bible first, and you as well. Pray that God gives you the opening to be a Biblical husband. Might I also recommend you look up Voddie Baucham's "Love and Marriage" sermon on Youtube? It's a powerful unpacking of what Biblical marriage is really supposed to be. I would start by watching it yourself, and then waiting for the right time to try to get your wife to watch it once her heart is more open. God bless you richly! Also, don't go this alone; I would suggest you post about this in the prayer forum as well, many of us would be happy to pray for you and your wife daily!1 point
The ultimate Christian fiction book I think I have ever read is The Shack. Like the Bible, it certainly is no example of literary excellence, but it spoke to me (and thousands of others) just as clearly.0 points