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Introduction: Hebraic Roots Pre-Wrath



Index and summaries of all articles is here: https://www.worthychristianforums.com/blogs/entry/1403-index-and-summaries-of-articles/


By the mouth of two or three witnesses may every word be established.”  Matt. 18:16; 2 Cor. 13:1; Deut. 19:15; etc.

Most Christians know that the story of the First Coming of Christ was revealed in “types and shadows”–allegories– in the Old Testament. One such allegory was Abraham offering up in sacrifice his “only son” Isaac, at or near the place Jesus was later crucified. Another example is the whole Mosaic Passover symbolism of a slain lamb.

God staged these and other OT stories to portray the sacrificial Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, God´s “only begotten son.” “Christ our Passover [Lamb] was sacrificed for us.” Gen. 22; Ex. 12; 1 Cor. 5:7 

What few Christians realize is the extent to which God likewise used Old Testament allegory to reveal and prophesy about the Second Coming of Christ.

Now, according to Divine Law, there must be at least two witnesses to establish a matter. In this blog you will find a series of articles/witnesses, all rooted in biblical and other ancient Hebraic sources, that are in agreement. They establish, in quite a bit of detail, the true order of events of the End Times. All the Old Testament allegories about the Second Coming unequivocably agree: they all portray the doctrine known as Post-Trib, Pre-Wrath, 6th Seal.

Gentile Church Versus Hebrew Prophecy

God revealed His foreknowledge about the First and Second Comings by means of His people, the Hebrews, the children of Israel. Yet most of Israel “were blinded” (Rom. 11:7) as to the identity of Yeshua being their Messiah, and to the allegorical meaning of their own history. Only to Paul did the Lord reveal deep understanding of these allegories. And only to John did the Lord provide His extensive Revelation of the Latter Days.

By the end of the first century A.D., the Church had become a predominantly Gentile institution in both membership and culture. Lacking a Hebraic background, its leaders began to view OT history as only history, and OT prophecy as being opaque, because these Gentiles had little understanding in the subtleties of the Hebrew language–they read the Scriptures in Greek–and next to no knowledge of Jewish lore.

Henceforward, the Church became ever more cut off from the Hebraic roots of “the faith which was once delivered to the [Hebrew/Israelite] saints.” Jude 3 By the mid-fourth century A.D., Gentile Church leaders had banned the observance of the Hebrew Sabbath and Feast Days, although all of these contain prophetic significance. Separated from its Hebraic roots, the Gentile Church had regressed until even the prophetic mysteries that Paul taught had become opaque–and about the meaning of the Revelation they were clueless.

Now, once again viewed through Hebraic lenses, the Hebraic prophecies are able to be understood as originally intended.

I highly recommend that readers print out and carefully study out the posts to follow. These are complex teachings, not easily grasped by a surface reading. The fourth post, the Crib Sheet, is the shortest  and simplest.




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