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A study into biblical masculinity

Entries in this blog

The League of Savage Gentlemen: Nehemiah

This weeks study, is on someone whom many may associate as a gentleman, but not as savage. And he was not, at least not to the common definition of the word. He waged no wars, nor was he rebellious, nor was a violent man. This man is Nehemiah.      See, Nehemiah was not a king. Nor a warrior. He lived in persia, under the king King Artaxerxes while the Israelites were in exhile. He was also the cup bearer. The cup bearer was a special job-it was only given to someone the king trusted implic



The League of Savage Gentleman: Joshua, man of Honor

As some of you read last week, I have decided to do a series of bible studies on what it means to be a "Savage Gentlemen" using men whom I think, fit that description form the Bible. If you want to see my first one, you can visit my blog (I will be posting these to by blog as well, but want to put it here first for discussion) Last week, I focused on King David, this week I am focusing on Joshua.    Joshua, was one of the only two men who left Egypt who managed to set foot in the promised l



The League of Savage Gentleman

I was browsing facebook last week (I know, scary business) and I came across this group, with the name "the League of Savage Gentlemen" without really, any description. Ok, now Im curious. "Savage" and "gentlemen" arn't words that I typically would put together, usually when I think of gentlemen I think of a dude in a suit walking around opening doors for ladies, and when I think of savage, I see a warrior running around slaughtering people. Well, you know me, curiosity killed the cat, I joined



The Gunfighter

The Gunfighter     Hey all, got on and realized that I started a blog, or rather blog series, last year, and never continued it, and from the feedback I got from the last one, I figured it was about time I put in my next installment, which is "The Gunfighter" Many old westerns usually have more then one, they have the hero, and a villain, and often several "allies" on both sides.    Many Gunfighters, also share traights with loners, and/or are loners. Where they differ though, is that



The Loner

The Loner     Recently, Ive been reading a lot of western novels (I know, me, read westerns) And I got to thinking, you know, there are a lot of different "characters" or types of people, in these novels, that all go together, to make the story real, and then I thought, I wondered what would happen, if I made a comparison of these different types of people, to people in the church today, and if it would be relevant. And keep in mind, many of these types, intermix, and share characteristics,



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