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Ten Power Exhortations - January 23, 2018

Run to Him and He will refresh, refill, and revive you! Psalm 23:5-6 says, "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows....I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." (NASB)
As you run to Jesus, and dive into your pursuit after Him, He will most definitely pour out His Spirit and presence on you like never before. He has a banquet feast waiting for you, which includes the new wine and manna of Heaven (also known as His joy, His PRESENCE, and His Word).




My job is to win the lost to Jesus Christ. There is life coming out of me wherever I go.




John 17:16,17 - "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth."

We've been placed in another world; our citizenship is in heaven.
We are to live by heavenly principles, and one of those principles is that of framing our world with the word of God.
We don't confess what we don't have--we confess what we desire to have.
We don't talk about what we can't do--we talk about what we can do through Christ who strengthens us.
God has done His part -- He sent Jesus.




No one wants to make another trip through the wilderness. This is not a time to walk in circles. We are to walk with a true goal, aim, and purpose, making the most of each occasion, because we know the time is short (see Ephesians 5:14-17). Paul, the apostle, instructs us to walk purposefully toward one true goal -- God's PURPOSE for our life (see Philippians 3:12-16).




If you think Jesus won't heal you, you're wrong. He'll do anything scriptural for you.




"Be still and know that He is God" (see Psalm 46:10-11). Behold the Heavens--they will clearly speak the Lord's message. As release of revelation increases, we ask for our spiritual ears and eyes to be opened (see Ephesians 1:17-18).
Can you feel the depth of God’s heart calling to you in this season? Can you feel the depth of your spirit desiring Him more than your next breath? Launch out , and launch into Him. It is in this place that your wilderness becomes a fruitful field.




The same power that raised Jesus from the dead enables me to rise out of my adverse circumstances and step into the purposes of God for my life.




Get a vision from God and step out to do something with it. Don't be like the wicked and lazy servant who can't see beyond himself. (Matthew 25:24-30)

"So I was afraid and I went and hid your talent in the ground"...But the master answered him, 'You wicked and slothful servant!' - Matthew 25:25-26

We are to use the ability of God in our life to serve and disciple those who are new believers so that the Body of Christ might be whole.




In Psalm 81:10 God challenges us with these words, "Open wide your mouth and I will fill it!"   What will God fill our mouths with? This is not about God giving you food. The Hebrew text actually reads, "Open wide your mouth and I will FULFILL it!"
God wants to FILL our mouths with HIS Word then FULFILL it when they speak it forth! Get ready...now is the time to "Arise and Shine" with the Word of the Lord in our mouth. We come to see the folly of being consumed with hobbies, hype, and hiding our faults. We are consumed with holiness and declaring the Word....embracing the required expectation.



I consider Jesus the author and finisher of my faith. I consider Him instead of the cares of this world.



God came as fire in the burning bush for Moses because God wanted to do so. Jesus said “I am come to scatter fire on earth” (Luke 12:49). We were never intended to be anything else but burning bushes from which God will speak. A church too is – or should be – a burning bush. People then are attracted and hear God’s voice.



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