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Jesus - Jesus the Lord.

Marilyn C


Jesus the Lord.


Lord – This office is held by one who has the right to administer in some sphere or capacity. It could be national, social, or spiritual.

It is also the executive part of the government, carrying the laws into effect. It is the exercise of power and can be signing and sealing of laws.

Thus, the Lordship of Jesus is not just a name but a title carrying authority and power.

`…He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords. `    (1 Tim. 6: 15)

The Lord`s superlative office, Lord of lords, entitles Him to supreme administrative power over all other authorities.

…`Jesus Christ – He is Lord of all.` (Acts 10: 36)

Jesus is Lord in every sphere of rule, every realm of power, in every dominion, every empire, every kingdom, every government, and in every administration.


The Lord made some massive claims during His earthly ministration and declared He had power –

-         over all flesh, (John 17: 2)

-         over all the powers of the enemy, (Luke 10: 19),

-         and over all that are in the graves (John 5: 25).


He is Lord of the Living and the dead (Rom. 14: 8 & 9) and has power to raise the dead. (Rev. 20: 12 & 13) He outlives all other administrations and all other authorities. Jesus is -

Lord of glory. (1 Cor. 2: 8)

Lord of creation. (Heb. 1: 10)

Lord of all racially. (Acts 10: 34 - 36)

Lord of the Harvest. (Matt. 9: 38)

Lord of resurrection power. (John 11: 25)

Lord of heaven and earth. (Acts 17: 24)

The Lord Jesus is always mindful of details in dispensing both justice and mercy.

Whenever we dwell on the capabilities of the Lord Jesus, His foresight, His great insight, and oversight over all, assures us that He is truly Lord of Lords.





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