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Christian Poetry and Song Lyrics
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tiggersp6083 joined the club
Beautifully written. Thanks for sharing.
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AnnaGrace joined the club
Emmy1986 joined the club
The Same. Why do you participate in a pagan festival, and believe that I think it's normal? Haven't you read My Word which says, that I hate and abhor the pagan's ways? Do you really think I have changed My mind today, that I should approve the pagan's custom and way? I Am yesterday, today and forever the same, so you who participate in the pagan's customs I blame, cause you think it's ok by Me, and don't wanna bother to see, that in Mine eyes it's all an abomination, that's why you should avoid such participation! You say you love Me dearly, then you should know Me clearly, that I don't want you to be equal to the world, but to obey and be one with My Word! So, come now, and repent your heart to Me, I will forgive you once again, you see, cause I who bought you with such an high price, want you to be separate, you must realize.
Innocent Stephen joined the club
May He bless you and your family and keep you in Himself to the end 🔚.
Shalom Johann Pretorius, and thank you for the shares. May the Lord help us to walk in both Holiness and Godliness on the narrow path Home to Heaven. Amiina! 🙏🏽
cocoacashew joined the club
No matter what! * If your skin is black, white, yellow or brown ~ I love you! * If you're small, medium or large ~ I love you! * If you have much or less freckles ~ I love you! * If you have black, brown, red, grey or white hair, and if it is curly or plain ~ I love you! * If your eyes are blue, green, brown, rounded or slanted ~ I love you! * If your heart, your nose or anything else were broken ~ I love you! * If you have teeth or not ~ I love you! * So, you see, I love you no matter what! with the Love of the Lord. 😊 24.04.22.
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Abba Father! I can call You Abba Father! Such amazing Grace from Above, that You for me did bestow. My Abba Father You have been for many years ; cared for me and wiped away my tears. I'm dwelling between Your shoulders, each and every day ; and You give me all I need to walk on the narrow way. I don't need to fear about tomorrow, for pain, for trial or test or sorrow ; for You, my loving Abba Father care for me ; my days, months, years and eternity! So, I thank You for Your mercy and Love ; as I before Your Throne bow. As the apple of Your eye You'll keep me, until I reach my eternity. 16.04.2022.
(I got a new poem today) Forever. When I think about forever ; my eternity Up There, it is getting lighter, my suffering down here. One thousand years are for You but a day; be patient and endure to the end, I hear You say. I've got a glimpse of Heaven, Where forever I'll praise Your Name, There it will be no sorrow, no agony, tears or pain. Thank You for Golgotha, where You paid for my eternity ; for Your cross, Your life, Your blood and agony. You live today, Lord, and forever and ever; praying for me, as You want us to be together. 24.03.2022.
Only Your Love! Without Your Love, Lord, it doesn't gain, it's just in vain! I can understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and have faith to remove mountains ; -but without Your Love, Lord, it doesn't gain, it's just in vain! I can bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and give my body to be burned ; -but without Your Love, Lord, it doesn't gain, it's just in vain! I can use all my skills in every way, and help others to do the same ; -but without Your Love, Lord, it doesn't gain, it's just in vain! 18.10.2020.
Andre075 joined the club
Take off your mask! Precious valuable woman, why do you paint your face like that today, while you really long to live in a Godly way? Can't you see that it doesn't gain, and it's just in vain? You don't need to put on a painted mask, my dear ; as you're already beautiful without, that's clear! So, wash your face and throw the painting into the bin, and remember that the beauty also comes from within! ☺️ 18.10.2020.
For your best. I Am love, but also a consuming fire! For you to know this, is My desire. So you can love what I love, and hate what I hate, walking on the narrow path to Heaven, and enter into the small gate! Don't be discouraged ; when I in My love, chastise or put your faith to a test; cause it is always for your best. As I want your faith to grow stronger ; and you to endure even longer! To be able to stand against all evil and temptation ; walking in My Spirit and in sanctification. Then you'll be salt and light ; and the world will see what is right. How I want My children to be, the world then will clearly see.
You set me free! I try to be a hearer of Your Word, but I wanna be a doer of it, too, so I don't myself betray in such a way. If I chose to walk on Your Word in faith, having confidence in all that You saith; I know that doors will open for me, so I can clearly see ; the Light from the Gospel, which will set me free! Free from the world, from myself and my will, free from whatever will draw me downhill. Free to serve You in all that I do, wait patiently still, for You to fulfill, Your loving plan and will. Free to obey You no matter the cost, die from myself as I must. Free for You to prune me from all that grieves Your heart, so we'll never be apart.
Holiness. Help me to see that You are Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord, and that You want me to be likewise in every way, each and every day! Without Holiness, I shall not enter into Your Kingdom, and I will not be able to see Your Face, as I then will walk out of Your Grace! Teach me and help me to fear You as I should - in Holy fear ; so I through Your Word can understand this very clear! Give me grace to pursue Holiness even more from now on ; so I'm not satisfied until Your work in me is done! Then I will forever see Your beautiful Face in the Heavenly place - by Your wonderful Grace! 20.10.2020.
Close to You! It's getting darker and darker in the world, Lord, each and every day ; as people choose to follow the evil one, and not walk on Your narrow way! But I choose to stay close to You, as I know You will see me through, every trial, test and tribulation, every moment, task and situation. Help me to surrender it all to You now; as I wholeheartedly wanna trust in You, with mine knees bowed. That You have full control of everything down here, and You'll provide for my care, if I only can remain still and trust in Your loving will. Then I will always have Your peace, and any fear just have to cease ; cause I know for sure and clearly, that You love me dearly! 30.09.2020.
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I will not worry! Lord, I clearly see, that when I live a Godly life in You, I persecuted will be. For Your Name's sake I will be hated, abhorred and despised, and some will try to destroy me, cause I don't compromise. Help me to stay firm on Your Word now, so I will not allow myself to their lies bow! Help me to be faithful unto death for You, as You have promised to see me through. Why should I fear for my life down here, when my Home is with You up there? One day at a time, You want me to take, for sure, and not worry about anything anymore. So I lay my life in Your loving care today, and decide to trust You in every way! 04.10.2020.
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Such Love! I've heard that some believe in, that because You're the Son of Elohim, You suffered less, during Your distress. But then, they completely forget, that You're the Son of man, yet; Which learned obedience through all Your sufferings, but always without any sins! Thank You, Lord, that during Your life down here, You stood against all kind of temptation, to prepare a way for my salvation! I'm so grateful for those precious Words in the garden of Gethsemane, in the middle of Your agony ; "Abba Father....not as I will, but as You will!" Nobody took Your life, Lord, but You gave it freely, went through all the pain, scorn and slaughter, because You love us dearly! How can I ever comprehend such Love, which eternal life did bestow?! All I can do, is believe and receive, forever praise Your Name ; which salvation for me became!
One second! My eternity is only one second away! I've been thinking of that today. And that the Lord many years ago heard my cry, when I was straying in the pig-sty! I confessed it all to Him, asked Him to forgive my sin. He forgave me once again! HalleluYah and Amen! Suddenly I did realize, that I was bought with an huge price! Godly fear entered into my heart, for never ever to depart! Now, I wanna cling to His heart every day, walking on the narrow way; so every second I ready can be, to face my eternity!
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Wake us up! Abba Father, I know that I'm living in the apostasy last years ; where the congregations mainly seek what's itching their ears, to what makes them laugh, and not what brings forth tears! Tears of repentance, a grief of their sin, tears for the unsaved, the lost in the world within! Therefore, there's culture and entertainment, instead of penance and lament! Please send an urgent wake up call over us all! So we can be both salt and light, before their sight! Walking in Your sanctification and holiness, giving You our all, and nothing less! Having a remorsefully and contrite heart ; and from all which displease You depart! Taking our cross up each and every day, walking on this narrow way. Pursuing Your will and endless Love, awaiting with hope, the eternal life You will bestow! Teach us to soar like an eagle up there, in the spiritual atmosphere ; so we can see things through Your eyes, and always be able to expose the lies.
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He gave me harmony! When I was a little girl of age, something bad was done to me, that caused so much damage, as that little girl's heart broke into sadness, by some adult's madness! The abuse gave me many years of agony, until I surrendered my life to the Lord, and found myself in harmony. Finally I understood that He always had loved me, and He had felt the pain I felt ; that made my heart melt. He helped me to forgive the abusers, as His love for me changed my heart for real, and He little by little the wounds would heal. Today, my heart aches for those who have gone through the same, and thought it was some adult's game. I pray for them with deep compassion and sorrow, as I hope for them a better tomorrow ; and that they will turn to the Lord with all their agony, as He is the only One who can give them harmony! 25.12.2020.
My testimony. "Today is the day of salvation!" I got this Divine information, while participating in a service as a young woman of age, when I still was in the adversary's cage. The preacher called us forward, to repent and receive the Lord, but I sat there as a coward, didn't dare to get on board! Suddenly, these words he did share, "There's a young woman here, which desires to come forward, but you do not dare. Come now, and let the Lord come in, so He finally can remove your sin! It is in His loving will, so His plan for you He may fulfill." Immediately, I knew it was to me, and at this time I was very shy, you see. But I just felt a Divine power and boldness, urging me up and forward, overcoming my cowardness! That glorious even, I invited The Lord into my heart, and He has promised to never be apart. He filled me with His marvelous peace, so that all the fear within me had to cease. Some time after this, I did realize, that in The Holy Spirit I should baptize; receive His power into my life, so I not in my own strength had to strife. One even in prayer I sat, I considered that it all for me was pat. So I started to thank Him that He had given it to me, before it had come to be. Suddenly a new language I felt inside of me, urging me to let it free. So I opened my mouth and let it come out! Oh, such glorious release, full of His love, joy and peace! At last, bornagain I had became ; a new creation in the Lord, never again the same! I felt so vividly alive then, just as a brand new woman. Was it really so simple? I recall; it is amazing Grace above all!
Ani Tefillah joined the club
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josefina.turunen@gmail.com joined the club
Nykenji35 joined the club
Brianna14 joined the club
Care to share your fantasy (!?!): fairy tale deft. Back to reality (?!?); God's never left. 73GKJB20 2 Corinthians 10:5 King James Version (KJV) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Havenns joined the club
Friend, do you know the Lord so good, holy and true The one and only God-man Jesus who died for you? He came to earth and faced every test Lived a life of holiness, purity, power and best His followers later deserted him but he kept on Following the Father's will till the salvation and atonement was won Not just this, but think about how much suffering, the man called the man of sorrows did he take so that he could God's children make His blood poured out for sinners like you and me Oh believe in Him and His atonement and from sin's debt be free Yes, He won the battle and died and rose from the dead As the true witnesses said He is now in Heaven, at the right had of God the Father's side Oh friend, believe in Jesus today, if you have not yet, and you will be one day at the Lord's reside. Oh how wonderful and true That Jesus did all this and died for me and you! Praise to the Lord most Holy.
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bill f. joined the club
Beatrix87 joined the club
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Diana06 joined the club
Isaiah 12 New International Version (NIV) Songs of Praise 12 In that day you will say: “I will praise you, Lord. Although you were angry with me, your anger has turned away and you have comforted me. 2 Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord himself, is my strength and my defense[a]; he has become my salvation.” 3 With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. 4 In that day you will say: “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted. 5 Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world. 6 Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel among you.”
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KPaulG joined the club
davidkenya joined the club
Chaplain Richard joined the club
When you are sad and lonely. and it seem that no body cares. when your heart is broken,and your mind is full of fears. When you don’t know where to go, and you think your all alone. Turn to God. with all your heart, all your mind and, soul.He is The One has all the answers, He’ll erase your doubts and calm all your fears,hold you closes to him and, wipe away your tears!
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can you post any poems about God here or just ones that famous people wrote?