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A recreation and continuation of the Omegaman Chat Admin Blog, onces hosted here but lost from the server.

Entries in this blog

Thoughts of a "Climate Denier"!

I would be weary by now of being declared a climate change denier if not for the fact that I typically do not value the opinions of those who attempt to just hand out labels of derision upon others in lieu of using well researched facts to convince people of their errors. Call me what you like, being called names can be a badge of honor. Call me names, and I might ignore you, but give me facts, and I will listen - just make sure your facts are really facts, not talking points from some group or

Omegaman 3.0

Omegaman 3.0 in Thoughts

On the Significance of the Age of the Earth

On the significance of the age of the Earth Omegaman Republished from an earlier post on Feb 28, 2009 Is the Earth Old or Young ? No answers here, but some things to think about. I hear this question frequently, but I always wonder what is in the mind of the person asking the question. Is the answer to this question important, and if so, why and in what ways? An unbeliever might like to pit the conclusions of modern scientists, who almost universally hold to t


Guest in Thoughts

How I Study the Bible - One Approach

Sept. 18th, 2008 - - - Post Script - There is also a version of this post at the blog on my website which has links to online copies of the books mentioned In as much as several of you lately, and many over the years have asked how I go about Bible Study and why I think my approach is a good one, I have decided to blog on that topic. First off, I do three different types of Bible studies. Expository, topical, and word studies. As I define the terms, an expository study is one were


Guest in Thoughts

So, what about Xmas?

No, this is not going to be one of those passionate controversies that some Christians get into, trying either defend their practice of having a Christmas tree, or alternatively trying to play Holy Spirit to someone about how they have been deceived by some Druid demon because Christmas if based in paganism. No, this one is about the word "Xmas"! Someone recently pointed out to me, that there is always "Xmas", and how some (especially Christians) do not like that term, as it seems to t

Omegaman 3.0

Omegaman 3.0 in Xmas

How Then Shall We Live?

How, Then, Shall We Live? (Luke 22:31-38) Our job in this life is to serve the Lord - Love Him, Obey Him Practically, we should be telling others about Jesus, - the Gospel We should be doing his will -  part of that if becoming familiar with His will. That involves a life of reading His word - the clearest way to hear his voice, and we should be praying, talking to God. We cannot have much or a relationship without two way communication. We need to love others. We do tha

Omegaman 3.0

Omegaman 3.0 in Christian Living

Whose will is it anyway? Thoughts on free will!

Omegaman 3.0 – August 21st, 2020 Pardon me for this, I know ahead of time that it will be long-winded, if not a bit convoluted and wandering, I write as I think here, this is what I think a blog is mostly for, expressing thoughts, writing them down. Whose will is it anyway? Today I was thinking about the issue of free will, and what that means, and what it doesn’t mean. I want to say from the onset that I do not know the answers to those wonders, but it is also not the first t

Omegaman 3.0

Omegaman 3.0 in Thoughts

Does the unbeliever suffer eternally after death?

The topic was created in the Worthy Christian Forums, in a thread proposing the the soul is not immortal. People have varying opinions about that, and I decided to add some balance, and offer some food for though, this is what I wrote:      I would like to think that sinners do not suffer ECT (Eternal Conscious Torment). That was what I believed when I was an Atheist, and I was quite comfortable with that. Going to sleep and never waking up was fine.      When I became a Christian, thi

Omegaman 3.0

Omegaman 3.0 in Thoughts

Thoughts on "Can a believer Lose Salvation"

I was responding to  person with whom I was having a dialogue in a private message here, and I realized that in my typical, long winded fashion, that maybe it should be the subject of one of my blog posts, so here it goes. If I understood what the person was saying, it could be summarized like this: A person is saved by grace, through faith, and that subsequent to that, they can be lost, if they sinned and failed to confess and repent. What I am saying In contrst) is that a person

Omegaman 3.0

Omegaman 3.0

How I view what I do as an administrator on the forums, am I too lenient?

Someone recently had some criticism to express about how some of us charged with administering the forums conduct our tasks there. Their criticism is not without merit,  and it expressed  largely the idea, that we administrators are too tolerant of heretics and have a higher accountability to God than to allow that. I realize that he was not alone in that opinion, and because of that, I decided to offer some thoughts about that here in my blog. I am accountable to God, and I agree that as a

Omegaman 3.0

Omegaman 3.0 in Thoughts

Numerical probability thoughts on God's existence

First published on September 3rd, 2010 Let’s try an experiment. Choose a number between 1 and 48.  Don’t over-think it, the number should be random, as though you drew it out of a hat. Write it down. Next, choose  some letter of the alphabet, either upper case or lower case, or choose a space instead of a letter, but make it something random, with no reason for your choice. Write that choice down also. Now, consider the following sentence:

Omegaman 3.0

Omegaman 3.0

Do you want to know what love is?

With what sort of love? Omegaman 3.0    6/5/2019   I recently posted in a thread at Worthy Christian Forums, where there seemed to be some disagreement about the nature of the kind of love that Christians are supposed to have. There also seemed to be some disagreement  and even questions about whether or not some to the Bible’s statements contradict each other on this topic. I felt compelled to chime in. Not to toot my own horn, but as I developed my reply,  I thought some of

Omegaman 3.0

Omegaman 3.0

A funny thing happened on the way to church

I am a poor steward of my body at times, probably most of the time. One of the ways in which this is true, is that I tend to avoid sleep. It is not something that I plan to do, I just often have too many things that I want to do. I usually plan to go to bed a little past midnight, especially on Saturday night, since I have church in the morning. Last night (Saturday – well early Sunday really) was no exception. However, I have done this several days in a row, and the lack of sleep is catchi

Omegaman 3.0

Omegaman 3.0

Things the Bible does not say about the end times.

Someone who read this list elsewhere, suggested that I post this in my blog, so here it is: Things some people say (which the Bible DOES NOT) about the End Times   Notice, that this list, does not establish any end times theory, it tries to prove nothing. It does not even attack a theory, or attempt to refute one.    What it does attempt to do, is to get people to ask themselves, why they believe certain things, that the Bible never says.   So basically, in between t

Omegaman 3.0

Omegaman 3.0

Division and Denominations

Why is the church divided by denominations? Posted by Omegaman 2.0 on the September 4th, 2007 Why are there so many denominations? Why is the church divided? I see these questions occasionally in chat. They are good questions. It is a question Christians have, especially new believers trying to choose their first church. It is a question non-believers have too. For them, it is evidence that Christians cannot even agree on what the Bible



2000 Posts! Wait, 2000 posts?

Today I posted my 2000th post on Worthy Christian Forums. This is a milestone I have been somewhat regretting, There was a time, when hitting the milestone of 1000 posts, indicated to me, that I had no life, was spending far too much time online. On the one hand, let's say I spent 10 minutes on average for each post. I suspect my posts usually take far longer than that, but just for fun, 10 minutes it is. Ten minutes times 2000, it 20,000 minutes. That is 333 hours and 20 minutes. Another w



The Christian and the Tithe - a Biblical examination

For as long as I have attended church, it seems to me that I have heard the phrase "tithes and offerings". Sometimes, I have heard the word "gifts" used. In most of these cases, it has been about putting money in a plate, a basket or sometimes a cloth bag. Over the years, I have heard my share of sermons on the importance of tithing. I had attended churches, when I was not even a believer, and when the plate came around, felt a bit uncomfortable, partially because I had no idea what was customar



Before Resurrection Day

This time of year, I seem to have developed a personal tradition here on Worthy, of drawing attention to a topic of mine, for the purpose of drawing attention to an aspect of His crucifixion. I have not done it in this blog before, and since it has been a while since I have posted in this blog, I guess I will do this here. What "this" is, is a study based on Matthew 27 and Psalm 22. There is a video version: and there is a text version:



Diet and exercise as a way to lose weight

Update 7/11/15 In addition to what I wrote below: I just made a web page where you can estimate approximate calories burned with a few common type of exercise.   Update 7/18.2015 I bought a Marcy Stationary Fan exercise bicycle last week. I must say, getting it out of the box and assembling it, was a fair amount of exercise itself. It seems to be well made, and it does indeed let me burn some calories, and not in an unpleasant way. I like that it is easy to use, and keeps count of things, lik



Are you a poor American?

Are you a poor American? The following is a copy of a blog entry I (Omegaman) made at Worthy Ministries in 2007, and some of the responses it provoked. Since this was published so long ago, many of the links will no longer function. Poverty in America I realize that many reading this are not in America, nor are they perhaps very familiar with United States society. For those of you that are in this non - U.S. perspective, you may have to adjust the details of this blog, to mak



Things which are needful

I have been studying eschatology for more than 30 years now. Originally I believed in a pre-tribulation rapture because frankly it was the only view I had ever heard. One day I was listening to the radio and heard a man mentioning the fact that there were other views on the topic. This got my curiosity up and I decided to study the Bible myself and see if I could discover what the Bible itself actually taught about these things. I was really serious about it. The method I chose to employ wa



Why I conclude the Rapture will follow the Great Tribulation

The Post-trib position in a nutshell compared with the Bible A short bible study on a topic that some want to make way too complicated - Omegaman Post-Trib Belief What the Bible (NASB) Says The software here makes formatting difficult. There is an easier to read version if you prefer   There will be a time of trouble Jesus called birth pangs 6 You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is no


Guest in Thoughts

Is Social Security a Ponzi Scheme?

I think I originally posted this as a regular post. Later, the worthy news bot published it. However, it definetly qualifies as one of my rants, so I am republishing it in my blog, Also, if you read it, and want to reply, you might want to do so in the where some have already replied. Is Social Security a Ponzi Scheme? Reading a lot of forum comments, I see that when Rick Perry referred to Social Security as a Ponzi Scheme, that many people took exception to that characterization.



Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?

We all wonder what will happen to us after we die. When a loved one dies, we long to see him or her again after our turn comes. Will we have a glorious reunion with those we love or is death the end of all consciousness? Jesus taught that life does not end after our bodies die. He made this startling claim: “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again.” According to the eyewitnesses closest to him, Jesus then demonstrat



It's My Right - (or is it?)

It’s My Right! Or is it? Everyone seems to be claiming to have this or that right these days. Lately, I have gotten into a few conversations and debates, having to do with so-called rights. Those who are familiar with my rants on topics political and social have heard me say that rights are not plucked from trees. Rights, true rights, ultimate rights, can only be dictated by our Creator. It is for His pleasure and purposes, that we exist, everything we are, everything we have, everything we



Propaganda, deception, myth, junk science, can you distinguish the truth?

Propaganda, deception, myth, junk science, can you distinguish the truth? published December 16, 2010 Notice the title carefully. It describes the subject. I will be using some examples of things that might fall into the categories above, but please remember that the examples are not the topic, the topic is about being deceived vs. discerning the truth. We are bombarded with messages from television, newspapers, magazines, movies, radio, schools, the web. Even our friends share th


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